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TheShadow - PSL Sponsored Log

I have no studies but I've been eating fresh blueberries by the carton this week. Blueberry Greek yogurt is the center of my breakfast and snack life.

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Looking good man

Thank you JR!
I wonder if there is a difference between New Zealand blueberries and the rest of the world? I doubt it. Looks like I will be adding some yummy blends to my diet!
I wonder if there is a difference between New Zealand blueberries and the rest of the world? I doubt it. Looks like I will be adding some yummy blends to my diet!

Let me know how you get on brother
I have no studies but I've been eating fresh blueberries by the carton this week. Blueberry Greek yogurt is the center of my breakfast and snack life.

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Looking good man

Nice. You know what they say about greek yogurt.. gives ya big balls and a nice shiney coat of hair!! And blue berries high in antioxidants. Nice combo..

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I wonder if there is a difference between New Zealand blueberries and the rest of the world? I doubt it. Looks like I will be adding some yummy blends to my diet!

Why do u ask cybrsage? Something done different
Nice. You know what they say about greek yogurt.. gives ya big balls and a nice shiney coat of hair!! And blue berries high in antioxidants. Nice combo..

You guys have got me craving that right now! It's 1:49am here and i'm crouched over the toilet throwing up because of a stomach ulcer. Sucks!
Sorry shadow!!. Will save the big balls and blue berries for later.. hope you feel better!!

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Thank you Mace, my mind is strong so hoping to get over this ASAP and get back to the gains!!
You guys have got me craving that right now! It's 1:49am here and i'm crouched over the toilet throwing up because of a stomach ulcer. Sucks!

:( Bummer mate, any idea on ulcer cause? Not a small issue... One common cause is copious aspirin use among bodybuilders and this has on at least one occasion been fatal, not that this necessarily is your affliction though.
:( Bummer mate, any idea on ulcer cause? Not a small issue... One common cause is copious aspirin use among bodybuilders and this has on at least one occasion been fatal, not that this necessarily is your affliction though.

No idea on actual cause man. I have always had an issue with acid reflux though, I am thinking this could have something to do with it! Never used aspirin in my life.
GHRP2+Mod GRF-129

For any anybody looking to reap the benefits of raising their serum growth hormone level, but can't afford to use pharma grade GH, this combination and the research behind it will definitely interest you!

These two peptides stimulate growth hormone in a synergistic fashion. This picture shows the results of a study comparing the use of 100mcg of GHRP2+Mod GRF-129 with 7.5iu FDA grade GH.

As you can see, due to its' short half life it does need to be dosed fairly frequently.

Get Shredded!
Three months ago I decided to create a new habit of meditating for 15 minutes upon waking using the Calm app every morning. The anecdotal benefits I noticed were keeping me focussed and present on the 'Now' and less reactive to distractions throughout the day, and the research appears to show this now also.

For example, the conclusion of this study shows brief mindfulness meditation buffers self-reported psychological stress reactivity, alongside greater cortisol reactivity during social evaluative stressors: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/24767614/

Have any of you tried incorporating brief mindfulness meditation into your daily routine, and if so, what have been your personal experiences?

Hey guys,

Aside from the informative posts, here is a personal update.

Gear is down to a cruise dose, food is way up more than usual and I am recomping nicely sitting around 200-203lbs right now. I can't share too much more as the protocol has been written up by my coach and I couldn't possibly share his great work!

Here is two weeks of back progress since working with my coach. This guy is a genius! If any body wants to know who I am working with then please contact via PM.

Hell yeah bro! What do you use from MP? I've found they are the cheapest for absolutely everything.

Yh same I've used them for years, I only use there impact whey protein and peanut butter at the moment, but I've used there bcaas, creatine, protein pancakes, l glutamine and probably a few other bits in the past.
To keep with the current peptide trend I have going on, I thought it would be worth mentioning MT2 and its' possible uses.

MT2 is a synthetic analogue of a-MSH which has in research shown to produce melanogenesis. (The part of the tanning process that causing darkening of the skin) and produce powerful aphrodisiac effects.

Unlike other peptides seen in the physique world, MT2 has no direct effect on physique enhancement other than allowing you to maintain a very dark tan without the need for excessive UV exposure.

The typical dosage protocol is to load using 500mcg/day alongside regular UV exposure until desired tan is achieved. A maintenance dose of 1mg/week with one weekly tanning session can then be employed.

