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Bar_Belle's HARD WORK PAYS OFF Training Log

Wednesday Legs & Afternoon Cardio


Leg Press 2 pps


Leg Extensions

5x25 50 lbs

Bar Squats
1x5 95 lbs
1x5 115
4x5 135

Elevated Straight Leg Deadlifts
5x11 115 lbs

Leg Press

1x5 2 pps
4x5 3 "

Lunge down and back

Comments: Attitude of gratitude. Did legs today. Felt some twinges but nothing out of control. Leg press was the riskiest. It was real clear I needed to stop a 3 pps. Already missing the Leg Day shuffle. Don't miss where I was Saturday, though.
Will be back full force someday...Seeing nice development still happening in quads.


Abs x250

Cardio Back (Supersets w no breaks)
(6 sets of 16 reps superset w 6 flys)

Seated Row -85lbs
Rear High Pulls - 50 lbs
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 60 lbs
Overhead Lat Pulldown 70 lbs
Underhand Lat Pulldown 85 lbs
DB for superset 20 lbs

Went lighter on weights and allowed greater ROM. Also picked up the pace. I'm beat. The pattern of lifting and cardio has shifted. Idk what to expect as far as strength and energy. This is a good thing. Challenges me.

NOTE: "I am aware that I am less than some people prefer me to be, but most people are unaware that I am so much more than what they see."
Douglas Pagels

Thursday Shoulders & Squat/Lunge Heaven


Thursday Shoulders Day2

DB Lateral Raises (tips down)

5x11 15lbs

Military Press
1x5 65 lbs
2x5 95 lbs
2x5 115
1x5 125** Woohoo!

Wide Bar Upright Raise
5x11 65 lbs

DB Front Raises

5x11 15 lbs *up against the wall (redneck mother)...

Face Pulls
5x11 70 lbs (Long pulls)

Dayum! Did me some right purdy shoulder work this morning. Feelin' a lil beasty on military press. Loving this muscle growth. Kinda think my body is quite sure what to do with it. Maybe it's just me not sure what to do with it :) Diet is fine. I'm eating lots of lean meat, avo, broccoli. SOS DD. I'm off work tomorrow so I get to "sleep in." NO CARDIO FRIDAY. Whoop! Whoop! Speaking of cardiol....


Cardio Lunge/Squat
Squat lunge down - 11 squats at the poles
Straight lunge back
11 times

This down the GREEN MILE again. So it's R Lunge > Squat > L Lunge > Squat to each pole. At he pole - it's 11 squats. That's 77 on the poles for each trip. Didn't count squats between poles down the 60 yards. On the way back straight lunging. This is over 1000 squats and 1000 lunges.

Comments: Took me about 1 hr 19 min. My legs will be sore. I missed last Thursday due to stomach bug. It's been 2 weeks. My quad cramp thingy set me back. I was thrilled to get the ok to squat and lunge. My joint forgot how to do this. Muscles tight. Achy. Finally at 45 min I was warmed up. Felt really good. Like it worked out some of the battery acid in the RF. No cardio tomorrow so MAYBE heavier legs Saturday.

Those that don't go within, go without.

Thursday Shoulders Day2

DB Lateral Raises (tips down)

5x11 15lbs

Military Press
1x5 65 lbs
2x5 95 lbs
2x5 115
1x5 125** Woohoo!

Wide Bar Upright Raise
5x11 65 lbs

DB Front Raises

5x11 15 lbs *up against the wall (redneck mother)...

Face Pulls
5x11 70 lbs (Long pulls)

Dayum! Did me some right purdy shoulder work this morning. Feelin' a lil beasty on military press. Loving this muscle growth. Kinda think my body is quite sure what to do with it. Maybe it's just me not sure what to do with it :) Diet is fine. I'm eating lots of lean meat, avo, broccoli. SOS DD. I'm off work tomorrow so I get to "sleep in." NO CARDIO FRIDAY. Whoop! Whoop! Speaking of cardiol....


