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Can a woman SAFELY use tren?

Get Shredded!
no, I don't completely agree, you believe me: I NEED TREN!!!

More Trenbolone for everyone
Lol there's a huge difference between NEED and WANT lmao

Yes, yes... we all NEED our superhuman powers brought on by these magical potions. Lol

yeah , thats exactly why we want to try primo Ace first. So she can stop it as soon as she feels that she might be loosing too much hair. (crossing my fingers she doesnt)

She LOVED Anavar at 10mg but she did shed some and had to stop it. She is currently using 5mg but gains are not as good as at 10mg obiously. thats why she wants to try different compounds.

her stats

35yrs old
not sure on BF . i want to say 25% ish
Why is she running var with 25% bf? It is a waste of time. I know that Seems harsh but won’t work unless your lean already.
Having a lot of talks with the fiancé about cycles beyond var. The discussions have come around to tren a few times. I wouldn't even begin to know how to tackle this, but when there was a certain emerald lady around here she mentioned "a wee bit of tren"

So what's the opinion of people with some amount of experience with female cycles?

Hey there!

So I’m still new enough that i don’t think that I’m allowed or able to post pics in the forum yet, but I’m currently running Test Cyp every other day for a total of 45 a week and have had pretty great results so far. (With no noticeable side effects; no she-dick for anyone who’s dying to know. No beard, no acne)

So a little background- I’ve been a nurse for over a decade, I work closely with a doctor who’s monitoring my levels, and we watch things like a hawk. I had a hysterectomy at 23, and because of a blood clotting disorder, I can’t take replacement hormones (estrogen, etc etc). I’ve done a Var cycle and got some great benefits with only minor s/e. (Sensitivity, again, no shenis downstairs) but enough that I’ve cycled off for a while. But with no naturally occurring endogenous hormones- I’m at an increased risk for seeing those pesky side effects that we worry about. So we start at the bottom level and go slow.

There are a lot of females out here who use pretty serious stacks- yes- including tren and have some insane growth. At the end of the day, your wife should sit down and figure out her ultimate goal and the risks she’s willing to take to get there. What side effects would she be willing to tolerate before pulling the plug?

Now on a less serious note..For those talking shit about the sides of females on gear… I mean, as far as clitoral growth, it may make it easier for yall to find..so. Really gonna be mad about it? lol. If anything - that’s doing you a favor. Cmon now. ?
Hey there!

So I’m still new enough that i don’t think that I’m allowed or able to post pics in the forum yet, but I’m currently running Test Cyp every other day for a total of 45 a week and have had pretty great results so far. (With no noticeable side effects; no she-dick for anyone who’s dying to know. No beard, no acne)

So a little background- I’ve been a nurse for over a decade, I work closely with a doctor who’s monitoring my levels, and we watch things like a hawk. I had a hysterectomy at 23, and because of a blood clotting disorder, I can’t take replacement hormones (estrogen, etc etc). I’ve done a Var cycle and got some great benefits with only minor s/e. (Sensitivity, again, no shenis downstairs) but enough that I’ve cycled off for a while. But with no naturally occurring endogenous hormones- I’m at an increased risk for seeing those pesky side effects that we worry about. So we start at the bottom level and go slow.

There are a lot of females out here who use pretty serious stacks- yes- including tren and have some insane growth. At the end of the day, your wife should sit down and figure out her ultimate goal and the risks she’s willing to take to get there. What side effects would she be willing to tolerate before pulling the plug?

Now on a less serious note..For those talking shit about the sides of females on gear… I mean, as far as clitoral growth, it may make it easier for yall to find..so. Really gonna be mad about it? lol. If anything - that’s doing you a favor. Cmon now. ?
Pics …or you have a shenis . ?
What’s your blood concentration level of testosterone? Your taking double the replacement dose for women.
If you’re asking me (apologies if not): the first four weeks at 30/week brought me up to mid 30s. With that in mind and congruent with my goals and training regimen we went ahead and jumped. Likely to stay here and back off if I’ve hit the threshold. Upcoming bloodwork soon. Definitely aware of the dosing for replacement versus cycling and the transitioning dosing. (Funnily enough, a diff doc recommended 80 as my starting point. Thinking he was trying to help me transition. ? not the goal, bud- not the goal.)

My starting point (2019) a body weight of 330+ lbs on a 5’8 frame. My current is 164lbs. Despite the slow / natural weight loss, (and a few rebounds up to 220s and back down) loose skin was pretty unavoidable. I want to fill as much up with muscle as possible versus surgery. While I absolutely understand that many don’t love the idea of women on a cycle, and there’s unfortunately not a ton of supportive evidence for those of us dabbling in it- we’re being as reasonably cautious as is possible. I make no moves without my trainer and doc approval. And in the mean time, hopefully finding a way to add to the data available for women out here so we can make (relatively) informed decisions.

