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Max’s log

No doubt.

You're doing classic? Or are you to heavy

I am doing physique. I would love to do classic or BB , thanks for even thinking that .
Maybe in the future.

You’re gonna do excellent my friend !!

Indeed. I will do my best, hopefully they like it. I will say, “no matter how may times I’ve dieted
down; I’ll never get used to the small portions!!”

You've got good legs, I wouldn't hide em

Yeah. My legs and back have been coming along nicely. Maybe if things go well, I can do a (non board short) show. I train my total physique for symmetry and hate having to hide them but, I will make sure my shorts are made so they can see! Lol . Appreciate it, it gives me drive to really get into this aspect instead of Backstage...(especially now that they jacked up the Coaches passes.. ridiculous!!)blaming liability insurance costs. Yeah right ! I luckily have a few good promoters and employers that hook me up.

Hit 20k posts!!





Post your favorite Chick for me - tits , ass, famous, dirty tramp, nice & naughty, face or clothed is good too! Great Forum

Hit 20k posts!!

Post your favorite Chick for me - tits , ass, famous, dirty tramp, nice & naughty, face or clothed is good too! Great Forum


Congrats! I'm not far behind you. I'm working on 20K likes though! Hope to hit that well before the 20K posts.

You know who I love:

Congrats! I'm not far behind you. I'm working on 20K likes though! Hope to hit that well before the 20K posts.

You know who I love:


Hells yeah! Those are some tittyfuckin tits!! She looks like fun

Hit 20k posts!!





Post your favorite Chick for me - tits , ass, famous, dirty tramp, nice & naughty, face or clothed is good too! Great Forum


You have to be an absolute guru of time management Max! Congratulations on the 20k that is wild brother. Looking incredible too man
You have to be an absolute guru of time management Max! Congratulations on the 20k that is wild brother. Looking incredible too man

Thx StayFocused! I am indeed a time manager! lol

Get Shredded!
MaxSys 2.0 Cyborg Comp Cycle
Beligas Cialis 5mg daily
Beligas Beltropin GH 6iu split
Beligas T3/T4- 25/50mcg
Beligas Clen 40-80mcg 2 on,1off,2on,2off
Beligas Winstrol 20mg 2x daily
Tren Ace 100mg/Test prop/Primo 100mg 3x week
Parabolan 100mg per week one shot
Saxon Provi 20mg 3x daily
Beligas- Adex and Nolvadex or Asin As Needed
Pfizer Caber as needed .5mg twice
2% ketoconazole/.03% bimatoprost shampoo:serum (120 applications)

Daily supplements: 2g circumin w Bioperine, [New World Nutritionals : LIVER SCRUB GALLBLADDER RINSE 15g per serving ~ 3g of MIC(3g each component methionine-inositol-choline, 3g Betaine anhydrous{tmg}, 300mg Tudca], 1 tbsp Knox getatin, 3g MSM, 800mg SAMe, 100mg r-ala, Niacin, 3g hemp/mix oil, black seed oil gels, slin supp{custom}, 200mg P5P, Toniq Ashwagahnda extract, Toniq Elixir(Trans-Resveratrol/NMN), NAD, BetaTor6g weight training days: 3g Off Days{1g 3x a day}Creapure5g post training ED, YOLKED 3g packet post workout additive to my Whey Isolate/creatine/Betator/SR Carnosyn, and my carb choice depends on need at the time! I use HBCD’s(highly-branched cyclic dextrin): Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Waxy Maize, Sweet Potato Powder, Oat Powder(all different ratios) directly after my workout(within 30minutes) very impotant!!

ALL EXERCISES: 4 SETS, REPS- 5-8, rest time 30 second max between sets, rest between exercises 1-2min rest max. Tempo: Strict, Controlled, No Momentum Reps using Mind/Muscle Connection Targeting Exact Muscle being worked. I will dictate my cardio as I go. This 3on,1off, 3on,1,off schedule is intense and I will be doing cardio separately at home 7 days weekly. Intensity/type : TBD daily

Thursday -
* Seated Dumbbell Presses
* Machine Presses
* Arnold Presses
* Prone Incline Front Barbell Raise (shoulder-width grip)
* Alternating Front laterals
* Standing Dumbbell Side Lateral
* One arm Cable side laterals angled
* Bent over Rear Laterals
* Facing Incline bench rear laterals
* Wide-Grip Barbell Upright Row
* Barbell Shrugs(try to act like trying to touch your shoulder to your ears, no rolling)
* Negative Barbell Shrugs
* Reverse Barbell Curl -EZ
* Skinny Barbell Dumbbell Wrist Curl(hands off bench/forearms planted flat)

Friday - OFF

This is my cardio schedule for this week
65 minutes on non-workout days and 2
35 minutes on workout days(post weights or AM fasted). My cardio is 7 days a week and increases by 5-10min each week.

