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My next cycle


Dec 26, 2013
Reaction score
Get Shredded!
Hello everyone, I've lurked on here but decided to sign up after I ordered from one of the sources here.

Planning on running the following:

Week 1-16: test p 50mg ED / Mast 50 mg ED / tren ace 100 mg ED

as far as orals, im debating of the following 2 options:

tbol 50-60 mg week 1-6
var 50 mg week 11-16


tbol week 5-10 (to help here over general plateau that occurs around week 6)
var week 11-16

input from others will be greatly appreciated.

I also have proviron, mainly for libido, and that will last me roughly 13 weeks at 50 mg ED.

arimidex will be used as needed or .25 eod

Input is always appreciated, especially on which route the orals should be run...mainly the tbol as kick start (even though everything is short estered) or midway boost.

I've already started cycle support, even though it may be a month before I hop on...and have UDCA and prami.
700mg of insomnia, night sweats and dick shearing libido. Enjoy!
700mg of insomnia, night sweats and dick shearing libido. Enjoy!

Insomnia im fine with, biggest side is night sweats...

As far as libido, that's why I have proviron handy.
What's your goal and stats?

Right now about 182-185 @ 12%

Highest was about 205 but it was bulky bloat look, after which I decided to cut down.

As far as goal, staying just as lean, (although wouldn't mind dropping some bf%) while doing a lean bulk and minimizing water retention and bloat. And muscle hardness / definition.

So maybe 195-200 (wouldn't complain if there was more without too much bloat), but really im more concerned about it from a visual standpoint rather than scalewise.
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So given some troubling news / issues with a source, I'm thinking of switching to a different one.

In this process I'm not sure if I want to stick to the compounds mentioned above, or go a little bit of a different route.

Weight: 185

Goals: add on a lean / bloat less (or as little bloat as possible ) 15-20 lbs

Keep body fat the same (~12%) or even drop a few.

If you think the test/tren/mast combo is ok, would switching to Ethanate versions for all 3 to make much of a difference as far as bloat?

I don't mind pinning ED, have before, and had planned on doing so for this cycle anyway.

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I dont see a huge difference in bloat on myself when i run Enanthate compared to Propionate or Acetate, what helps ME a lot is keeping estro on check and diet, when i eat clean and stay away from mush and junk with the help of a couple gallons of water i stay pretty .. bloat-free
Thank you luke.

I've decided to go back to basics and just do tbol, test prop kicker, with test E.

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Sounds good brother .. long way from 700mgs of tren a week to a basic cycle. What changed your mind ?

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Thanks. Well other than getting scammed by the source.....I don't know. I guess that really is the main reason. Oh well....might throw in some EQ