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There are no human studies on tren anymore for obvious reasons. Deca has been researched for decades and is not friendly to the cardiac system. So I cringe when people take it for joints when they could fix their lifting form and probably fix it.
My knee pain I've had since I was a kid. Just walking down stairs in school would have my knees grinding a bit. Bad joints run in the family. I'm very careful with leg exercises and that helps. I was hoping Deca would be a lot of help. I'll leave it for now. There's other non-gear options to try still.
My knee pain I've had since I was a kid. Just walking down stairs in school would have my knees grinding a bit. Bad joints run in the family. I'm very careful with leg exercises and that helps. I was hoping Deca would be a lot of help. I'll leave it for now. There's other non-gear options to try still.
I mean ppl find relief from 100mg a week of deca…..
Following Mr. 64. I'll be interested in seeing what you decide on.
Yeah, it's the most cardiac toxic injectable.

It can cause LVH and cardiac remodeling.
LOL... I literally just finished reading that about an hour ago! I can't believe with that in mind. Doctors still prescribe it for TRT.
Luckily I do not have a boat load of it left so I don't mind if it doesn't get used. Is it even worth considering lowering it from the 300 a week I planned, to 100 a week just to help joints?
Luckily I do not have a boat load of it left so I don't mind if it doesn't get used. Is it even worth considering lowering it from the 300 a week I planned, to 100 a week just to help joints?
lol Didn't you learn anything in this thread? No! The joint lubrication is sooooo overrated. Is t worth the heart implications even if it did???? No.
Ok so the decision is made for now. I'm gonna drop the Deca completely and will NOT be switching to the Sustanon at week 9. If need be i will up the TEST to 500. I'm gonna start the Primo tomorrow at 400 week, I'm keeping the Dbol but will tweak the when and how much TBD. The Proviron stays and it's on!
Woke up with a twinge in my upper left lat so I decided to go with a Pull day after gym one ( my leg gym) was fuckin jammed!
I'm still tweaking the workouts but the high volume and lower weights definitely seem to be working. Today I did:
Cardio 15 minutes on the recline bike.
Vertical traction aka lat pull downs
Doing cycles here as well with two different hand positions @15 reps each so a cycle is 30 reps.
1 x 90
1 x 110
1 x 130

Low row machine
3 x 15 x 100 fail 3/15

Seated curls machine
1 x 15 x 60
1 set Good morning ladies 30 reps x 60lbs

Tricep push downs with the rope. I did long and short head specific with upright and bent over positions with the CYBEX using 4 plates, so whatever that weight was... felt around 80lbs?
3 x 15 x 4 plates standing
3 x 15 x 4 plates bent over.

Cut the workout there to keep from completely tweaking the back.
See pics below


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Today was some chest and shoulders with a smattering of Triceps!
I started back to work a week ago and went to nights. I haven't worked nights in 10 years so it's definitely a point of consideration. I generally try and get to the gym straight from work while I'm still up and moving as the likelihood of waking up early to go later... usually fails!
The wife was home so that wrench got thrown as I originally planned Legs Day 2 for today. I ended up driving her around while her car was serviced and was forced to nap in between drop off and pick up.

So far the diet is going well. I've managed to prep the majority of meals and have settled on no hot home made food at work due to the emergency nature of the job. I made a batch of chicken salad last night and brought that... then I sucked down a Smash Burger around 10 p on the just in case we don't get back thought. I don't generally eat that stuff but I will say it was tasty af!

The workout today: Cycles, supersets?

Smith machine bench press high seat back, middle and flat
1 x 10 x 135 high angle
1 x 10 x 135 middle
1 x 10 x 135 flat
1 x 10 x 155 flat
1 x 10 x 165 flat
All flat bench gets leg extensions during.
Overhead Press machine alternating with Chest Press machine in between the Bench sets.

3 x 10 x 60 at vertical, horizontal grips.

Chest Press machine
3 x 10 x 85 at three different hand positions.

1 x 30 x 72.5 all three hand positions concurrently... with total failure on rep 30!

On the way out I felt froggy and hit
2 x 40 x cable flys

Tricep push downs with rope
2 x 10 x 5 plates on CYBEX.

Figured I'd post some of protective gear if anyone is interested. I realize I left out the Injectable Glutathione!
Workout log and some current pics below.


