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Are all women liars?

If you cant be with the on you love

Love the one you're with
I can post later I deleted all her pics after the last breakup. Ill ask her to send me some
Nothing sexy though..
ten minutes of my life gone reading this.... but there were some good posts here.. My son is the same age as the OP and I tell him too think about shit long term, not that every relationship is going to be long term, but it helps keep perspective on the outcome of the relationship. If you can't see yourself with this person 10 years from now than she's just a fuck buddy, think about her and can you see yourself with her when your 50? If you can't than it's only a matter of time before the inevitable happens and this is where perspective comes in to protect you from the melt down.

Not that I judge but she already has a smoke damaged child, that says something right there......:coffee:
I could totally see myself with this girl longterm as long as she keeps doing college courses and progresses through her military career.
I could totally see myself with this girl longterm as long as she keeps doing college courses and progresses through her military career.
Now this... you might need to sequester yourself from the vag and think on this... I bet john thought lorena was a keeper, too
Lol... cmon now.. wait she has threatened me with that already... hmmm.. hopefully it doesnt happen
Oh to be 24 again....... lol
Move on man, you will be kicking yourself if you dont.
Idk man this seems to be a great life lesson for me. I like the challenges that are at every turn.
all women are liars for sure, I'll never trust another woman again after being burned so many times.
Women are really no better or worse than men in this regard, but they ARE better at it. Just as they're better at communication in general, they're better at deception and manipulation as well. Sucks. Our advantage is we can beat them up better (usually!) but it's not socially acceptable and might earn a prison stint. So, in modern society the deck is a little stacked against us.

Women are also on a WIDE spectrum of openness and honesty. Some can't stop with the lies (one of the ones I spied on, e.g., even after multiple exposures and confrontations) while others genuinely want to be as up front as possible. I wouldn't say I've found any 100% honest chicks, but very close. You just gotta look for it right from the get-go and let them know you won't tolerate bullshit.

I guess I'm saying don't give up just because most of them suck.
Women are just like men except they don't have a second head that takes over for them and makes them do stupid things
Fuck women. Who wants to lay in a pile?
Im banning all of you

At least you're honest. I just can't understand why a person (man or woman) would lie and take something to the grave even if it meant financial, marital, and emotional destruction.
seems more like you haven't figured out the g-spot and clitoris connection yet, get that figured out and she'll be your lap dog, otherwise your just sexually frustrating her, which is the source of all female craziness
seems more like you haven't figured out the g-spot and clitoris connection yet, get that figured out and she'll be your lap dog, otherwise your just sexually frustrating her, which is the source of all female craziness
finally someone enters the thread with something sensible.
seems more like you haven't figured out the g-spot and clitoris connection yet, get that figured out and she'll be your lap dog, otherwise your just sexually frustrating her, which is the source of all female craziness

finally someone enters the thread with something sensible.

#1 reason I stay with my guy

It helps lessen the craziness
#1 reason I stay with my guy

It helps lessen the craziness
Hell yes. I'm actually with someone younger for once (as in: my own age) and it was a problem at first. I sat him down and told him what I need to be satisfied. At first his ego was crushed, I simply explained life is not porn and women most likely will not cum at the sight of your cock.....
I have nothing to complain about now.
I think someone gave me the clap
Lololol. Yep.