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Recent pic/ log

Daddy Warbucks :clapping: updated pic?

Shitty pic due to the poor lighting in my basement and the fact that I was shaking while posing.
Quads are coming in at 27.5" this morning.

Shitty pic due to the poor lighting in my basement and the fact that I was shaking while posing.
Quads are coming in at 27.5" this morning.

Damn looking swole .....nice work :winkfinger:
Looks like you've been doing just fine without me!

Haha! I'm making due, brother. To be honest I'm looking forward to blasting again in another month or so. It sucks struggling with weight that I put up easily 6-8 months ago and not feeling like I'm making any progress, but this cut was much needed so I have to deal with the stagnation for now.
Any idea where your body fat % lies now?

If I were to give it my best guess I'd say I'm probably 12%-14% bf. The next time I see the "Bod Pod" truck at my gym I'm going to get tested.
Damn looking swole! Nice.

Hey what is your diet like?
Thanks, brother. It's nothing fancy and not not officially measuring anything. Just going off of experience and instinct. I pretty much eat whatever I want but I have reduced the number of meals from 5 down to 3 per day [and one snack] since I've been cutting. Right now just trying to stay around 2800-3000 cals per day with a focus on keeping protein intake in the neighborhood of 300g.
Thanks, brother. It's nothing fancy and not not officially measuring anything. Just going off of experience and instinct. I pretty much eat whatever I want but I have reduced the number of meals from 5 down to 3 per day [and one snack] since I've been cutting. Right now just trying to stay around 2800-3000 cals per day with a focus on keeping protein intake in the neighborhood of 300g.

Thanks, I sort of have the same thing going on except I am going in the other direction.
Shitty pic due to the poor lighting in my basement and the fact that I was shaking while posing.
Quads are coming in at 27.5" this morning.

God Damn!! Got some wheels on ya!
Shitty pic due to the poor lighting in my basement and the fact that I was shaking while posing.
Quads are coming in at 27.5" this morning.

Kick arse quads - check out that sweep, Jesus wept!
Killer log and your back looks like a brick fucking wall!
Thanks everyone! I hope to post up some more videos soon, but my camerawoman is currently out of town.
Thanks, brother. It's nothing fancy and not not officially measuring anything. Just going off of experience and instinct. I pretty much eat whatever I want but I have reduced the number of meals from 5 down to 3 per day [and one snack] since I've been cutting. Right now just trying to stay around 2800-3000 cals per day with a focus on keeping protein intake in the neighborhood of 300g.

With that few meals you dont find it slowing your metabolism down considerably? Where are your carbs and fat apx? gotta be tough if your eating clean protein to get the protein cals over 2000.
I've been eating nothing but protein, coconut oil and small amounts of simple carbs (shit carbs). Minus carb load on squat day.
Thanks, gdawg. I made it down to 215lbs. Have been off the clen for a week and I'm already back up to 219lbs with no change in diet. Had to give my body a break from the stims for awhile. My quad routine is on the previous page.

Here's today's hamstring/calf session:

Romanian deadlifts (dumbbells) - I prefer doing these with a barbell but no racks were open so I had to improvise
60lbs x 20
70lbs x 15
80lbs x 12
90lbs x 12
100lbs x 12

Sumo squats - done in a smith machine; super wide stance, toes pointed out. I do not go all the way to the top on these. I keep the tension on the lower half of the movement to emphasize the glutes and hamstrings.
110lbs x 15
200lbs x 12
250lbs x 12
300lbs x 10

Hyperextensions - w/band resistance. I do a variation of these that I have found places a much greater amount of stress on the hamstrings. I position myself so there's a bend in my knees and my pivot point of the movement is my knees, not my hips. I raise and lower myself by bending at the knee, not the waist. This makes the hamstrings the primary mover and I end up feeling nothing in my lower back.
4 sets of 15

Lying leg curls
80lbs x 15
95lbs x 12
110lbs x 12

LifeFitness single leg curls - plate loaded
45lbs x 12
45lbs x 12
Fuck this machine! Sucked, will never use it again. Resistance wasn't linear. The bottom of the movement was easy and the top half of the movement was very difficult. I like a constant/steady tension throughout the movement and this machine didn't cut it for me.

Seated calf raises
150lbs x 20
175lbs x 15
200lbs x 12
225lbs x 10
250lbs x 10

Standing calf raises
310lbs x 20
350lbs x 15
390lbs x 12

Calf raises on LifeFitness selectorized leg press machine
270lbs x 20
310lbs x 15
350lbs x 12
350lbs x 12

Hey brother, give sumo db squats a try. standing on boxes or benches holding a really heavy db (125-150) between your legs. Wide, toes pointed way out. Or belt squats, same thing but with a belt with a heavy DB or plates hung from it. Lots of feet variations with belt squats....great for lots of targets,
With that few meals you dont find it slowing your metabolism down considerably? Where are your carbs and fat apx? gotta be tough if your eating clean protein to get the protein cals over 2000.
I've been eating nothing but protein, coconut oil and small amounts of simple carbs (shit carbs). Minus carb load on squat day.