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Taking a rest day today... job is fucked up because they switched me to a day shift today. Tomorrow will be the overdue leg day 2.
Continued food prepping and whipped up 3 nice 8oz chicken breasts... lemon chicken. I have meals to go and besides being healthier... I save a lot of money.
Im noticing that I eat more working the overnight... probably because I literally have more time to eat! I came in 800+ calories over the other night/day and the weight is coming on already! I started at 172 and was 175.6 this morning POST SHIT!
Im pretty psyched overall and the lighter weight higher reps thing seems to be working for now. I am sore in a good way like I haven't been in a long minute!
Im waiting for the Primo to kick in and I'm thinking the 400 a week is a great place to start. I'm also grateful to @Meetketchup , @Wardamn and @samgraves82 for your input and gentle slapping into reality! In fact thanks to all for looking out and being gracious with your direction.
Currently at the Urologist and he took the Flomax out and replaced it with 5mg Cialis!!! It was honestly, all I could do to jump up and scream. Yeah, LOL... He's talking about it improving urinary flow and I'm thinking about improving pumps during work out. I love this fucking shit... Anyway.
Just a quick Check-in and I will definitely post tomorrow's workout upon completion with pictures as usual.
I was lucky enough to catch the wife in a 1/2 ass good mood. So she snapped a couple of quick pictures for me... unfortunately the only one that downloaded, was the one she took with my phone... in poor lighting! They give me a baseline and if I'm really nice to her, she may actually do measurements for me at some point in the near future. If and when she does, I will post them here.


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Get Shredded!
Figured it out! Had to screenshot them.


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Hit the gym this morning after work... this is gonna take getting used to! Hate working nights!
Forced myself to go because I'm stubborn and did upper body stuff. I got spoiled at the other gym and only do my legs there!

Today I did some bench pressing, incline and flat and that went well.
Did lat pull downs, vertical traction seated rows, tricep push downs and some curls.

The intention was there but energy was hard to find and I'm hoping the body will adjust sooner than later.

The workout:
Incline Bench Smith
1 x 10 x 135 medium incline
1 x 10 x 155 " "
2 x 10 x 155 flat.

Lat Pulldown in between bench sets
1 x 10 x 130
1 x 10 x 150
1 x 10 x 170

Seated rows had some younger dude work in and had to raise him each set... on principle!
1 x 10 x 130
1 x 10 x 150
1 x 10 x 170

Vertical traction machine more lats!
1 x 10 x 130
1 x 10 x 150
1 x 10 x 170

Tricep push downs CYBEX
2 x 10 x 5 plates short head
2 x 10 x 5 plates long head

Seated curls machine
3 x 10 x 70 broke into a good morning lady set.

Called it there and hit the steam and sauna.
Logbook pics below.


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Today was Leg Day part 1. I always like to split legs into two days doing lighter stuff like seated raises, curls, Abduction and prone leg curls. FARMERS CARRIES are back in respectable weights and I do them pretty much every visit.
The second half of legs is usually warm up with some leg raises and curls. Hack Squat, PLLP and seated leg press machine compose the Heavier weights and I generally throw in toe presses in on the PLLP.

Today's workout was a little different using the "effective rep" plan. It needs adjustments but I definitely had the rubber legs afterwards! I did a set weight throughout and maxed the first set at 30 reps, working hard on the last 4. I did the downward pyramid with reps to near fail/fail.

Seated leg extensions
1 x 30 x 80
1 x 20 x 80
1 x 15 x 80
2 x 13 x 80 Dbl fail!

Seated leg curls
1 x 30 x 70
1 x 25 x 70
1 x 20 x 70
2 x 15 x 70 fail last set on 15.

Abduction (no seat contact)
1 x 15 x 130
1 x 15 x 150
1 x 15 x 170

Hack squats
2 x 10 x 270
1 x 10 x 320
1 x 10 x 370

Farmers Carries
1 x 55KBs x 150 feet
1 x 65DBs x 150 feet

Tricep push downs with V Bar... because! LOL

3 x 15 x 110

That's it for now, ill post body weight progress towards the end of the week.
Workout pics below.


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What is the effective rep plan??
So just to be clear.I truly did not do it properly today, however, the idea is to pick a working weight and do, however, many reps it takes to get to failure on the first set... i did 30 today, but it should be more reasonable between 12 and 15. You get 15 to 30 seconds of rest in between sets and you continue to punch each set to failure. No matter how many reps you squeeze out.
The idea is that basically the muscles are still hot when you take a shorter break. So you don't have to do extra reps to get to failure.

