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Luganks forces capturing NATO weapons from Ukrainians — British NLAW

IDK if there is enough "make up time" to get these soft pussies battle ready.

WW3 could be triggered by our attachment to NATO. Force us into a war. Problem is, you aren't beating up on IRAQ, Afghanistan, or some lesser country with no navy or air force to speak of....and besides which have NUKES.

Could be the end for us all. Seriously.

When you have humans in charge of weapons that can destroy the planet, it's only a matter of time before someone sets one off. God help us all.

You are absolutely right, its not a good situation at all.

I dont know the rules behind NATO but i have always felt the US gives more than others. Why cant we take a step back and let them handle it.
Heads up… wrong thread but relevant


This stupid cunt needs to keep her deranged mouth shut bc this is an act of war


"We should be beaming in Propaganda into their televisions"

This is precisely why I have been saying to everyone here, what you are seeing on TV here is not what it truly happening.

There is way way way more to all of this and people just flip on FOX and CNN and believe their is an "invasion" happening

The MSM has lied and lied horribly for years and now suddenly people are trusting them to be on the up and up in this scenario.

I can't understand for the life of me why people cannot see through this as well as everything else happening.
You are absolutely right, its not a good situation at all.

I dont know the rules behind NATO but i have always felt the US gives more than others. Why cant we take a step back and let them handle it.

From what I understand, NATO's strength lies in it's members. All the big heavy hitters. So an act against a member of NATO is an act on all. An alliance. Formed after WW2. Totaling 28 Countries now.

Supposed to help maintain stability in Europe. Russia didn't want Ukraine to be part of NATO bc they were on their border. Funny thing is if he takes Ukraine, he will be anyway. Stupid bs.

But I agree, we do far more of the heavy lifting.
"We should be beaming in Propaganda into their televisions"

This is precisely why I have been saying to everyone here, what you are seeing on TV here is not what it truly happening.

There is way way way more to all of this and people just flip on FOX and CNN and believe their is an "invasion" happening

The MSM has lied and lied horribly for years and now suddenly people are trusting them to be on the up and up in this scenario.

I can't understand for the life of me why people cannot see through this as well as everything else happening.

Are you saying russians aren't going into Kyev or planning to replace the government?

I think we will know a lot more after today.

It could be there are plenty of ppl in the Ukraine that want this to happen? IDK.

But there have been a few generations removed from the USSR and consider themselves Ukranian and not Russian. I heard 70% of the population aren't wanting this...but maybe it's bs.
Notice Russia went after Chernobyl.

Military airports/facilities

This is not an "invasion", this is a military operation.

I find it funny that when we went into Iraq to find fake weapons of mass destruction. That wasn't called an "invasion". That was a tactical humanitarian mission LMAO

Putin is destroying Biological weapons.This ultimately has to do with Covid, US gain of function, creating Covid-19, think Fauci etc.

Listen, Russia already has more nukes then anyone. They have 6,000+ that we are aware of.

If they wanted to obliterate Ukraine it could have been done in seconds.

Pay attention to what is really happening here. Also pay attention to President Trumps comments. He said Putin is "smart and savvy". He did say that right? Because Trump knows he is going after biological weapons and the corrupt US govt labs in Ukraine. This is not an attack on the Ukranian people.

  • The operation “has its goals and they need to be achieved,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian state-run media when asked when the operation would end. He did not provide a timetable.
  • Moscow is determined to “neutralize the [Ukrainian] military potential, which was boosted considerably lately, including with the active assistance of foreign nations,” Peskov continued to say, without elaborating or providing details.
  • Peskov claimed that Russia will not attempt to occupy Ukraine, a country of more than 40 million people, and said the invasion was intended to have limited goals in protecting Moscow’s interests.
  • The Russian Defense Ministry said it was not targeting cities, but using precision weapons and claimed that “there is no threat to civilian population.”

As suspected Ukraine has been waiting for this for 8 years and locals are greeting the Russian army as liberators…
Meanwhile MSM and the Western powers will still portray Putin and Russia as the bad guys. Renember that the truth tends to always be the opposite of they tell you.
War Clandestine got banned from Twitter right after posting a thread suggesting Russia is attacking US-installed bio labs in Ukraine. He cited that Russia has been accusing the US of creating bio weapons at their border. You can still read his full thread here.