I've experimented over the years with the number of meals per day and how it affects my body composition and frankly I didn't see a difference from when I was eating 6-7 meals per day, or 3 meals per day, so I don't buy in to the "eat several small meals per day to keep metabolism high" theory. It may be more relevant for a bber who's contest prepping, but I didn't recognize any difference. My diet has been loose [not measured] so these macros are my best estimates. I'd say I'm somewhere in the neighborhood of 60g of fats, and 150g of carbs.

Hey brother, give sumo db squats a try. standing on boxes or benches holding a really heavy db (125-150) between your legs. Wide, toes pointed way out. Or belt squats, same thing but with a belt with a heavy DB or plates hung from it. Lots of feet variations with belt squats....great for lots of targets,

Yes, I was actually doing dumbbell sumo squats for several weeks but found that the weight of the dumbbell was limiting my progress so I switched over to sumo squats in the smith machine. I liked them until Thursday night. Something popped in my hip while I was doing them and I've been limping around the last couple days. It's getting better so I don't think I fucked myself up. I think I had my legs too wide with too much weight on the bar.
I've experimented over the years with the number of meals per day and how it affects my body composition and frankly I didn't see a difference from when I was eating 6-7 meals per day, or 3 meals per day, so I don't buy in to the "eat several small meals per day to keep metabolism high" theory. It may be more relevant for a bber who's contest prepping, but I didn't recognize any difference. My diet has been loose [not measured] so these macros are my best estimates. I'd say I'm somewhere in the neighborhood of 60g of fats, and 150g of carbs.

Yes, I was actually doing dumbbell sumo squats for several weeks but found that the weight of the dumbbell was limiting my progress so I switched over to sumo squats in the smith machine. I liked them until Thursday night. Something popped in my hip while I was doing them and I've been limping around the last couple days. It's getting better so I don't think I fucked myself up. I think I had my legs too wide with too much weight on the bar.

Shitty thing about the smith machine is its fixed range of motion. Without the smith machine your body will find the most comfortable range of motion. Sometimes its forced with the smith machine. Good for some stuff, bad for other stuff.
Get Shredded!
I was experiencing some undesirable sides from 75mcg/day of T3 so I discontinued use for awhile to give my poor heart a break. I was doing good at 50mcg/day but two weeks in I wasn't seeing any progress so I bumped it up to 75mcg/day. Three days later I started getting heart palpitations, pounding heartbeat, light-headedness, dizziness, and increased anxiety. Last Thursday night I felt like I was going to pass out at the gym during my back training. Fuck that shit. My last dose of T3 was last Thursday morning and my heart palpitations finally calmed down a couple days ago. I believe the problem is that I'm already taking T4 since my thyroid was removed a few years ago (thyroid cancer). Since my normal thyroid function is not suppressed due to the fact that I take a synthetic thyroid hormone, I placed myself in a very hyperthyroid condition with the 75mcg of T3. I'm going to give myself a break for awhile and then start back up at a lower dose.

I donated blood last Wednesday and my Hemoglobin came back at 16.4, which was great to see. In June when I donated it was 16.5. Prior to that I was always in the 18's so regular donations DO make a difference. Blood work [female panel] this afternoon at Quest Diagnostics. Will be interesting to see where I am after pretty much blasting for the past year and a half.

I had some minor oral surgery this past Saturday so I decided to work a break from the gym in this week as I feel like I need some time off for recovery. The rest has been nice, but I am looking forward to getting back in the gym this Saturday.
Bro you should be taking Armour ..... not garbage synthroid. You will feel 10,000x better. Its real, not synthetic so your body immediately knows how to use it Synthroid is an awful drug.
You felt like shit because your liver was already converting what it could from the T4 you are taking into T3. Then you added more T3 into your system, more than what could be absorbed and used by your organs thus causing excess T3 to pool in your blood. This is not good. Hence all the sides you experienced. You're lucky they dissapeared fairly quickly. Some people it takes a month or more to self regulate a pooling problem.
Thyroid meds arent a good avenue for fat loss. Trust me bro, from my total armour doses daily I'm taking a total of 146mcg T4 and 31.5mcg T3 not to mention how much extra t3 i end up with from the t4 being converted. You can only use what T3 you can use...the rest just hangs around and causes problems. I can bump my meds slightly to get me into "hyper" but there almost no room before i get shitty sides. Even in that hyper state the fat loss is totally negligible and not worth the stress on the body
I have yet to try it but have you looked into GW501516? That is literally supposed to melt fat off you.
Thanks for chiming in, BTC. I didn't realize you had such strong opinions of T3 until I read a post that you participated in from TGrady awhile back. By the time I read your post I had already begun the T3. I still do have some intermittent heart pounding, but it's not as disruptive as it was last week and seems to be improving.

I did mention Armour to my endo on my last visit and unfortunately, like many do, she discounted it and proceeded to tell me why they prescribe Synthroid. I didn't force the issue. She's got me on 250mcg Synthroid/day. I have another appt in a few weeks. Can you provide me with some ammunition/arguments to take to my appt so I can press the issue and tell her that I'd like to try Armour? Or is this something that I may have to do my own, without dr supervision?