My lord! What a schedule I have had; constantly changes and I enjoy it. There has never been a normal besides schooling. If course problems arise and that sucks but; I have learned(using mental strategies) to never jump, freak, get my blood pressure up, or go from zero to 100!(which most of us have or do experience). I just take my time, breathe and use my learned skills to let myself realize: What I need to do to meet the job/task? If I need to do it..cost to benefit ratio for me and my family or is it to please someone that I care for ? Then I actually open my schedule/calendar and make or don’t make the proper changes. Life is good, you have to do the things you enjoy! Time for some shopping and prepping.
Remember, Reach at Least One Goal Daily!

MaxSys 2.0 Cyborg Comp Cycle
Beligas Cialis 5mg daily
Beligas Beltropin GH 6iu split
Beligas T3/T4- 25/50mcg
Beligas Clen 40-80mcg 2 on,1off,2on,2off
Beligas Winstrol 20mg 2x daily
Tren Ace 100mg/Test prop/Primo 100mg 3x week
Parabolan 100mg per week one shot
Saxon Provi 20mg 3x daily
Beligas- Adex and Nolvadex or Asin As Needed
Pfizer Caber as needed .5mg twice
2% ketoconazole/.03% bimatoprost shampoo:serum (120 applications)

Daily supplements: 2g circumin w Bioperine, [New World Nutritionals : LIVER SCRUB GALLBLADDER RINSE 15g per serving ~ 3g of MIC(3g each component methionine-inositol-choline, 3g Betaine anhydrous{tmg}, 300mg Tudca], 1 tbsp Knox getatin, 3g MSM, 800mg SAMe, 100mg r-ala, Niacin, 3g hemp/mix oil, black seed oil gels, slin supp{custom}, 200mg P5P, Toniq Ashwagahnda extract, Toniq Elixir(Trans-Resveratrol/NMN), NAD, BetaTor6g weight training days: 3g Off Days{1g 3x a day}Creapure5g post training ED, YOLKED 3g packet post workout additive to my Whey Isolate/creatine/Betator/SR Carnosyn, and my carb choice depends on need at the time! I use HBCD’s(highly-branched cyclic dextrin): Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Waxy Maize, Sweet Potato Powder, Oat Powder(all different ratios) directly after my workout(within 30minutes) very impotant!!

ALL EXERCISES: 4 SETS, REPS- 5-8, rest time 30 second max between sets, rest between exercises 1-2min rest max. Tempo: Strict, Controlled, No Momentum Reps using Mind/Muscle Connection Targeting Exact Muscle being worked. I will dictate my cardio as I go. This 3on,1off, 3on,1,off schedule is intense and I will be doing cardio separately at home 7 days weekly. Intensity/type : TBD daily

Friday - OFF

This is my cardio schedule for this week
65 minutes on non-workout days and 2
35 minutes on workout days(post weights or AM fasted). My cardio is 7 days a week and increases by 5-10min each week.

My day off but it isn’t my day off! Super busy. Here is an update pic
Remember, Reach at Least One Goal Daily!