This was a quick search... can't speak for the people or person, but it gives more detail to what I'm trying to describe. Plus I know your a research and facts guy. 😉
So just to be clear.I truly did not do it properly today, however, the idea is to pick a working weight and do, however, many reps it takes to get to failure on the first set... i did 30 today, but it should be more reasonable between 12 and 15. You get 15 to 30 seconds of rest in between sets and you continue to punch each set to failure. No matter how many reps you squeeze out.
The idea is that basically the muscles are still hot when you take a shorter break. So you don't have to do extra reps to get to failure.

This was a quick search... can't speak for the people or person, but it gives more detail to what I'm trying to describe. Plus I know your a research and facts guy. 😉
It's called rest/pause training dude. :) Been around for decades.

It's mostly only used as an intensifier to bring up lagging body parts. It's VERY taxing so a high fatigue to stimulus ratio.
Hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving. There's always something to be grateful for if you look hard enough.
Working tonight so I hit the gym this morning... nothing to write home about, just some crunches, situps, Captains Chair bent knee and straight leg raises, Farmers Carries, and a for whatever reason a single set of IFO and behind the neck Military style presses.

40 regular Sit-ups
60 3 stage crunches in sets of 20
20 Straight leg raises on Capt. Chair
20 straight leg side to side SLraisws
60 bent knee raises, 30 side to side
Farmers Carries 55lbKbs 3 Laps round my gym 600 foot carry!
1 lap/200' 65lbDbs.
Steam, sauna, breakfast with the old lady... and now I'm at work.
Enjoy your day.
Been busy with work the last couple of days so no gym... but my job involves lifting and carrying morbidly obese people who are generally dead weight. I'm taking today as a leg and back day carrying 3 separate people weighing in at 100, 130 and 160 KGs. Kinda Deadlifts and Farmers Carries combined!
The cycle seems to be working out well and I'm adding the Proviron starting Monday. Figured on 25mg e.d. going to 50mg p/day on week 2. The TEST at 400 and Primo also at 400 shows more veins and so far no sides... even the acne remains in check.
I've been putting down about 3000 to 3500 calories a day and the weight is coming along as well. I started at 172 and this mornings weight post shit was 177.4... not to shabby if I do say so.
I got bagged for an extra half shift tomorrow so I'm hoping to hit the gym in the afternoon. I'll post the workout and pics as usual.
Well Gentleman, it's been a Long Strange trip complete with injuries, surgery and OT and PT... but I'm ready to rock!
This cycle will be similar to my last bulk about a year ago. I'm going to be incorporating 6 different compounds during the cycle, hence the title United We Bulk!
The players are going to consist of 5 of our esteemed sponsors with the list as follows:
@StadaLabs Testosterone 400 blend @400wk for the first 9 weeks.
@gear church Deca 300 @300wk, weeks 1 - 14
@YourMuscleShop Primo 100 @400wk, weeks 4 - 14
@YourMuscleShop Dbol 100 @300wk, weeks 8 - 12
@Hammer&Bell Sustanon 250 @500wk, weeks 9 - 16
@SB Labs Proviron 50mg tabs weeks 7 - 16.

I generally do not manage to put on much more than 11 to 13 pounds, but I have found that they are good and clean with minimal water and minimal fat so I'll take it!

My weight this morning was one hundred and seventy two pounds flat so i'm hoping to take myself up to about one eighty five when it's done.

I'm planning on blood's at week nine when I change from the TEST blend to the Sustanon and I'm planning a Dexa Scan for sometime in the next week... just to see what I see!

I'm also going to have the wife.Take some pictures and measurements at least at the start and finish and maybe in the middle as well.
I attached a start pic below, as well as my exercises for today.

I'll be doing all the usual meal prepping, planning, and calorie counting using the myfitnesspal app.

I'm gonna do my very best to keep entries on the regular.
I'm planning to go with lighter weights and higher rep volumes to keep from injuring myself because no matter how I try I always end up pushing too hard so hopefully this last bicep rupture will be my constant reminder to not get too fucking nutty.

Today's workout was Legs part one in the A.M., and some Cardio and abs in the afternoon... I have to admit I belong to 2 different gyms and do the exercises I feel most comfortable with at each one.

