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TheShadow - PSL Sponsored Log


May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Get Shredded!
Hey guys!

I would like to start with a heartfelt thank you to Vision and the all of the PSL team for sponsoring me and allowing me to run this log in their sub-forum.

I would also like to extend my appreciation to the community here on ASF. You guys have supported me and taught me so much over the years I have been here and for that I am extremely grateful!

For those of you who don't know me; my name is Joe, I am from the UK, I am an Online Physique Coach, Session Musician and YouTuber.

Any and all comments on any of my content, or any questions at all are ALL welcome!

Thanks guys
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Sub'd brother.

What are the stats and hows the cycle layout?
Sub'd brother.

What are the stats and hows the cycle layout?

Good evening brother and thank you for subscribing to my log. It is great to have guys such as yourself on board with me! I just posted all of that info in my most recent post. What do you think of how things are looking right now?

I have some more PSL gear on the way right now and will be adding Mast in for the first time when it lands!
Good evening brother and thank you for subscribing to my log. It is great to have guys such as yourself on board with me! I just posted all of that info in my most recent post. What do you think of how things are looking right now?

I have some more PSL gear on the way right now and will be adding Mast in for the first time when it lands!

Very nice. Test tren and m1t looks awesome man. And Mast! Rock and roll amigo :)
My brother, everyone on the team is standing behind you 110%...

We're all super excited for you, and your commitment to the lifestyle is inspiring.. Your zest and zeal, clearly shows, and your driving for improvement radiates..

I thinking I can speak for everyone when I say " we wish the best for you, and hope to see the best version of you ever, and hope you stay with it "! :)
I am def going to follow this post ..much success to you all
Nice work already Shadow :winkfinger: Your gonna do GREAT :) will be following
Subbed. Get it bro!

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It is an incredible feeling to have all of you behind me on this! Thank you all so much!
Are you really able to eat 850g carbs a day? I imagine that would be insane tiring

Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk
Are you really able to eat 850g carbs a day? I imagine that would be insane tiring

Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk

With ease mate, I am still left hungry by the end of the day too! I have a huge appetite.

I have cut my fat to just trace sources from my carbohydrate sources to see if tren has any effect on de novo lipogenesis on myself. I've seen some preliminary studies on trenbolone inhibiting de novo lipogenesis in cattle. So far my average rate of weight gain per week on the same caloric amount but a higher macronutrient split from fat and it is yet to change at all. So on my initial findings I would say (with zero certainty) that trenbolone may not have this effect on humans in the same such way.

However, we do know that excess calories from fat are readily stored at a greater rate than carbohydrate in humans.
Shadow is gonna knock this outta the park!!! We are behind you 100% all day everyday! You look amazing! Already come a long way. Now its time to take it upto a new level!!! Anything you need gimme a holla!
Shadow is gonna knock this outta the park!!! We are behind you 100% all day everyday! You look amazing! Already come a long way. Now its time to take it upto a new level!!! Anything you need gimme a holla!

Mace, my brother! Thank you so much for the encouraging words and support! I'd like to extend the sentiment right back at you, anything you ever need from me do not hesitate to ask!
Gotta say this is one great support system for your guy, I'm impressed

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Gotta say this is one great support system for your guy, I'm impressed

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

The support I have personally felt from the PSL team and the support I have witnessed them show toward all members here is outstanding!
Gotta say this is one great support system for your guy, I'm impressed

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

The support I have personally felt from the PSL team and the support I have witnessed them show toward all members here is outstanding!
That's because everyone here all shares the same common goal.. regardless of the level of fitness he/she may be at, we're all here for the same reason,self improvement, moral support and education..
These guys here at PSL have been great.!!!! Still waiting on first TD so the reason I'm posting this is because I wanted to share my experience so far with how great MaceDogg and Vision have taken care of me and my first order so far.!!! They have attended to my questions and helped me with the questions I had, and they both really make things at PSL feel like a home.!!! Mace and Vision have been great and it's nice to start getting to know Shadow as well.!!! Good luck my brother Shadow.!!! Just a big thanks to how great everything has gone so far broski's at PSL.!!!!----peace
These guys here at PSL have been great.!!!! Still waiting on first TD so the reason I'm posting this is because I wanted to share my experience so far with how great MaceDogg and Vision have taken care of me and my first order so far.!!! They have attended to my questions and helped me with the questions I had, and they both really make things at PSL feel like a home.!!! Mace and Vision have been great and it's nice to start getting to know Shadow as well.!!! Good luck my brother Shadow.!!! Just a big thanks to how great everything has gone so far broski's at PSL.!!!!----peace