MaxSys 2.0 Cyborg Comp Cycle
Beligas Cialis 5mg daily
Beligas Beltropin GH 6iu split
Beligas T3/T4- 25/50mcg
Beligas Clen 40-80mcg 2 on,1off,2on,2off
Beligas Winstrol 20mg 2x daily
Tren Ace 100mg/Test prop/Primo 100mg 3x week
Parabolan 100mg per week one shot
Saxon Provi 20mg 3x daily
Beligas- Adex and Nolvadex or Asin As Needed
Pfizer Caber as needed .5mg twice
2% ketoconazole/.03% bimatoprost shampoo:serum (120 applications)

Daily supplements: 2g circumin w Bioperine, [New World Nutritionals : LIVER SCRUB GALLBLADDER RINSE 15g per serving ~ 3g of MIC(3g each component methionine-inositol-choline, 3g Betaine anhydrous{tmg}, 300mg Tudca], 1 tbsp Knox getatin, 3g MSM, 800mg SAMe, 100mg r-ala, Niacin, 3g hemp/mix oil, black seed oil gels, slin supp{custom}, 200mg P5P, Toniq Ashwagahnda extract, Toniq Elixir(Trans-Resveratrol/NMN), NAD, BetaTor6g weight training days: 3g Off Days{1g 3x a day}Creapure5g post training ED, YOLKED 3g packet post workout additive to my Whey Isolate/creatine/Betator/SR Carnosyn, and my carb choice depends on need at the time! I use HBCD’s(highly-branched cyclic dextrin): Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Waxy Maize, Sweet Potato Powder, Oat Powder(all different ratios) directly after my workout(within 30minutes) very impotant!!

ALL EXERCISES: 4 SETS, REPS- 5-8, rest time 30 second max between sets, rest between exercises 1-2min rest max. Tempo: Strict, Controlled, No Momentum Reps using Mind/Muscle Connection Targeting Exact Muscle being worked. I will dictate my cardio as I go. This 3on,1off, 3on,1,off schedule is intense and I will be doing cardio separately at home 7 days weekly. Intensity/type : TBD daily

Friday - OFF

This is my cardio schedule for this week
65 minutes on non-workout days and 2
35 minutes on workout days(post weights or AM fasted). My cardio is 7 days a week and increases by 5-10min each week.

My day off but it isn’t my day off! Super busy. Here is an update pic
Remember, Reach at Least One Goal Daily!



Genetics are fucking phenomenal man. Looking incredible
Genetics are fucking phenomenal man. Looking incredible

Thanks V! I have 10 days to get my self nice and full. Looking forward to coming in full & freaky!

MaxSys 2.0 Cyborg Comp Cycle
Beligas Cialis 5mg daily
Beligas Beltropin GH 6iu split
Beligas T3/T4- 25/50mcg
Beligas Clen 40-80mcg 2 on,1off,2on,2off
Beligas Winstrol 20mg 2x daily
Tren Ace 100mg/Test prop/Primo 100mg 3x week
Parabolan 100mg per week one shot
Saxon Provi 20mg 3x daily
Beligas- Adex and Nolvadex or Asin As Needed
Pfizer Caber as needed .5mg twice
2% ketoconazole/.03% bimatoprost shampoo:serum (120 applications)

Daily supplements: 2g circumin w Bioperine, [New World Nutritionals : LIVER SCRUB GALLBLADDER RINSE 15g per serving ~ 3g of MIC(3g each component methionine-inositol-choline, 3g Betaine anhydrous{tmg}, 300mg Tudca], 1 tbsp Knox getatin, 3g MSM, 800mg SAMe, 100mg r-ala, Niacin, 3g hemp/mix oil, black seed oil gels, slin supp{custom}, 200mg P5P, Toniq Ashwagahnda extract, Toniq Elixir(Trans-Resveratrol/NMN), NAD, BetaTor6g weight training days: 3g Off Days{1g 3x a day}Creapure5g post training ED, YOLKED 3g packet post workout additive to my Whey Isolate/creatine/Betator/SR Carnosyn, and my carb choice depends on need at the time! I use HBCD’s(highly-branched cyclic dextrin): Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Waxy Maize, Sweet Potato Powder, Oat Powder(all different ratios) directly after my workout(within 30minutes) very impotant!!

ALL EXERCISES: 4 SETS, REPS- 5-8, rest time 30 second max between sets, rest between exercises 1-2min rest max. Tempo: Strict, Controlled, No Momentum Reps using Mind/Muscle Connection Targeting Exact Muscle being worked. I will dictate my cardio as I go. This 3on,1off, 3on,1,off schedule is intense and I will be doing cardio separately at home 7 days weekly. Intensity/type : TBD daily

Friday - OFF

This is my cardio schedule for this week
65 minutes on non-workout days and 2
35 minutes on workout days(post weights or AM fasted). My cardio is 7 days a week and increases by 5-10min each week.