Biological Threat Reduction ProgramThe U.S. Department of Defense’s Biological Threat Reduction Program collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks (deliberate,https://ua.usembassy.gov/embassy/ky...n-office/biological-threat-reduction-program/

3) Okay so we are studying the world’s most deadly pathogens at Russia’s border. It’s just for defense. Not that big of a deal right?
WRONG. I didn’t know this until today, but Russia has been accusing US of creating “bio-weapons” at their border. WHAT!


Vladimir Putin’s adviser says U.S. is developing biological weapons near RussiaNikolai Patrushev told Kommersant that the U.S. has labs by Russian and Chinese borders “reminiscent of Fort Detrick in Maryland.”https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ne...adimir-putin-biological-weapons-1581896?amp=1


4) And they have good reason to believe that, as the US NIH funded gain of function in Wuhan, then C19 “got out” and it ruined the world.
Russia AND CHINA asked the UN for the US/allies to be “checked and limited” in bio capabilities 4 months ago! WHAT!


China, Russia ask UN to check biological warfare strength of US and alliesBeijing’s envoy urges US to agree to a monitoring mechanism, continuing the finger-pointing after the nations traded barbs over the coronavirus’ origins.https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.sc...n-check-biological-warfare-capability-us-and#

China and Russia indirectly (and correctly) blamed the US for the C19 outbreak, and are fearful that the US/allies have more viruses (bioweapons) to let out.
THIS IS MASSIVE. Yet I’m disturbed that I had didn’t known about this 4 months ago.

Well where in Ukraine are the “explosions” taking place.
Here’s a reported explosion in Lutsk.
This is 75 miles inland in far western Ukraine. The opposite border of Russia…
What does this have to do with Crimea/Donetsk in the east?
7) Reportedly Kiev has seen missile strikes as well. At their airports and military installations.
Kiev is also on the western side of Ukraine. Also a city the US GOV have confirmed the US have built biolabs in.

8) Putin also continues to call it a “special military operation”.
Says he wants to demilitarize and “denazify” the country but not occupy it. What does he mean by that? What is he really targeting?

9) Yes, I know he targeted airports and military capabilities; but if Putin really believes, as his admin has stated publicly multiple times, that the US are creating bio weapons at Russia’s borders, then this entire situation could be WAY bigger.

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What about MANAFORT? YES, D's are crooked, so are R's and EVERY POLITICIAN- but this guy did some prison time over Ukraine.
PLEASE don't take Russia's side. Putin is a very dangerous and the more resources he rules, the bigger threat he represents. I PROMISE NATO is the lesser of those 2 evils
[h=1]Russia To "Partially Restrict" Access To Facebook For "Violating Fundamental Human Rights & Freedoms"[/h]
by Tyler Durden

Friday, Feb 25, 2022 - 11:37 AM
Russian authorities have decided to "partially restrict access" to Facebook following Facebook's decision to restrict a number of Russia media outlets, as well as reports of video-game-footage being posted (and amplified) as actual live footage of Russian attacks on Ukraine.

The videos, watched by more than 110,000 people and shared more than 25,000 times, were delisted after Bloomberg News approached Facebook owner Meta Platforms Inc. for comment. They’re among a flood of misleading content on social media from users attempting to capitalize on the attention to the war.

But it appears the tit-for-tat censorship is the main driving factor Russia's decision.
Full Statement from Russia's Communications Regulator:
On February 24, the Facebook social network (Meta Platforms, Inc.) restricted the official accounts of four Russian media outlets: the Zvezda TV channel, the RIA Novosti news agency, and the Lenta.ru and Gazeta.ru Internet sites.
Such actions in relation to Russian Internet resources and the media are prohibited by Federal Law No. 272-FZ “On Measures to Influence Persons Involved in Violations of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms, Rights and Freedoms of Citizens of the Russian Federation”.
On February 24, Roskomnadzor sent requests to the administration of Meta Platforms, Inc. remove the restrictions imposed by the social network Facebook on Russian media and explain the reason for their introduction. The owners of the social network ignored the requirements of Roskomnadzor.
Since October 2020, Roskomnadzor has recorded 23 cases of such censorship of Russian media and Internet resources by Facebook.
On February 25, the Prosecutor General's Office, in agreement with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, decided to recognize the social network Facebook as involved in the violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms, as well as the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens.
In accordance with the decision of the Prosecutor General's Office regarding the social network Facebook, starting from February 25, 2022, Roskomnadzor, in accordance with the law, takes measures to partially restrict access.
With regard the video-game propaganda, Nathaniel Gleicher, Meta’s head of security policy, said on Twitter, “In response to the unfolding military conflict in Ukraine, we have established a Special Operations Center to respond in real time,” adding that the center will be staffed with native speakers.

