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My Virtue's: "Forged by Fletcher" (Sponsored by Hammer & Bell) Transformation Log


Jun 5, 2023
Reaction score
Get Shredded!
I am humbled by the opportunity that has been bestowed upon me and would like to take this moment to introduce myself. I am a retired Army Vet, aged 41, standing at 6 feet tall and weighing 239 pounds. For the past 20 years, I have been actively involved in weightlifting, not for the purpose of bulking up, but rather as a means of releasing pent-up tension and aggression. My journey began when I weighed a mere 137 pounds and had no knowledge of weightlifting techniques. Unfortunately, my life has been marred by bullying and personal betrayal, which has left me with feelings of remorseful anguish and animosity. Weightlifting has been my only escape during hard times, helping me to cope with overwhelming situations. During one of my deployment missions, I was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED), which severed my bicep muscle and damage to my shoulder joint and rotator cuff. I have undergone five surgeries to date, but thankfully, everything seems to be functioning normally again.

In recent times, I lost my job, broke my tailbone, and my wife left me without notice. Instead of taking a positive approach, I spent a year blaming others for my misfortunes. However, on May 20th of this year, I was given a gym membership, and since then, I have not looked back. I have deleted all social media and made this forum my family. The support I have received from everyone has been amazing, and I am grateful for it. I have completed five cycles in the past, all of which have been short. My first cycle was in Iraq in 2012, where I used test and deca and gained 60lbs, which unfortunately affected my running test for the army. Since then, I have tried Tren once and Var and enjoyed both. I am excited to see what @Fletcher has in store for me. This is my first log so im still figuring what to do or say but I cant wait to chat with everyone.
Thank you kindly & God Bless


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Great intro, looking forward to watching your journey with Fletcher and H&B.

I'm sure you already see there is a brotherhood here, similar to your military days. You got this Brother, I have no doubt this is going to be life changing for you.
@Myvirtue is a really good man. I'm honored to be working with him. Together, we are going to build something very special.
I encourage everyone to sub-in on this log bc we are going to do something beyond just body-building here.

The first phase is the preparation.
Getting EVERYTHING we need and equiping @Myvirtue with not only the physical materials (supps etc...) but the understanding of how, and why to use them.

I RARELY take anyone fully under my wing as a "coach" (I dont even like that word, its too often abused and thrown around willy-nilly by too many people who have NO business instructing anyone.)

After talking to this man, I was inspired. He has the drive and discipline to do great things.

Together, we will show that knowledge and hard work, NOT gear, is what builds legends!

Stay tuned... Ill be detailing the pre-cycle preparations.
Thank you for your service and sacrifices Brother. We are glad to have you as a part of the brotherhood here at ASF.
I have no doubt @Fletcher will get you squared away! Great opportunity for you physically and mentally! Best of luck to you on this new chapter in your journey! Give it hell!
All man! This guy bout to blow up. I would have jumped at this opportunity if I could have committed 100%. I wouldn’t wanna waste anyone’s time or disappoint anyone .
I’m following for sure. Good shit! Let’s get it!!
We will be logging the supplementation, diet and cycle in detail... training techniques will be revealed at the end, once the results are shown.
You guys are going to be very surprised 😉😎
Ill have him share the training schedule and some of the principles we are employing, but the workouts will be kept secret until the end! 😁
Rooting for you brother. Go get it!!
We will be logging the supplementation, diet and cycle in detail... training techniques will be revealed at the end, once the results are shown.
You guys are going to be very surprised 😉😎
You got this and I'm sure he'll turn out well!
I'm excited for you Virtue!!
Looks like Fletcher has a great piece of clay to sculpt!!
I see big positive changes in you future my man!!!!
Feel like you'll have many bros with you during this adventure via Fletcher/Hammer Bell!
My hats off to Fletcher and Hammer Bell for investing time and gear into someone..
Virtue seems tailored for this part!!
Brothers this is what separates ASF from the Rest..
Fletcher earned his Bones in the "Raffle" and now is Established as one of the Highest respected members of ASF...a title not easily obtained, sure as Hell not as fast as he's accomplished it..

And Now..
Coming out stronger in this Venture..!!
We are happy to have him and I'm proud to call him a Friend..

This is sure to be something to watch and a great opportunity..Not for just MyT, but all to learn from..
I especially like the wording Fletcher used.."Not gear"..
Because those that know, gear is the least part of the Equation..Not the Whole..!!