Cardio Lunge/Squat
Squat lunge down - 11 squats at the poles
Straight lunge back
11 times

This down the GREEN MILE again. So it's R Lunge > Squat > L Lunge > Squat to each pole. At he pole - it's 11 squats. That's 77 on the poles for each trip. Didn't count squats between poles down the 60 yards. On the way back straight lunging. This is over 1000 squats and 1000 lunges.

Comments: Took me about 1 hr 19 min. My legs will be sore. I missed last Thursday due to stomach bug. It's been 2 weeks. My quad cramp thingy set me back. I was thrilled to get the ok to squat and lunge. My joint forgot how to do this. Muscles tight. Achy. Finally at 45 min I was warmed up. Felt really good. Like it worked out some of the battery acid in the RF. No cardio tomorrow so MAYBE heavier legs Saturday.

Those that don't go within, go without.

45 minutes to warm up . 1hr 19min. Ouch . I can feel the burn . You had me at red neck mother!!!
Friday Arms


Abs x 250

Diamond push ups

Bar Curls
1x25 45lbs
1x20 55
1x15 65
4x11 75

Tricep rope push downs
5x15 80lbs
superset DB Skullcrushers 5x15 15lbs

DB Bicep Curls (full turn)
6x11 20 lbs

Tricep bar push downs
5x15 80lbs
superset DB Skullcrushers 5x15 15lbs

Bicep Hammer Curls
5x21 15 lbs

Comments: Strong arms. So subtle, but I noticed improvement on my curls of 65 and 75 lbs. Sometimes it feels like my muscle/blood vessels are going to pop out of my skin. I'm so swole that it pinches vein on upper arm when I bend elbow. Oye vey. I'm such meathead. Enjoyed day off from work. Did…stuff. Tomorrow Leg McLuvin!

I can only imagine your pump those were some heavy curls!
And I like to fall asleep envisioning a successful training day for the next day. Lol
Saturday Leg McLuvin'

Day 2

Leg Extensions (Toes Out)
5x15 90lbs

Bar Squats
1x5 95lbs
1x5 115
1x5 135
1x5 155
1x5 185

Leg Extensions (Toes In)
5x15 90lbs

Bar Squats
7x5 185lbs
Superset w DB Deadlifts 7x11 35lbs

Lunge Down and Back on Green Mile

WOOHOOO! Yeah, baby!! Did it.
Enjoyed doing legs this morning. Max at 135 on Wed Leg Day. Went to 185 today. Great form. Started to feel twinge in L RF on last 2 sets. Perfect timing (feeling it at end as opposed to beginning). Great choice not to go heavier yet. This is also day 2 following 1000 lunge/squats, so soreness from that at its peak. Fabulous marinade for heavy legs today. Will be back for more fun in a few hours...

NOTE: May I continue to remember the distance I've traveled and the obstacles I've overcome. Never should I diminish these in a moment of fear, believing that I've somehow fallen short.
Saturday Cardio

Cardio Back (Supersets w no breaks)
(6 sets of 16 reps superset w 6 flys)

Seated Row -100 lbs
Rear High Pulls - 60 lbs
Straight Arm Pulldowns - 70 lbs
Overhead Lat Pulldown 85 lbs
Underhand Lat Pulldown 100 lbs
DB for superset 20 lbs

Comments: Really thought I was going to be doing floor drills. Not today. Back cardio was what I was given. Went crazy. Just ripped up back. Took all my irritations and frustrations and PUMPED the IRON. Think, Drowning Pool "Let the bodies hit the floor."
Ah! Coincidence! Listened to that song at the gym today. :D
Some strong #s there.
Abs x250

DB Arnold Press
1x15 25 lbs
2x10 30
3x5 35

DB Wide Upright Raises
5x11 20 lbs

Military Press
1x5 65 lbs
2x5 95
3x5 115

Wide Grip BB Upright Raise

5x11 65 lbs

DB RAM Press
5x11 15 lbs

High Pulls (Short Pull)
5x11 80 lbs


Bike Tabata
60 min
So this is how it went:

TABATAs 1 thru 12

  1. 20 sec high
  2. 10 sec rest
  3. 20 sec high
  4. 10 sec rest
  5. 20 sec high
  6. 10 sec rest
  7. 20 sec high
  8. 10 sec rest
  9. 1:15 break >> 25 presses 2 pps

Comments: I am worn out. Ready for some rest. Check back tomorrow.
Monday Chest & Afternoon Cardio


Flat bench flys
5x11 25 lbs

Flat bench press
1x5 95 lbs
1x5 115
1x5 135
1x5 155
3x5 185

incline bar press
5x11 135 lbs

incline DB turns
5x11 30 lbs

incline DB center press
5x11 35 lbs

Strong morning. Focused on form and isolation of muscle being worked. Wore me out. :) I'm strong but not crazy superhuman strength. Riding the wave...Getting close to transitioning on to cruise. Love muscle gains, but I'm ready for a break.

NOTE: Everything has a season. Once harvest is done, it's time to rest. :)


20>1 Cardio
Step Bench

Basic moves:
Push ups (1 hand on step 1 hand on floor> L side then R side =1)
Half burpees (hands on end of step)


  1. Slalom push up R
  2. Slalom push up L
  3. Half Burpees
  4. Run down Green Mile
  5. Scissors
  6. Run back

Instructions: Inverted pyramid starting at 20 reps on each move down to 1. On push ups, 1 push up on R then 1 on L = 1. So first round it's like 40 push ups and so on down.

Comments: Felt great to work the floor like this again. This is my usual Saturday cardio. My time was still good at just under 47 minutes.

Very impressive workout! You are superhuman by many standards belle!! Don't let anyone tell you other wise.
Tuesday Back & Bike

ABs x250

Chin ups x35

Underhand Bar Rows
1x5 95 lbs
1x5 105
1x5 115
3x5 135

DB Back Flys (head on bench)
5x11 20 lbs *added pause

Underhand Lat Pulldowns
5x11 115 lbs

Straight Arm Pulldowns
5x11 70 lbs

Perfect Push-ups x35

Comments: Felt every bit of Back Cardio on Saturday. Chin ups greatly improved. Could barely do pushups at the end. Chest very sore. All good stuff. Rumor has that my workouts will be changing soon. Nice lat spread :)


Cardio Bike Tabata
49:35 Minutes - 10 Cycles
Leg Press x25 2 pps on 1:15 min breaks bw Tabatas

Comments: Great cardio. Normal sensations. Strong leg press. Have heavy legs in the morning. Woohoo! I gotta say posting at night, I'm less verbose. Morning, I'm all charged up. By 8:30 pm, I'm looking at going to bed soon. Thanks for your posts of support. They are encouraging. :) TTFN.
Still awe inspiring work outs lady. I'd say work hard to keep the gains...pssssh...there is ABSOLUTELY NO QUESTION YOU WILL WORK HARD
Wednesday Legs & Bike


Leg Press 3 pps


Leg Extensions
5x25 80 lbs

Bar Squats
1x5 95 lbs
1x5 115
1x5 135
1x5 185
3x5 205

Elevated Straight Leg Deadlifts
5x11 115 lbs

Leg Press(sled 167lbs)
1x5 4 pps
1x5 5
3x5 6

Lunge down and back GREEN MILE

Comments: BEAST! Loved it. Did my heavies again. Great squats. Great leg press. I love the strength. Hope to maintain my gains. Switching gears, as it were. May go with a cruise of var. Right now I'm riding the remaining wave!!


Cardio Bike Tabata
49:35 Minutes - 10 Cycles
Leg Press x25 2 pps on 1:15 min breaks bw Tabatas

Comments: Deja vu all over again. Did the same cardio today. Didn't go as hard as yesterday. Just a wee bit more tuckered in the quads. Off work tomorrow. Sleeping in :)

NOTE: Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. ~ Albert Einstein