My day off but it isn’t my day off! Super busy. Here is an update pic
Remember, Reach at Least One Goal Daily!



Damn Max, what a shape Looking 3D as fuck! Jealous of that waistline
Damn Max, what a shape Looking 3D as fuck! Jealous of that waistline

Thx. I definitely have it small AF! Now I just have to hold weight next 10 days and blow the intramuscular size up on my upper muscle bellies . Have my papa coming down to help Sat until competition so that will be nice !

MaxSys 2.0 Cyborg Comp Cycle
Beligas Cialis 5mg daily
Beligas Beltropin GH 6iu split
Beligas T3/T4- 25/50mcg
Beligas Clen 40-80mcg 2 on,1off,2on,2off
Beligas Winstrol 20mg 2x daily
Tren Ace 100mg/Test prop/Primo 100mg 3x week
Parabolan 100mg per week one shot
Saxon Provi 20mg 3x daily
Beligas- Adex and Nolvadex or Asin As Needed
Pfizer Caber as needed .5mg twice
2% ketoconazole/.03% bimatoprost shampoo:serum (120 applications)

Daily supplements: 2g circumin w Bioperine, [New World Nutritionals : LIVER SCRUB GALLBLADDER RINSE 15g per serving ~ 3g of MIC(3g each component methionine-inositol-choline, 3g Betaine anhydrous{tmg}, 300mg Tudca], 1 tbsp Knox getatin, 3g MSM, 800mg SAMe, 100mg r-ala, Niacin, 3g hemp/mix oil, black seed oil gels, slin supp{custom}, 200mg P5P, Toniq Ashwagahnda extract, Toniq Elixir(Trans-Resveratrol/NMN), NAD, BetaTor6g weight training days: 3g Off Days{1g 3x a day}Creapure5g post training ED, YOLKED 3g packet post workout additive to my Whey Isolate/creatine/Betator/SR Carnosyn, and my carb choice depends on need at the time! I use HBCD’s(highly-branched cyclic dextrin): Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Waxy Maize, Sweet Potato Powder, Oat Powder(all different ratios) directly after my workout(within 30minutes) very impotant!!

ALL EXERCISES: 4 SETS, REPS- 5-8, rest time 30 second max between sets, rest between exercises 1-2min rest max. Tempo: Strict, Controlled, No Momentum Reps using Mind/Muscle Connection Targeting Exact Muscle being worked. I will dictate my cardio as I go. This 3on,1off, 3on,1,off schedule is intense and I will be doing cardio separately at home 7 days weekly. Intensity/type : TBD daily

Friday - OFF

This is my cardio schedule for this week
65 minutes on non-workout days and 2
35 minutes on workout days(post weights or AM fasted). My cardio is 7 days a week and increases by 5-10min each week.

My day off but it isn’t my day off! Super busy. Here is an update pic
Remember, Reach at Least One Goal Daily!



Look amazing here Max, keep it up!
Hey brother, I know you said your papa is coming down to help the final push. I hope it goes great, your dedication and hard work shows. You got this Max!
Hey brother, I know you said your papa is coming down to help the final push. I hope it goes great, your dedication and hard work shows. You got this Max!

Thanks StayFocused! Me too! Excited all around no matter what ! Appreciate you following and the encouragement

MaxSys 2.0 Cyborg Comp Cycle
Beligas Cialis 5mg daily
Beligas Beltropin GH 6iu split
Beligas T3/T4- 25/50mcg
Beligas Clen 40-80mcg 2 on,1off,2on,2off
Beligas Winstrol 20mg 2x daily
Tren Ace 100mg/Test prop/Primo 100mg 3x week
Parabolan 100mg per week one shot
Saxon Provi 20mg 3x daily
Beligas- Adex and Nolvadex or Asin As Needed
Pfizer Caber as needed .5mg twice
2% ketoconazole/.03% bimatoprost shampoo:serum (120 applications)