Hat's off yet again to Hammer and Bell..
They came to ASF and right away gave to ASF..the prizes for the "Raffle"..
Immediately earning my Respect..!!

This will be something looked at in the Years that pass as not only an Example of how great ASF actually is..
A training tool for Newcomers and Vets Alike..

I am humbled by the opportunity that has been bestowed upon me and would like to take this moment to introduce myself. I am a retired Army Vet, aged 41, standing at 6 feet tall and weighing 239 pounds. For the past 20 years, I have been actively involved in weightlifting, not for the purpose of bulking up, but rather as a means of releasing pent-up tension and aggression. My journey began when I weighed a mere 137 pounds and had no knowledge of weightlifting techniques. Unfortunately, my life has been marred by bullying and personal betrayal, which has left me with feelings of remorseful anguish and animosity. Weightlifting has been my only escape during hard times, helping me to cope with overwhelming situations. During one of my deployment missions, I was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED), which severed my bicep muscle and damage to my shoulder joint and rotator cuff. I have undergone five surgeries to date, but thankfully, everything seems to be functioning normally again.

In recent times, I lost my job, broke my tailbone, and my wife left me without notice. Instead of taking a positive approach, I spent a year blaming others for my misfortunes. However, on May 20th of this year, I was given a gym membership, and since then, I have not looked back. I have deleted all social media and made this forum my family. The support I have received from everyone has been amazing, and I am grateful for it. I have completed five cycles in the past, all of which have been short. My first cycle was in Iraq in 2012, where I used test and deca and gained 60lbs, which unfortunately affected my running test for the army. Since then, I have tried Tren once and Var and enjoyed both. I am excited to see what @Fletcher has in store for me. This is my first log so im still figuring what to do or say but I cant wait to chat with everyone.
Thank you kindly & God Bless
Let’s put that work in

Can’t wait to watch you win in gym and at life
Welcome brother to the ASF fam! You are in good hands being led by @Fletcher. I wish you good luck and hope you reach your goals.

Thank you for your service brother!
I want to thank you guys sincerely for all the support you have shown.
Its not easy for guys to put themsleves in the spotlight, props to @Myvirtue and everyone who is supporting his journey!
This is what makes ASF STRONG!!!
I'm exited for you brother!
Fletcher will have you in
Beast Mode in no time!

Following 👍
Follow his directions to the T and get the most out of this that you can. You're going to fail at some point but get right back on track. Eating is going to suck for a bit but you get used to it.
I'm watching this thread I can't wait to see the progress you make man
To both Fletcher and MyT..
There will be challenges for both of you guys, rough patches, believe me..
I'm the guy that sponsored MM with Mont...
But at the end of the Day, I totally trust Fletcher..
The Man is ine solid Brother with a damn good heart..
And,never once have I doubted his devotion to this community or it's members..

Please Everyone..don't try to advise MyT..That's Fletcher's job..
Let's just encourage both and learn from this great Opportunity..

This won't be a walk in the Park..it's going to be tough on both, but the End Result will speak volumes about both Men..

Now let me take this pin and finish my Rum n Coke..
And another meal..LoL
To both Fletcher and MyT..
There will be challenges for both of you guys, rough patches, believe me..
I'm the guy that sponsored MM with Mont...
But at the end of the Day, I totally trust Fletcher..
The Man is ine solid Brother with a damn good heart..
And,never once have I doubted his devotion to this community or it's members..

Please Everyone..don't try to advise MyT..That's Fletcher's job..
Let's just encourage both and learn from this great Opportunity..

This won't be a walk in the Park..it's going to be tough on both, but the End Result will speak volumes about both Men..

Now let me take this pin and finish my Rum n Coke..
And another meal..LoL
Well said brother
To both Fletcher and MyT..
There will be challenges for both of you guys, rough patches, believe me..
I'm the guy that sponsored MM with Mont...
But at the end of the Day, I totally trust Fletcher..
The Man is ine solid Brother with a damn good heart..
And,never once have I doubted his devotion to this community or it's members..

Please Everyone..don't try to advise MyT..That's Fletcher's job..
Let's just encourage both and learn from this great Opportunity..

This won't be a walk in the Park..it's going to be tough on both, but the End Result will speak volumes about both Men..

Now let me take this pin and finish my Rum n Coke..
And another meal..LoL
Good post and best advice! Let's marvel at the transformation to come and I am sure Monte would have said the same thing :)