The afternoon gym has a steam and Sauna so I'll be taking advantage of that as much as possible!

The workout was 5 sets of 15 reps for most exercises
1 x 15 x 100
1 x 15 x 110
3 x 15 x 120

Extensions Dbl/single
1 x 15 x 100
1 x 15 x 110
3 x 15 x 120
1 x 20 x 90 Drop to fail!
4 x 15 x 50 each leg
1 x 20 x 40 to fail each leg
No breaks between Dbl/single

Seated curls
1 x 15 x 90
3 x 15 x 100
1 x 15 x 120 to failure

Prone leg curls
1 x 15 x 80
1 x 15 x 60 drop to fail
3 x 15 x 50 failure on set 5 @15!

Plate load leg press
1 x 30 x 180 3 foot positions 10 reps each.
1 x 30 x 180 toes only

Afternoon session
Cardio 15 minutes on recline bike
Captains Chair
2 x 20 x straight leg raises
1 x 30 x Bent knee center
1 x 30 x Bent knee side to side.

Pics below!
I do like how the sign behind you says no phone no video LOL but I'm following along
I do like how the sign behind you says no phone no video LOL but I'm following along
LOL... I interpret that to mean no taking pictures of anybody else... It works for me and it's right along with my theory that the only way to get the answers I want to hear is to ask myself!
LOL... I interpret that to mean no taking pictures of anybody else... It works for me and it's right along with my theory that the only way to get the answers I want to hear is to ask myself!
Love the last part, I am gonna have to start using that🤣🤣🤣🤣
Morning weight 177.2, I'm not up... but I'm not down and it's only week 3? I do hit the scale daily, every morning after I shit! I don't focus on the weight per sey but rather it gives me a general guide of my food intake and eating habits. I.E. finish meals earlier in the evening, wake up in the middle of the night meals etc... im using the MYFITNESSPAL APP so I enter weight there every few days to keep the daily intake totals square.
I'm still working on increasing the water intake and do come pretty close to the gallon a day recs.
Doc swapped me from Flomax to Cialis for the prostate... which leads me to the question about Cialis and pumps outside the bedroom! What is the vector?
I hear guys saying they dropped 5 of Cialis and the pumps were insane etc... I admit I did feel the hamstrings light the fuck up today. I actually had to get off the machine for a minute to let blood flow continue!
Today's gear included:

5mg Cialis from the doc
200 mg of @StadaGear Test blend 400
100mg @YourMuscleShop Primo 100
1mg TB500/BPC157 combo (leftover Shin gear!).
25mg @SB Labs 50mg Proviron.

The Proviron is a new add today, and my first time using the SB Proviron.
I like that the pills are scored as it makes it waaay easy to accurately cut them. I'm gonna do 25ed this week and increase it to 50ed next week.
The other ancillary included:

LIV 52 2 tabs
Assorted vitamins B, C, D, Magnesium, EAAs, Taurine, and Creatine in my morning shake which came out to 1695 calories using lowfat milk, frozen mango, blueberries, 1 cup dry oatmeal, 1 scoop of BSN Weight gain 1200, and 1 scoop of the BSN Syntha 6 protein powder.
Hit the gym for legs part 1 today and some extra arm stuff... because!

The workout:

1 x 15 x 120
1 x 15 x 140
1 x 15 x 150
1 x 15 x 160
1 x 15 x 170 Failure on 15

Seated raises
1 x 20 x 80
3 X 15 x 100
1 x 12 x 100
1 x 9 x 100
1 x 8 x 100 Hard Fail!

Seated leg press
1 cycle 10 reps each position except toe presses were 20 reps. Total was 60 reps with Low, Mid, high, wide foot positions on the plate doing my best to hit all ares of the thighs etc... calves were screaming at the end with the toe presses!

Seated leg curls
1 x 20 x 80
4 x 15 x 100 fail on 4/15.

Farmers Carries
2 x 150' x 55KBs 300 feet total with Shrugs.
1 x 150 x 65 DBs with Shrugs

Tricep push downs V Bar
1 x 15 x 88 short head
1 x 15 x 99 long head
1 x 15 x 99 short head
1 x 10 x 110 long head Fail on 10

Arm Curl machine
2 x 15 x 70.

That's it for today's antics pucs below and another entry tomorrow!


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