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Cali's Dream Cycle Log. *Thanks Basicstero/Pharmacom for the Hookup*

AM Training
Warmup 135 x12 two sets
225 x 10 2 sets
315 x8 4 sets

135 x10 1 set
225 x 8 3 sets

3 sets of 10

3 Sets of 10

280 x 10 1 set
300 x 10 1 set
320x 9 1 set to failure

BB Bicep Curls
60 x 10 1 set
70 x 10 1 set
80 x 10 1 set
90 x 9 1 set to failure
100 x 8 1 set to failure

40s x 10 1 set (almost no resting period between sets)
50s x 9 1 set
45s x 10 1 set
50s x8 to failure.

Was a good workout, ran out of time as I had to be at work. Showered and got to work still sweating. Good stuff. Weight this AM 203lbs.
Day off and sleep. Eating well this week-
Home made pot pie, thanks wifey


Just ate a steak and a bunch of DBol. Heading to the gym for shoulders and some arms. Freestylin today-
Yes, lunch then lift.
Up to 203lbs solid. The gears are settling in nicely, starting to feel somewhat normal and ready to lift tonight.
Went in and finished arms from the other day and hit calves. It was fooking freezing today. Had to wait for the ice to melt of my damn windshield before I could head out.

Now it feels like my test levels are evening out. I felt a bit of the test flu at the beginning of this cycle. Now the pumps are great and the lifts are going up like crazy. I am planning to do bloods at the end of January.
Not a bad log you got goin' here.

Hard work and diet...you're doing great.

Keep the faith.

Thank you.

Tonights workout: Deadlifts

Just deadlifts, looking to do about 10 working sets of 6-8 reps, increasing weight to judge progress. I definitely feel stronger but lets see what the lifts say.

Also scheduled bloods for tomorrow AM results should be in sometime Thursday the 17th.
Cali.. Digging all of the food porn. You're making me hungry GDI. I want some pop tarts now...
So after all the deadlifts last night I can hardly walk today. Went in for bloods and made the mistake of wearing a long sleeve shirt. I couldn't get the sleeve to roll up high enough so I had to take off my shirt. The looks I got from all the chubby girls there was cracking me up.

Tonight, Chest

Start with flat bench,
Incline DB
Pull overs

Skull crushers
machine press down

Standing calf raises
Seated calf raise machine
Deads Warm up plus 5 sets of increasing weight. Stopped at 495 due to grip issue on my left hand.
BB Bent over rows 225
Rows Machine 280
Chins 3 sets
Pull ups 3 sets

Seated calf raises 5 sets high reps

Not as much volume today as I would like to do but the deads killed me. Going to be nice and sore this weekend. Weight gain has been slow still so I am looking for high calorie foods. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks-

Still checking my Email for blood test results every 5 minutes. Hopefully they show today as I will be pinning soon. If they are low with the t500 like a couple others had then I will up the dosage.
Get Shredded!
Weighed in at 205 this AM which puts me at about a pound per week. Although gains at the beginning were slow and actually seem to be going faster now. Hopefully I can get up to 2 lbs per week but I don't know if I can eat that much. I literally feel stuffed all the time and the thought of food is starting to gross me out. Too bad that didn't happen when I was a fatass.

Labs came in. Thread started here: http://www.anabolicsteroidforums.com/showthread.php/49555-California-s-Lab-Test-Results

Squats 5 sets started at a single plate and worked my way up to five. It felt like I could do more but I am leery of injuries. I don't want any setbacks now.

Leg press, 5 sets, forgot count on plates, 5 or 6 for 8-10 reps
Leg extension machine, 5 sets
leg curl machine 5 sets
seated calf raise 5 sets of 20
standing calf raise 5 sets of 15-20

Lateral DB raises, 55lbs 4 sets of 10
Seated overhead DB press 65lb 4 sets of 10
Upright BB Row single plate 4 sets of 8
Shrugs BB 495 5 sets of 12
Lat pulldown 4 sets of 8-10

Tonight Chest
Incline BB
BB Flys

My $20 Subway lunch

Cracking into another box of GH
Donated blood yesterday. Double red. BP was 157/90 which is high for me but I think it was because I was in the middle of being questioned by the nurse. RBC was 17.4%. I felt like shit after but today I feel great and BP is way down into the 120s./70s.

Going to try the chest workout I had planned for yesterday tonight. We will see how it goes, may need another day off.
Atta boy! And that 17.4g/dL is your hemoglobin. My hemo used to run 18.5-19 and after consistent donations my last reading was 14.9. Donations do make a difference.
Been super busy the past few days. Was able to get into the gym a few days and hit:

Have been reading a lot about bulking nutrition. Actually having a hard time getting down enough cals to gain but working out some high cal options. Going to be at 400g protein and hit a minimum cal goal of 4500. Yesterday was easy, some restaurant pasta helped out with that cal goal. I also realized that my gainer shakes are not working. I plan to use shakes for protein supplementation but not for overall calories.
Update and Pics coming soon. Sorry I had some really rough stuff to deal with in the beginning of this year, I am hoping it will work out. Ill make a post all about it. I may actually need some advice from you older guys about how to handle things.

As far as Basic goes, they are totally awesome. They sent me the most kick ass calendar and the gear is the best I have ever used. It is strong (Especially the T500) and takes some getting used to but it is so damn good. I have gotten labs two more times since the last and I will be posting them when I get a chance to.