Daily supplements: 2g circumin w Bioperine, [New World Nutritionals : LIVER SCRUB GALLBLADDER RINSE 15g per serving ~ 3g of MIC(3g each component methionine-inositol-choline, 3g Betaine anhydrous{tmg}, 300mg Tudca], 1 tbsp Knox getatin, 3g MSM, 800mg SAMe, 100mg r-ala, Niacin, 3g hemp/mix oil, black seed oil gels, slin supp{custom}, 200mg P5P, Toniq Ashwagahnda extract, Toniq Elixir(Trans-Resveratrol/NMN), NAD, BetaTor6g weight training days: 3g Off Days{1g 3x a day}Creapure5g post training ED, YOLKED 3g packet post workout additive to my Whey Isolate/creatine/Betator/SR Carnosyn, and my carb choice depends on need at the time! I use HBCD’s(highly-branched cyclic dextrin): Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Waxy Maize, Sweet Potato Powder, Oat Powder(all different ratios) directly after my workout(within 30minutes) very impotant!!

ALL EXERCISES: 4 SETS, REPS- 5-8, rest time 30 second max between sets, rest between exercises 1-2min rest max. Tempo: Strict, Controlled, No Momentum Reps using Mind/Muscle Connection Targeting Exact Muscle being worked. I will dictate my cardio as I go. This 3on,1off, 3on,1,off schedule is intense and I will be doing cardio separately at home 7 days weekly. Intensity/type : TBD daily

Friday - OFF

This is my cardio schedule for this week
65 minutes on non-workout days and 2
35 minutes on workout days(post weights or AM fasted). My cardio is 7 days a week and increases by 5-10min each week.

My day off but it isn’t my day off! Super busy. Here is an update pic
Remember, Reach at Least One Goal Daily!


Tighter and tighter every week
MaxSys 2.0 Cyborg Comp Cycle
Beligas Cialis 5mg daily
Beligas Beltropin GH 6iu split
Beligas T3/T4- 25/50mcg
Beligas Clen 40-80mcg 2 on,1off,2on,2off
Beligas Winstrol 20mg 2x daily
Tren Ace 100mg/Test prop/Primo 100mg 3x week
Parabolan 100mg per week one shot
Saxon Provi 20mg 3x daily
Beligas- Adex and Nolvadex or Asin As Needed
Pfizer Caber as needed .5mg twice
2% ketoconazole/.03% bimatoprost shampoo:serum (120 applications)

Daily supplements: 2g circumin w Bioperine, [New World Nutritionals : LIVER SCRUB GALLBLADDER RINSE 15g per serving ~ 3g of MIC(3g each component methionine-inositol-choline, 3g Betaine anhydrous{tmg}, 300mg Tudca], 1 tbsp Knox getatin, 3g MSM, 800mg SAMe, 100mg r-ala, Niacin, 3g hemp/mix oil, black seed oil gels, slin supp{custom}, 200mg P5P, Toniq Ashwagahnda extract, Toniq Elixir(Trans-Resveratrol/NMN), NAD, BetaTor6g weight training days: 3g Off Days{1g 3x a day}Creapure5g post training ED, YOLKED 3g packet post workout additive to my Whey Isolate/creatine/Betator/SR Carnosyn, and my carb choice depends on need at the time! I use HBCD’s(highly-branched cyclic dextrin): Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Waxy Maize, Sweet Potato Powder, Oat Powder(all different ratios) directly after my workout(within 30minutes) very impotant!!

ALL EXERCISES: 4 SETS, REPS- 5-8, rest time 30 second max between sets, rest between exercises 1-2min rest max. Tempo: Strict, Controlled, No Momentum Reps using Mind/Muscle Connection Targeting Exact Muscle being worked. I will dictate my cardio as I go. This 3on,1off, 3on,1,off schedule is intense and I will be doing cardio separately at home 7 days weekly. Intensity/type : TBD daily

Saturday -
* 30 deg Incline Dumbbell Press
* Flat Barbell Bench Press
* Upper Chest Smith Bench Press
* Wide Dumbbell Flyes(Deep stretch)
* Cable Crossover
* Pec-Deck
* Leg Extension
* Olympic Barbell Squat
* Single-Leg Presses
* Incline, Overhead Straight Barbell or EZ-Bar Extensions
* Reverse Pushdowns
* Lying Two-Arm Dumbbell Extension
* Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks (opposite knee and hand on bench, bent over, elbow to side never moving)

This is my cardio schedule for this week
65 minutes on non-workout days and 2
35 minutes on workout days(post weights or AM fasted). My cardio is 7 days a week and increases by 5-10min each week.

