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ART Topic of the Week - Lessons Learned


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Jul 16, 2014
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Get Shredded!
Would like to hear what our vets remember add the biggest lesson they learned in their time with the iron.

Of course it can be training, diet, AAS related but, I would like to hear life lessons to go along with it.

So grab a seat, the cock to your left and let the circle jerk begin!

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Biggest lesson learned in my lifting career is overtraining. I started in the 80s training all body parts 3x per week and training 7 days per week with 2-3hr sessions doing 3-4 body parts per workout. 90s I got a little smarter and lowered it to training each body part 2x a week but still doing 2hr workouts.. today the old wiseman is down to 1x a week with 1hr sessions.

If back in 80s-90s i had access to drugs and information like today I woulda been MUCH bigger back then.
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Gear isn't magic. NUTRITION!!

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Biggest lesson learned in my lifting career is overtraining. I started in the 80s training all body parts 3x per week and training 7 days per week with 2-3hr sessions doing 3-4 body parts per workout. 90s I got a little smarter and lowered it to training each body part 2x a week but still doing 2hr workouts.. today the old wiseman is down to 1x a week with 1hr sessions.

If back in 80s-90s i had access to drugs and information like today I woulda been MUCH bigger back then.
Does it mean it’s better to train a body part once per week ?
Following... interested to hear some of this..

Monte couldn't resist getting the circle jerk jab in..lol.
Play nice this should make for a good thread.
Would like to hear what our vets remember add the biggest lesson they learned in their time with the iron.

Of course it can be training, diet, AAS related but, I would like to hear life lessons to go along with it.

So grab a seat, the cock to your left and let the circle jerk begin!

Just great, now I have to stoop down to participating in a circle jerk.

I am right handed.........just so you know :)

And we will need a pivot man, after talking to everyone Oldschool says he has the experience and volunteered for the job....:)

More to come later.....
Does it mean it’s better to train a body part once per week ?

1-2x per week depending on type split and training volume. For me I like high volume heavy weight once per week
Overtraining in my teens. Lee Haney said it best, "stimulate, don't annihilate." I've trained each muscle group 1x per week since my early 20s.
It's more about nutrition and less about gear.
You shouldn't run 2 19-nors simultaneously. Bullshit.
Even though tren already said it, it must be stated again...AIs are the #1 abused compound.
Protein shakes are no replacement for whole foods. Bullshit. I drink 1-2 everyday, but I also make sure I hit my macros everyday as well.
Squats are your friend.
And based on my most recent thread in the Pit, I learned that I'm a creepy old man.
Overtraining in my teens. Lee Haney said it best, "stimulate, don't annihilate." I've trained each muscle group 1x per week since my early 20s.
It's more about nutrition and less about gear.
You shouldn't run 2 19-nors simultaneously. Bullshit.
Even though tren already said it, it must be stated again...AIs are the #1 abused compound.
Protein shakes are no replacement for whole foods. Bullshit. I drink 1-2 everyday, but I also make sure I hit my macros everyday as well.
Squats are your friend.
And based on my most recent thread in the Pit, I learned that I'm a creepy old man.

LMAO, we all have a gym crush. no shame sir.

Can anyone elaborate on AI abuse? Taken too often, dose too high? Thanks.
Can anyone elaborate on AI abuse? Taken too often, dose too high?

Yes on both accounts. The bottom line is that estrogen is very anabolic and a great asset to hypertrophy, but guys get so paranoid about getting gyno or a little bloat that it overshadows how good a little elevated e2 can be. IFBB pro bodybuilders never used AIs in the 90's to control estrogen, instead they just kept tamoxifen on hand in case gyno symptoms appeared. Even today, IFBB pros rarely use AIs, and if they do it's a very low dose. I'll be the first to agree that not everyone wants to be a monster like me and a few others on here, but if you are crushing your e2 with AIs you are leaving a lot of hypertrophy on the table. I usually don't start using AIs until I'm up to 800mg/wk or more of testosterone, and even then I only take a low dose. I like my estradiol numbers to be in the upper 50s to low 70s when I'm blasting and I only take the necessary amount of AIs to keep me in that ball park.

Can't disagree at all!

with the creepy old man part? lol...
Get Shredded!
Yes on both accounts. The bottom line is that estrogen is very anabolic and a great asset to hypertrophy, but guys get so paranoid about getting gyno or a little bloat that it overshadows how good a little elevated e2 can be. IFBB pro bodybuilders never used AIs in the 90's to control estrogen, instead they just kept tamoxifen on hand in case gyno symptoms appeared. Even today, IFBB pros rarely use AIs, and if they do it's a very low dose. I'll be the first to agree that not everyone wants to be a monster like me and a few others on here, but if you are crushing your e2 with AIs you are leaving a lot of hypertrophy on the table. I usually don't start using AIs until I'm up to 800mg/wk or more of testosterone, and even then I only take a low dose. I like my estradiol numbers to be in the upper 50s to low 70s when I'm blasting and I only take the necessary amount of AIs to keep me in that ball park.

with the creepy old man part? lol...
With both! Lol
I'll be the first to agree that not everyone wants to be a monster like me and a few others on here, but if you are crushing your e2 with AIs you are leaving a lot of hypertrophy on the table. I usually don't start using AIs until I'm up to 800mg/wk or more of testosterone, and even then I only take a low dose. I like my estradiol numbers to be in the upper 50s to low 70s when I'm blasting and I only take the necessary amount of AIs to keep me in that ball park.
I agree with the creepy old man. I have found recently that even at 800 mg weekly no AI is needed. I was afraid to try it before, using aromasin even with my first cycle at 500mg of testosterone a week, being very scared of gyno.

I have also found that masteron helps greatly with keeping estrogen related sides at bay. 350 mg a week of masteron works wonders for using testosterone with no AI. I did not even bother testing estrogen levels. No sides whatsoever with test at 800 a week while running tren and EQ and a little masteron.

I am going to try proviron soon (never tried it before). Experimenting and learning.

tren2k14 had a lot more to do with my recent experimentation in this direction that he might realize.
My two cents and thoughts...don't hate on me...I have feelings too:kiss:

I strongly believe the adverse effects of AAS can be avoided with quarterly bloodwork,great diet and a clean lifestyle.

PCT is harmful to your body....you want to play in this game...prepare your mind for the longhaul.....its a lifetime commitment.

If you use gear alongside alcohol and drugs, you are asking for trouble. This is what brings guys down. To me, its counter-productive and ignorant.

Tren is an oil based injectible from satan. It will destroy your body and mind....stay away.

Masteron/Proviron are an absolute must in every AAS protocol.

AI's are worse for you than most AAS.

If you think you are killing it in the gym, your lying to yourself.....you haven't reached your full potential until you have overcome the mental game. Youtube search for 40% rule

Take control of your health...don't let a doctor run your life...TRT,etc. Educate yourself.

Blast and cruise is the way to go....if......you are willing to educate yourself on kidney health,lipids,heart,liver,etc. Quarterly bloodwork is mandatory for this lifestyle.

Stay humble...never be arrogant...there is always someone who is bigger and stronger who will put you in your place.

How about say if someone is taking 250mgs test/ 1000mgs eq? I know Eq is a modified version of test and only half as androgenic. Would you recommend an AI then? Maybe .5 Anastrozole 2x pw?

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Lesson learned ai’s are the number one abused compounds.

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There's a thread i saw recently where a guy was running 1mg adex and 2.5mg letro ed with like 300mg wk of test....lol
There's a thread i saw recently where a guy was running 1mg adex and 2.5mg letro ed with like 300mg wk of test....lol


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How about say if someone is taking 250mgs test/ 1000mgs eq? I know Eq is a modified version of test and only half as androgenic. Would you recommend an AI then? Maybe .5 Anastrozole 2x pw?

Sent from my LGLS755 using Tapatalk
I am currently at 400 test/900 EQ, no AI. I am taking a break. Cruising? LOL! I am not using mast right now, either. If I start to notice any estrogen sides, I will start mast before I start an AI.
Bro this is blowing my mind right now. So I’m running 12.5mg aromasin EOD while on 600mg of test C a week and y’all are saying that I shouldn’t be running an AI? This goes against everything I thought I understood lol why not run a low dose AI to prevent possible sides before they occur??
I am currently at 400 test/900 EQ, no AI. I am taking a break. Cruising? LOL! I am not using mast right now, either. If I start to notice any estrogen sides, I will start mast before I start an AI.
Thanks man.

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