I can say from anecdotal experience that I can maintain a healthy looking tan using MT2 at 1mg per week (before bed) and tanning for 6 minutes on a 0.3 sunbed the following day.

Just for fun, and to further emphasise on the extremely powerful aphrodisiac effects of MT2, here is a rat study on inducing erections through injection of MT2!


What do you mix that unflavored BCAA powder? I had pure lecutine powder before, absolutely disgusting. As little as 5g made the entire shake taste like paracetamol.
What do you mix that unflavored BCAA powder? I had pure lecutine powder before, absolutely disgusting. As little as 5g made the entire shake taste like paracetamol.

Hey bro!

Before I forget, my tapatalk is telling me I have a PM from you but it won't open, can you resend it?

My intra shake contains unflavoured BCAA's, raspberry whey isolate, waxy maize and some other stuff. Tastes like a strange raspberry milkshake. Agreed, alone they taste awful!
Getting my cell swelling/weak point training in wherever I can, LOL!

Looking good, shadow!!
It's a beautiful sunny day here in England today! Have any of you guys got the good weather where you are?

Had a great outdoor boxing session this morning, back for legs later tonight! Until then I am sat responding to clients all day, what are you guys up to?

It's a beautiful sunny day here in England today! Have any of you guys got the good weather where you are?

Had a great outdoor boxing session this morning, back for legs later tonight! Until then I am sat responding to clients all day, what are you guys up to?

hell yeah ! Nice day session. Weather looks great over there! Log is looking great. Hopefully we dont have any more rain for a few weeks, and we can share in that good weather!!
Somatostatin (a.k.a Growth Hormone Inhibiting Hormone) needs to be inhibited in order to reap the full benefits of GH releasing peptides.

We can inhibit Somatostatin release by supplementing with a Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Acetylcholinesterase inhibits acetylcholine, which in turn inhibits Somatostatin release and therefore increases the amount GH released when using peptides such as GHRP2/6, CJC etc.

Thanks to Alex Kikel, the Somatostatin inhibitor that I have found the most success with recently is Horny Goat Weed. The protocol I have used is dosing 750mg with each GH pulse of GHRP2 throughout the day.

A local PT recently offered my partner an opportunity within the industry, which he has now decided to withdraw due to her association with me. His issue is that I post content regarding PED use in physique sports.

This is a real ethical issue within our industry that is a large driving force behind the problems that we see arising from improper use. Turning a blind eye and disassociating yourself from the blatant large scale PED use within our industry in an attempt to gain more clients and uphold a greater image of yourself is massively irresponsible.

I will never condone PED use for anybody, but I will also never demonise it. We need to respect that this is a personal decision and as coaches we have a responsibility to provide constant education and research to help these individuals to use PED's in the safest way possible.

I do hope that my posts regarding PED use in the future help many of you to make smarter and healthier choices about your usage and to further your understanding of the individual pharmacokinetics of these compounds.

To the PT in question, I suggest you take a hard look at yourself and question whether your reputation and/or image is really worth more to you than the chance to make a change within our industry to help create a more open and accepting environment for everybody.

Nice picture!! And It is all politics ! Bullshit.. really!
Now if lance armstrong come into her office. Or barry bonds , Would she act the same way.. its all about the mighty dollar. She cannot find a way to use you to her benefit. She only sees the downside. You dont have famous status. Celebrity status. What about athletes that have a substance abuse history. Are they treated the same way. Alcohol abuse...etc.. smh double standards my friend. Its a horrible society we live in.
Nice picture!! And It is all politics ! Bullshit.. really!
Now if lance armstrong come into her office. Or barry bonds , Would she act the same way.. its all about the mighty dollar. She cannot find a way to use you to her benefit. She only sees the downside. You dont have famous status. Celebrity status. What about athletes that have a substance abuse history. Are they treated the same way. Alcohol abuse...etc.. smh double standards my friend. Its a horrible society we live in.

I hear you bro, it's disgusting... There are over 2 million gear users in the UK today, how can that be swept under the rug!
Personal update time...

197lbs this morning

Currently running:
300mg Test E/wk
150mg Tren E/wk
GHRP2 100mcg 3x per day
CJC w/DAC 2.5mg Mon/Thurs

This is me straight outta bed this morning: