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Swollen lower abdomen/ possible fluid

I'm with Vision ... I figured they would have ordered an ultrasound. You may want to ask the physician about it at some point. Hell, my internal med physician (that has me on TRT) ordered one for me when my ALT was just a few points over the range and they checked my liver and other organs. I didn't mind it for the piece of mind. It would check your pancreas and other organs that may indirectly be causing this.

In the meantime, I'd be getting 30-40g of fiber a day to try and get things moving through your digestive system asap.
I'm with Vision ... I figured they would have ordered an ultrasound. You may want to ask the physician about it at some point. Hell, my internal med physician (that has me on TRT) ordered one for me when my ALT was just a few points over the range and they checked my liver and other organs. I didn't mind it for the piece of mind. It would check your pancreas and other organs that may indirectly be causing this.

In the meantime, I'd be getting 30-40g of fiber a day to try and get things moving through your digestive system asap.

Ya I’m in the hospital right now they are actually doing a ct with contrast should tell them what’s going on
Ya I’m in the hospital right now they are actually doing a ct with contrast should tell them what’s going on

Definitely keep the community updated, and let us know if they even attempt to do a stool sample.
I'm curious if you have any blood in your stool, and if you recall what was the shape of your most recent stools?
It sort of resembles a hematoma in the hypogastric region.

Either way dude, glad you finally made it in to the ER.
Hopefully they give you some news, because there's nothing worse than getting no news.
Definitely keep the community updated, and let us know if they even attempt to do a stool sample.
I'm curious if you have any blood in your stool, and if you recall what was the shape of your most recent stools?
It sort of resembles a hematoma in the hypogastric region.

Either way dude, glad you finally made it in to the ER.
Hopefully they give you some news, because there's nothing worse than getting no news.

Results came back as just gas now. So I guess I’m good. He said the livers good no scarring so ascites isn’t even a concern. Everything looks good. Just gotta go home and take some pepto bismuth
Results came back as just gas now. So I guess I’m good. He said the livers good no scarring so ascites isn’t even a concern. Everything looks good. Just gotta go home and take some pepto bismuth

Well you were full of shit, now you're full of hot air. Congrats on the good news and sorry you wasted the time/money. It happens. As a doc asked me once, "Would you rather have spent that money and found out you were dying?"
That's terrific that everything came back okay.
You mentioned how it was painless, but man that actually looks painful. Hopefully everything subsides and dissipates.
Yet you may want to consider grabbing these supplements below and incorporating them into your diet.

Red and green powder with your first meal, probiotic and 6g fiber before bed. And you can take probiotic gummies as needed with your meals.
Hope that helps man.. stay well.

I think you need to be sure and strengthen your core if you had this happen just from gas I'm guessing in the future you may have hernia issues. I'm not a doctor so just saying
My ex had a condition called Diastasis Recti after she gave birth to my son. "Diastasis recti is the partial or complete separation of the rectus abdominis, or “six-pack” muscles, which meet at the midline of your stomach. The condition isn’t limited to pregnancy, though. It can affect anyone. It can also result from lifting heavy weights incorrectly or performing excessive or unsafe abdominal exercises."

It's been a while, but I vaguely remember her having a small pooch on her abdomen, similar to the Monster's. As I recall, it became more prominent when she bared down, as in doing a sit up
My ex had a condition called Diastasis Recti after she gave birth to my son. "Diastasis recti is the partial or complete separation of the rectus abdominis, or “six-pack” muscles, which meet at the midline of your stomach. The condition isn’t limited to pregnancy, though. It can affect anyone. It can also result from lifting heavy weights incorrectly or performing excessive or unsafe abdominal exercises."

It's been a while, but I vaguely remember her having a small pooch on her abdomen, similar to the Monster's. As I recall, it became more prominent when she bared down, as in doing a sit up

I heard of this but never seen an example picture.
That had to be painful. With the instance that the original poster went through, I was doing some research to better educate myself and have a better understanding, man, the amount of conditions that are out there with females, babies, young children and even older adults is literally chapters and chapters upon chapters.

It may even more sense when doctors press on your stomach in specific areas and say doesn't hurt here, or hear or here? Each independent area can mean dozens upon dozens of things.

This was actually a pretty good thread.
Hey man checking in to see if anything changed?
How do you feel?

Thanks for checking in bud…

Unfortunately I’m not convinced everything is ok. Now when ever I eat, even small meals, I blow up like a goddamn blimp. Extremely uncomfortable bloat that is visible. Literally looks like my entire abdomen is filled with air from below my pecs down to my groin. Extremely uncomfortable.

Im at a complete loss brother. Very discouraging feeling like this all the time.
Like tonight it was 7.5gs chicken breast and 1cup of rice no hot sauce or any condiments and I’m extremely uncomfortable at the moment. Difficult to hold my kids or bend over…
Thanks for checking in bud…

Unfortunately I’m not convinced everything is ok. Now when ever I eat, even small meals, I blow up like a goddamn blimp. Extremely uncomfortable bloat that is visible. Literally looks like my entire abdomen is filled with air from below my pecs down to my groin. Extremely uncomfortable.

Im at a complete loss brother. Very discouraging feeling like this all the time.
Are you intolerant to certain foods? That ought to be looked into.
Are you intolerant to certain foods? That ought to be looked into.

I’ve literally been living off of chicken and rice the last four days to try to find some relief. Stopped using hot sauce and spices all together. I always tolerated any food very well. I’d eat insane amounts of hot sauce all the time, borderline insanity as far as the heat goes too. Not just talking Frank’s red hot. I used to eat over a lb of habaneros a week and put them on everything I ate, with no problems. So why I’m having issues with chicken and white rice is beyond me…
If this doesn’t get better I’m just going to have to see a Gi specialist. I’m actually already set up with one for past issues (polyps) so that shouldn’t be a problem. Gonna be expensive though because I’m responsible for 50% of the bill with any specialist, until I hit my deductible… with a couple months left of the year too… smh
Are you intolerant to certain foods? That ought to be looked into.

This is actually a very good point.

Some people can develop an allergy in their later years.
For myself I cannot fuck with egg whites.. it literally makes me sick, and depending on the type of chicken, certain chicken makes me sick as well.
But I eat chicken everyday, I have to get mine from Costco.

Maybe going to a food allergist wouldn't be a bad idea to consider?!??

Like I was saying prior in an earlier post this is simply one of those things that's a process of elimination.
Good God it could be one of many things.
I’ve literally been living off of chicken and rice the last four days to try to find some relief. Stopped using hot sauce and spices all together. I always tolerated any food very well. I’d eat insane amounts of hot sauce all the time, borderline insanity as far as the heat goes too. Not just talking Frank’s red hot. I used to eat over a lb of habaneros a week and put them on everything I ate, with no problems. So why I’m having issues with chicken and white rice is beyond me…
What you eat for breakfast? Eggs can be troublesome to some people for example.
What you eat for breakfast? Eggs can be troublesome to some people for example.

Egg whites are the absolute worse for me, but I can eat 2 whole hard boiled eggs and I'm good, but if I drink egg whites I'm fucking screwed.. oats kill me as well but I need to have gluten-free oats..

It would be a relief if this young man found out it was simply just a food allergy and he could make an adjustment.

But I gave him a suggestion with a green and red powder, and pre and probiotic and fiber regimen, I'm 100% confident that will help him out immensely..
Ya 400g egg whites & 125gs oats are how i usually start my day. Might try switching that up for shits and giggles. But it’s not just breakfast that’s messing me up. It’s literally every single meal, even drinks. Went to Starbucks snd got a latte this evening, 30 mins later after finishing it, I blew up… it honestly seems like everything is setting me off.
Egg whites are the absolute worse for me, but I can eat 2 whole hard boiled eggs and I'm good, but if I drink egg whites I'm fucking screwed.. oats kill me as well but I need to have gluten-free oats..

It would be a relief if this young man found out it was simply just a food allergy and he could make an adjustment.

But I gave him a suggestion with a green and red powder, and pre and probiotic and fiber regimen, I'm 100% confident that will help him out immensely..

Egg whites are the absolute worse for me, but I can eat 2 whole hard boiled eggs and I'm good, but if I drink egg whites I'm fucking screwed.. oats kill me as well but I need to have gluten-free oats..

It would be a relief if this young man found out it was simply just a food allergy and he could make an adjustment.

But I gave him a suggestion with a green and red powder, and pre and probiotic and fiber regimen, I'm 100% confident that will help him out immensely..

Ya bro I’m going to try that. Been trying to drink keifer but that’s actually just making it worse maybe I should go with a dairy free probiotic like gummies or something.

What was the green and red powder again? Sorry to make you say it for a third time but there’s so many posts I tried looking back but couldn’t find it.

Ya bro I’m going to try that. Been trying to drink keifer but that’s actually just making it worse maybe I should go with a dairy free probiotic like gummies or something.

What was the green and red powder again? Sorry to make you say it for a third time but there’s so many posts I tried looking back but couldn’t find it.


Just a suggestion bro, maybe cut back on the oats and completely replace them with cream of rice, you'll still get your carbs in you and it's a little easier on the gullet..
And they are very similar on the glycechemic scale.

For the greens and reds, you can order them online or find them at just about any pharmacy or corner store like a rite aid or Walgreens or a larger store like Walmart.
But definitely get the greens and the reds.
The majority of the brands are all the same.
I am happy to report that this morning I was able to eat breakfast with no bloat, and a lunch with only minor bloat. Still the same egg whites/oats and chicken/rice.

Anyways I never mentioned this because I thought it was completely irrelevant and the timing was just coincidental. But all of this started after I decided to quit taking kratom, after using fairly heavy doses daily for over a month. I ended up having withdrawal symptoms mainly insane lethargy and body pain. Unbelievable. The stuffs just not for me I’m too much of an addict to mess with something like that. It seriously set me back quite a bit in that month. Training and diet both took the back burner and kratom was at the very front of the oven. Glad I stopped when I did before withdrawals got any worse but now that they’re getting better so is my GI issues, including the heartburn/reflux that came on the first day I stopped too. So maybe it’s all related after all?
I am happy to report that this morning I was able to eat breakfast with no bloat, and a lunch with only minor bloat. Still the same egg whites/oats and chicken/rice.

Anyways I never mentioned this because I thought it was completely irrelevant and the timing was just coincidental. But all of this started after I decided to quit taking kratom, after using fairly heavy doses daily for over a month. I ended up having withdrawal symptoms mainly insane lethargy and body pain. Unbelievable. The stuffs just not for me I’m too much of an addict to mess with something like that. It seriously set me back quite a bit in that month. Training and diet both took the back burner and kratom was at the very front of the oven. Glad I stopped when I did before withdrawals got any worse but now that they’re getting better so is my GI issues, including the heartburn/reflux that came on the first day I stopped too. So maybe it’s all related after all?
So there you found it and hope soon you'll get back to normal after a while laying off the kratom.
What PEDs are you using right now?

Not to beat a dead horse, but specific drugs make me bloat like this, mainly certain peptides.
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What PEDs are you using right now?

Not to beat a dead horse, but specific drugs make me bloat like this, mainly certain peptides.

Been cruising @200mgs test e/week right now for over a month. Maybe used Dbol pwo 3-4 x in the last month or so that I’ve been cruising…
So there you found it and hope soon you'll get back to normal after a while laying off the kratom.

Yeah let’s hope it’s that, that’s an easy fix. Dumped that shit down the garbage disposal. Over a kilo… like I said I’m enough of an addict to know that shit was gonna be trouble.
A hormone panel would be wise. It could be as simple as estrogen being way up with the dbol causing bloating. I bloat pretty bad when my estrogen gets too far out of range
Yeah let’s hope it’s that, that’s an easy fix. Dumped that shit down the garbage disposal. Over a kilo… like I said I’m enough of an addict to know that shit was gonna be trouble.
How much were you taking to begin with?
A hormone panel would be wise. It could be as simple as estrogen being way up with the dbol causing bloating. I bloat pretty bad when my estrogen gets too far out of range

Like I said it’s only been 3-4 times in the last month, so I wouldn’t think that is it. Got no other symptoms of high estrogen. This is more of an air +water bloat not just holding water. I know what that was like when I was taking the Dbol daily and it’s definitely not the same.

Will be getting bloods in a moth though either way