Hey Steel, thanks for dropping in and for all of your kind words! They do not go unnoticed brother. Make sure to post up some pics when your pack lands and keep me in the loop with what you plan to run, your goals etc! All my best.
Get Shredded!
How much protein do we need + do steroid users require more protein?

Protein intake is a huge point of contention in our industry with so many arbitrary numbers flying around that it can be extremely difficult to make a sensible and informed decision as to how much of this macronutrient to consume. I wanted to make a quick post to demonstrate my views, include some interesting study links and anything else I can think of right now to hopefully aid some of you in making this decision!

Firstly, I do not personally endorse following the arbitrary numbers often seen such as 1.5g/lbs, 1g/lb etc. I am a believer in following an evidence based approach and looking toward what has been demonstrated in the scientific literature to be optimal for performance purposes and body composition purposes in professional level athletes, advanced trainees, college level athletes etc. It is evident by the outcomes of these studies that the number is lower than the industry would have you to believe. Please do not get me wrong, I am a fan of protein supplementation when necessary (satiety, anabolism) but when they are being pushed to promote protein needs way above what is deemed necessary then I do feel that we need to step in and look at the facts before possibly wasting our money.

I'm going to post a couple of different sets of numbers here as peoples personal goals and what they consume on a daily bases varies a great deal. Later on in this post I will dig up the relative research to support these claims.

For individuals in a calorie surplus, whom are overeating with the end goal of gaining muscle, they are going to want to consume between 1g-1.6g/kg of body weight. This equates to around 0.45-0.73g/lbs of body weight. This is not to say that you can't reap the fringe benefits of consuming more protein than this, such as appetite regulation and slowing down of digestion. However, in terms of actual muscle gains there does not seem within the research to be any additional statistically significant increase by going above and beyond this recommendation.

So what about for fat loss? Fat loss appears to be a completely different animal here, and this is one reason why setting a percentage based breakdown of your macronutrients (e.g 40/40/20) is a poor choice. These people would be consuming more protein per day on their bulk than they would in their cut, such as 40% of protein from 4000 calories vs. 40% of protein from 2800 calories. Also, as their calories came down over time, as would their protein. When you are eating in a caloric deficit, the research shows that you need to consume more protein to spare muscle tissue. The amount that you need fluctuates massively and depends on factors such as how lean you already are (less fat reserves to tap into for energy), how fast you are losing weight and how large you are running your calorie deficit. The number appears to range between 1.6-2.0g/kg of body weight. This equates to 0.73-0.91g/lbs.

At this point I would like to add the caveat that there are many additional benefits to consuming additional protein, especially when cutting, that sit outside of just what is an adequate amount for muscle tissue sparing, the most important of which in my opinion being satiation.

Some studies to support the above claims:
• Tarnopolsky et al. (1992) observed no differences in whole body protein synthesis or indexes of lean body mass in strength athletes consuming either 0.64g/lb or 1.10g/lb over a 2 week period. Protein oxidation did increase in the high protein group, indicating a nutrient overload.
• Walberg et al. (1988) found that 0.73g/lb was sufficient to maintain positive nitrogen balance in cutting weightlifters over a 7 day time period.
• Tarnopolsky et al. (1988) found that only 0.37g/lb was required to maintain positive nitrogen balance in elite bodybuilders (over 5 years of experience, possible previous use of androgens) over a 10 day period. 0.45g/lb was sufficient to maintain lean body mass in bodybuilders over a 2 week period. The authors suggested that 0.55g/lb was sufficient for bodybuilders.
• Lemon et al. (1992) found no differences in muscle mass or strength gains in novice bodybuilders consuming either 0.61g/lb or 1.19g/lb over a 4 week period. Based on nitrogen balance data, the authors recommended 0.75g/lb.
• Hoffman et al. (2006) found no differences in body composition, strength or resting hormonal concentrations in strength athletes consuming either 0.77g/lb or >0.91g/lb over a 3 month period.