This one is...weird:

Emma Burrows
EXCLUSIVE: I have been given a copy of document issued today by Russian Ministry of Health. It indicates Russia is anticipating a massive medical emergency & has ordered health organisations to immediately identify medical staff ready to relocate & work.

The letter has a long list of medics it is looking for: trauma, heart, maxillofacial and paediatric surgeons, anaesthetists, radiologists, nurses (including for operating room) and infectious disease specialists.

I understand doctors were gathered together yesterday and told to ‘get ready.’ Today, the document from the Russian Health Ministry arrived. I am told this is highly unusual and almost unprecedented.

A Ukrainian military official has just told me this document could indicate medics are being drafted to assist with casualties from Russia’s invasion in Ukraine. The official said one reading of the document is that Russia did not expect a level of resistance from Ukraine.
JUST IN - Large convoy of lethal NATO supplies crossed the border into Ukraine. Poland's Minister of Defence Mariusz Błaszczak shared this picture.

Raheem J. Kassam

If the left hadn’t impeached Trump over *that* phone call, Zelenskyy would’ve probably helped root out the rabid Biden-linked corruption, Trump would still be president, no invasion of Ukraine would’ve happened, and Zelenskyy would have more than 24 hours left in office.
This one is...weird:

Emma Burrows
EXCLUSIVE: I have been given a copy of document issued today by Russian Ministry of Health. It indicates Russia is anticipating a massive medical emergency & has ordered health organisations to immediately identify medical staff ready to relocate & work.

The letter has a long list of medics it is looking for: trauma, heart, maxillofacial and paediatric surgeons, anaesthetists, radiologists, nurses (including for operating room) and infectious disease specialists.

I understand doctors were gathered together yesterday and told to ‘get ready.’ Today, the document from the Russian Health Ministry arrived. I am told this is highly unusual and almost unprecedented.

A Ukrainian military official has just told me this document could indicate medics are being drafted to assist with casualties from Russia’s invasion in Ukraine. The official said one reading of the document is that Russia did not expect a level of resistance from Ukraine.

This backs up the info I have provided showing Russia bombed US Biological Laboratories

These are rogue, off the grid resources creating God knows what. Look at HIV and Covid as is. We know both are lab made and US funded.

Ask yourself this? Why is the Biden admin so involved in this? Why are they so involved. Nations fight all the time.

Why is the Biden admin desperate to intervene? Why are they willing to go to war w Russia but not China over Taiwan.

If you cannot answer this truthfully, chances you are brainwashed.

What are the chances that John Kerry, Pelosi and Bidens kids all work for Ukraine? Chances that Biden on video has bribed officials to get rid of a prosecutor who was charging a company and Hunter.

What are the chances this is unrelated?

What are the chances all of the bombing locations were US Biological weapons "factories"

Someone's gonna call all of it a conspiracy theory.

And as always someone's gonna look dumb as hell down the road....
JUST IN - #Ukraine has rejected negotiations. The military campaign will now resume in "full force," the Kremlin proclaims.

Zelensky's aide Alexéi Arestóvich confirmed in a commentary to Strana that Ukraine refused to negotiate with Russia since the demands of the Russian Federation are "too brazen" and are an attempt to force capitulation.
JUST IN - China announces "military exercises" in the South China Sea across a 6-nautical-mile-radius from Sunday to Tuesday.
Get Shredded!
China and Russia have launched their own Great Reset

On their terms

Russia waited until the global pandemic started in China had nearly reached the very end

We cannot overlook this

Let the propaganda commence.

“Five hundred billionty gazillion soldiers died but they were all evaporated so you just have to take our word for it.”


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This whole thing "stinks" of fake news.
I really don’t know why everyone cares so much about Ukraine . We don’t need to get involved it doesn’t concern us . War sucks and people will die but they are not Americans . How many times have we invaded other countries ? I don’t know the number of places that we have our soldiers at any time of the year .