Had a sick day at the gym. Pump was insane and am getting vascular. Last two days of actual 12 hour days and I’ll be concentrating on winning(Charlie voice) Tigers Blood! Lol. Sorry haven’t been too active, had a bunch of family coming in and driving-working-gym-cardio-sleep. I have been taking naps when I can. Kick ass and Looking forward to seeing some winners Tonight/Today!
Remember, Reach at Least One Goal Daily!




MaxSys 2.0 Cyborg Comp Cycle
Beligas Cialis 5mg daily
Beligas Beltropin GH 6iu split
Beligas T3/T4- 25/50mcg
Beligas Clen 40-80mcg 2 on,1off,2on,2off
Beligas Winstrol 20mg 2x daily
Tren Ace 100mg/Test prop/Primo 100mg 3x week
Parabolan 100mg per week one shot
Saxon Provi 20mg 3x daily
Beligas- Adex and Nolvadex or Asin As Needed
Pfizer Caber as needed .5mg twice
2% ketoconazole/.03% bimatoprost shampoo:serum (120 applications)

Daily supplements: 2g circumin w Bioperine, [New World Nutritionals : LIVER SCRUB GALLBLADDER RINSE 15g per serving ~ 3g of MIC(3g each component methionine-inositol-choline, 3g Betaine anhydrous{tmg}, 300mg Tudca], 1 tbsp Knox getatin, 3g MSM, 800mg SAMe, 100mg r-ala, Niacin, 3g hemp/mix oil, black seed oil gels, slin supp{custom}, 200mg P5P, Toniq Ashwagahnda extract, Toniq Elixir(Trans-Resveratrol/NMN), NAD, BetaTor6g weight training days: 3g Off Days{1g 3x a day}Creapure5g post training ED, YOLKED 3g packet post workout additive to my Whey Isolate/creatine/Betator/SR Carnosyn, and my carb choice depends on need at the time! I use HBCD’s(highly-branched cyclic dextrin): Dextrose, Maltodextrin, Waxy Maize, Sweet Potato Powder, Oat Powder(all different ratios) directly after my workout(within 30minutes) very impotant!!

ALL EXERCISES: 4 SETS, REPS- 5-8, rest time 30 second max between sets, rest between exercises 1-2min rest max. Tempo: Strict, Controlled, No Momentum Reps using Mind/Muscle Connection Targeting Exact Muscle being worked. I will dictate my cardio as I go. This 3on,1off, 3on,1,off schedule is intense and I will be doing cardio separately at home 7 days weekly. Intensity/type : TBD daily

Saturday -
* 30 deg Incline Dumbbell Press
* Flat Barbell Bench Press
* Upper Chest Smith Bench Press
* Wide Dumbbell Flyes(Deep stretch)
* Cable Crossover
* Pec-Deck
* Leg Extension
* Olympic Barbell Squat
* Single-Leg Presses
* Incline, Overhead Straight Barbell or EZ-Bar Extensions
* Reverse Pushdowns
* Lying Two-Arm Dumbbell Extension
* Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks (opposite knee and hand on bench, bent over, elbow to side never moving)

This is my cardio schedule for this week
65 minutes on non-workout days and 2
35 minutes on workout days(post weights or AM fasted). My cardio is 7 days a week and increases by 5-10min each week.

Had a sick day at the gym. Pump was insane and am getting vascular. Last two days of actual 12 hour days and I’ll be concentrating on winning(Charlie voice) Tigers Blood! Lol. Sorry haven’t been too active, had a bunch of family coming in and driving-working-gym-cardio-sleep. I have been taking naps when I can. Kick ass and Looking forward to seeing some winners Tonight/Today!
Remember, Reach at Least One Goal Daily!




Junk drawer lol.
Those blue eyes WOW
Dam that’s you bro??? Always imagined you looking like ur 40s not early 20s life me. But dam I’m impressed bro and gotta say the knowledge you carry for this sport is insane!
ThxSBx! I appreciate it. Lifelong dream!
You added some quality gains max! Sick, keep doing what you are doing

Gettin there! Hopefully