So now onto the next point of contention... Do steroid users really need to consume more protein than natural athletes? I am putting myself in the firing line here, but I would like to go on record and say that to this statement I am unsure. However, to make large gains in strength and muscle mass an enhanced athlete does not need to consume the commonly prescribed 1-1.5g/lbs frequently presented by the fitness community. For any of you guys who enjoy professional bodybuilders anecdote, Dorian Yates told me personally himself whilst I was training with him in Temple Gym that when he was competing in the Olympia he tended to average around 200g of protein per day at 300lbs body weight.

So, what do the studies say? This is one of the better studies we have available to us on multiple doses of testosterone in healthy young men to study their rate of muscle gain in a controlled environment:


They placed all of the subjects in the study on 1.2g of protin per kg of body weight. These guys were not allowed to lift weights. The study demonstrates that even though protein was kept constant between all participants throughout the study, the more testosterone they put into these men, the more muscle they gained. As the dose went up, as did the muscle whilst consuming between 100-110g of protein per day. The guys in the 600mg/wk group gained 18lbs of muscle in 20 weeks. That is almost one full pound of muscle every week whilst eating 100g of protein per day and not even lifting weights! This most definitely begs the question, does any enhanced athlete really need to consume the large recommended protein amounts to see large and rapid gains in muscle mass?

With guys like DY consuming 200g per day before these ultra-high protein recommendations were pushed, and studies like the above showing 18lbs of muscle gain in 20 weeks consuming just 100g of protein per day, I ask the question: at what point for gaining muscle does anybody need to be hitting these protein recommendations of 1-1.5g/lbs and above? I would love to hear all of your opinions on this!
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That's because everyone here all shares the same common goal.. regardless of the level of fitness he/she may be at, we're all here for the same reason,self improvement, moral support and education..
This is a very unique and interesting piece of new research I just came across:


This study demonstrates that by conciously thinking about the future, i.e: “In 3 weeks, I will go to the concert with my friend. We will sit near the back so we can chat more easily. I will be feeling strong and proud of myself after having achieved my goal of going to the gym three times per week. I will be feeling excited and happy to see the band play for the first time.” Resulted in more health concious food choices.
Interesting... post it up in the nutrition board

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Good evening all, how is everybody?

I felt compelled to post a short genuine snippet of feedback on my experience with the EP M1T. I have ran M1T at this dose before but I have never felt it like this. This stuff is most certainly the real article! Vascularity, crazy fullness and strength is all up. I am struggling to deal with the massive fatigue I suffer from this compound however.

Aside from that everything is going great. Weight is still climbing at the steady rate of around 0.5-1lbs every fortnight and my lifts are slowly but surely progressing. I receive the next block of my programming in the next few days so I will post that up for you all!

Will take some tasty photos of the EP M1T when I get home. Hope you all have a great evening.
Wanna see these progress pics already!

By the way, were you always a board rep?
Wanna see these progress pics already!

By the way, were you always a board rep?

Planning one progress pic per week right now! First one is in the first page from this week brother. Remember Im doing a very slow bulk so progress will be slow and Im always looking pretty smooth from my 900g carbs a day diet!

Nope, new board rep as of Monday! Vision was kind enough to put me forward. This guy has become not only a mentor whom I greatly look up to but I would also consider him now a close friend. He is a genuine good guy with a good heart and helps many on a daily bases.

Hope you are keeping well my brother.
That's awesome awesome awesome man grats! Vision and mace are both awesome dudes.

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That's awesome awesome awesome man grats! Vision and mace are both awesome dudes.

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Thank you for all of your supportive posts on this log so far. They keep me accountable to the community to represent PSL in the best possible way and for that I am grateful.