But also, kinda just wanna be yoked, too. ? always open to suggestions and opinions, as well. Hopefully nothing I say comes across like I think I know it all- definitely not. I’m aware of the consequences and know what I’m willing to deal with (not a shenis) to hit goals.
?? aw bummmmer. I guess this means I’m now one of the guys? But for like, realsies?
Yes for realz and pics must be in an itty bitty teenie weenie bikini or naked. :D
and how/why did this thread get bumped (I know it wasn't you @JennBee)?
Tren sounds like a wonderful idea for a woman, idk prolly 400 mg a week should do the trick :eek:
Yes for realz and pics must be in an itty bitty teenie weenie bikini or naked. :D
LMFAO I meant I was for realsies one of the guys ??

Bro as a former 330lb female struck by body dysmorphia- it’d be a cold day in hell before I ever buy a bikini ?

I can for sure draw you a pic tho. ???
Wow, congrats on the weight loss @JennBee.. Do you think you may want to compete?
BTW I know absolutely nothing about women dosing PEDs so I defer to @REHH and others that do know.
Wow, congrats on the weight loss @JennBee.. Do you think you may want to compete?
BTW I know absolutely nothing about women dosing PEDs so I defer to @REHH and others that do know.
Thanks so much!
Definitely no on the competing. I don’t think I’ll ever be comfortable in my own skin and honestly I don’t think I could handle the mental aspects of what the athletes go through for the cut/refeed/recomp. Mad respect to those who can; I just don’t think it’s for me. One of my training partners is a body builder and seeing her go through that - mad respect but just not for me. However- seeing the strength gains and muscle growth is what really inspired me to shift gears for strength versus skinny.
If you’re asking me (apologies if not): the first four weeks at 30/week brought me up to mid 30s. With that in mind and congruent with my goals and training regimen we went ahead and jumped. Likely to stay here and back off if I’ve hit the threshold. Upcoming bloodwork soon. Definitely aware of the dosing for replacement versus cycling and the transitioning dosing. (Funnily enough, a diff doc recommended 80 as my starting point. Thinking he was trying to help me transition. ? not the goal, bud- not the goal.)

My starting point (2019) a body weight of 330+ lbs on a 5’8 frame. My current is 164lbs. Despite the slow / natural weight loss, (and a few rebounds up to 220s and back down) loose skin was pretty unavoidable. I want to fill as much up with muscle as possible versus surgery. While I absolutely understand that many don’t love the idea of women on a cycle, and there’s unfortunately not a ton of supportive evidence for those of us dabbling in it- we’re being as reasonably cautious as is possible. I make no moves without my trainer and doc approval. And in the mean time, hopefully finding a way to add to the data available for women out here so we can make (relatively) informed decisions.

But also, kinda just wanna be yoked, too. ? always open to suggestions and opinions, as well. Hopefully nothing I say comes across like I think I know it all- definitely not. I’m aware of the consequences and know what I’m willing to deal with (not a shenis) to hit goals.

Oh I see. Thanks for reply. Good luck with achieving your goals sounds like you lost a lot of bf already
Oh I see. Thanks for reply. Good luck with achieving your goals sounds like you lost a lot of bf already
Thank you so much! As with anything else, trial and error but hopefully a lot to be learned over the next long while. And again, always open to suggestions, tips, ideas.
Good lord you guys lol.

@JennBee you done well dealing with those ogres!
Get Shredded!
My wife hasn't touched tren. It has come up in discussion for if/when she gets her pro card to compete at that level. It's not in her cards right now tho

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My wife hasn't touched tren. It has come up in discussion for if/when she gets her pro card to compete at that level. It's not in her cards right now tho

Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
I actually was trying to read your wife’s journey on your post and hadn’t had a chance to catch all the way up, but what I did see was crazy inspiring. Well done to her! And you for sharing it! I was wondering what all she cycled. (But I’ll get a chance to read up on it in a bit I hope!) again, really awesome work!
My wife hasn't touched tren. It has come up in discussion for if/when she gets her pro card to compete at that level. It's not in her cards right now tho

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That's your wife in your avatar? She looks great and planning a show?
She's done 7 shows so far. Planning first national show and going for her procard in July

Sent from my SM-N986U using Tapatalk
Awesome and hope she nails it!
LMFAO I meant I was for realsies one of the guys ??

Bro as a former 330lb female struck by body dysmorphia- it’d be a cold day in hell before I ever buy a bikini ?

I can for sure draw you a pic tho. ???
b careful, my has had great results from just 15mg of test per week.
My gf Judy..loved Tren..
Of course strength and definition increased..
But...her voice started to deepen and facial hair started growing..
If you think it's hard dialing in men's dosages..Try women's..!!
My gf Judy..loved Tren..
Of course strength and definition increased..
But...her voice started to deepen and facial hair started growing..
If you think it's hard dialing in men's dosages..Try women's..!!
That's the wife's worst thing. Facial/body hair. Voice hasn't deepened luckily she had kind of a deeper voice to start with

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