I have not tried, nor heard of GW501516, but now that you've mentioned it I'll look into it.

Thank you, bro. I appreciate your knowledge and feedback in this area. You are the thyroid guru of the interwebz.
I haven't seen a conversation between BTC and Touareg in what I feel like has been months and months...but when it happens it's almost as if the angels come together and sing me a song. It's like pools of golden knowledge are created and I jump in and swim. It's just...so beautiful. Lol real talk though y'all have blessed me with some great knowledge throughout this past year or so, haven't seen you on in a bit BTC it's good to see you posting up.

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I haven't seen a conversation between BTC and Touareg in what I feel like has been months and months...but when it happens it's almost as if the angels come together and sing me a song. It's like pools of golden knowledge are created and I jump in and swim. It's just...so beautiful. Lol real talk though y'all have blessed me with some great knowledge throughout this past year or so, haven't seen you on in a bit BTC it's good to see you posting up.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

You had me busting my ass laughing…You hitting the kratom, brother?

And I agree, it is nice to see BTC on here.
Body weight this morning 218lbs with a waist measurement of 35.75".

Last night was my first workout after my week layoff. The rest felt good and was much needed, but I was ready to get back in the gym. I ordered the last few items for my upcoming blast. Planning to begin the first of November if all items are received by then. Thinking about adding proviron to this at 100mg/day also. Here's what I have in mind.

2g/week Sustanon
400mg*/wk Deca
300mg*/wk Tri Tren blend
*will slowly increase deca and tren doses until sides become undesirable then dial the dose back slightly from there.

Hamstring/calves 10/09/15

Romanian deadlifts
65lbs x 30 reps
95lbs x 25 reps
145lbs x 20 reps
195lbs x 15 reps
245lbs x 12 reps

Sumo squats (did these in a smith machine with a dip belt. Wrapped the chain of the dip belt around the bar. Worked very well.)
75lbs x 20 reps
125lbs x 15 reps
175lbs x 12 reps
225lbs x 10 reps
275lbs x 10 reps

Hammer Strength single leg curls
60lbs x 20
70lbs x 15
80lbs x 12
90lbs to failure

Glute/ham raises (with resistance band)
20, 15, 15, 15

Seated calf raise
150lbs x 20 reps
175lbs x 15 reps
200lbs x 12 reps
225lbs x 12 reps
250lbs x 10 reps

Calf raises on LifeFitness leg press (selectorized)
270lbs x 20
310lbs x 15
330lbs x 15
350lbs x 12
370lbs x 12
370lbs to failure (did 4 sets of this)

Chili cook-off today. :winkfinger:
How's your pinning schedule look with that amount of gear if you don't mind me asking? Will you be pinning daily?
How's your pinning schedule look with that amount of gear if you don't mind me asking? Will you be pinning daily?

Was on an every other day schedule over the summer when I was blasting, so will probably stick with that. The test I have is dosed at 400mg/ml and 500mg/ml so shouldn't have any problem getting the above doses in on an EOD schedule.
Thanks for chiming in, BTC. I didn't realize you had such strong opinions of T3 until I read a post that you participated in from TGrady awhile back. By the time I read your post I had already begun the T3. I still do have some intermittent heart pounding, but it's not as disruptive as it was last week and seems to be improving.

I did mention Armour to my endo on my last visit and unfortunately, like many do, she discounted it and proceeded to tell me why they prescribe Synthroid. I didn't force the issue. She's got me on 250mcg Synthroid/day. I have another appt in a few weeks. Can you provide me with some ammunition/arguments to take to my appt so I can press the issue and tell her that I'd like to try Armour? Or is this something that I may have to do my own, without dr supervision?

I have not tried, nor heard of GW501516, but now that you've mentioned it I'll look into it.

Thank you, bro. I appreciate your knowledge and feedback in this area. You are the thyroid guru of the interwebz.

Quite simply your endo prescribes you synthroid because they get massive kickbacks from it. End of story. Synthroid is a multi billion dollar a year shit show and thousdands of people suffer from it. It is in every way inferior to Armor (dessicated thyroid).
Your endo is one of "those" assholes and you will never convince them otherwise. its something you will either have to medicate yourself and use the endo for bloods while reading them yourself or change to someone who actually knows how the endocrine system/thyroid actually works. Sadly 9.9 out of 10 medical professional idiots are like this. Even if you brow beat them into it they wouldnt prescribe you enough of a dose then they say "ok see I told you it doesnt work" . Have read countless accounts of this shit happeneing. Plus, they get zero kickbacks. Theres no money in actually fixing people bro.
btw, dont forget bro... these assholes work for YOU. Not the other way around.
I haven't seen a conversation between BTC and Touareg in what I feel like has been months and months...but when it happens it's almost as if the angels come together and sing me a song. It's like pools of golden knowledge are created and I jump in and swim. It's just...so beautiful. Lol real talk though y'all have blessed me with some great knowledge throughout this past year or so, haven't seen you on in a bit BTC it's good to see you posting up.

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No time really anymore. Just happened to have a couple minutes here and there lately.