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The Official Fuck Joe Biden Thread

The three people in the highest leadership positions of this country cannot put together coherent sentences. Just think about that.

This administration will go down by their own hand or in this case by their own words. Theres just no way to cover the level of complete nonsense/stupidity coming out of their mouths and all caught on video being streamed daily and viewed globally.

Lol though IF it wasn’t our countries leaders, great videos guys.
The smartest guy he knows snorts parmesan cheese off the carpet thinking it is cocaine. Leaves a laptop with a trove of incriminating evidence that can topple world leaders at a repair shop when the bill was under $100. Supports his dad's campaign attacks on human trafficking and gun ownership by banging hookers and illegally acquiring handguns. You cannot make this shit up!
The smartest guy he knows snorts parmesan cheese off the carpet thinking it is cocaine. Leaves a laptop with a trove of incriminating evidence that can topple world leaders at a repair shop when the bill was under $100. Supports his dad's campaign attacks on human trafficking and gun ownership by banging hookers and illegally acquiring handguns. You cannot make this shit up!

Brilliant, huh?? LOL

Libz :sneaky:
Oh, how thoughtful!
Just in time for midterm.elections.

Which explains why they're trying to bus them in to all the red areas.

The Dems have to cheat to win. It's front and center and they just lie and schme right in front of our faces.
Just in time for midterm.elections.

Which explains why they're trying to bus them in to all the red areas.

The Dems have to cheat to win. It's front and center and they just lie and schme right in front of our faces.
Yeah, they are fine with it until they wind up on their doorsteps. Only ok for red states to be affected. Red wave in November, man, watch. Remember how they sent all the hot doses of vax to red states yet so few in those were lining up to take them? It will all come back and bite them in the ass. Sometimes you can't just tell people something, you have to show them. They need to see it for themselves.
5.25 is brutal. Under Trump here in NH we had below 2.00 almost the entire 4-years...

Exactly this bullshit of Europe is higher is worthless. They don’t produce oil. When our prices are reflective of a country that has more oil then it needs that is a price to be excited about. Fuck Saudi’s Arabia and Middle East countries are always around $2 a gallon.

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It is almost like he was blackmailed into sending unlimited funds. Wait...I am getting ....this just in- Sources confirm the transcript from the call. Here it is:

Zelensky: Hey, hi Joe. So uhh, yeah. I uhh, I am gonna need some more money. All of what you sent last week is gone.
Joe: Listen Jack, here's the deal. zzzzzzzzzz
Zelensky: Wake the fuck up! Send me another billion or I let the world know all the shit you wanted out of the spotlight.
Media: BREAKING REPORT: Biden Administration announces new $1 BILLION WEAPONS DEAL for Ukraine...

So I’m a guy who likes to read into things a little bit to get my ducks in a row before I automatically bash something the other side does. So what I’m getting out of this is their plan to help the American family is to tax the shit out of anyone making under 200k a year, hire 80 thousand more irs agents to make sure they’re getting their money, send more money to Ukraine and then spend trillions for some climate change bullshit that'll do absolutely nothing in the board scope of things but it will put even more regulations on industries that’ve driven our economy for years BUT HEY…. Lower prices on that anti depressant pill you take every morning that’s a win! Big pharma made enough money off that bullshit vaccine you pushed on the world they’re happy for awhile. Like come on! You’ve got to be fucking joking me!

“Hey guys you’re behind on your mortgage and cutting back on groceries? No sweat, we’re still gonna need you to buy that Tesla soon because you’re a piece of shit for driving a Honda Civic. Also, while I was flying in my private airplane all over the place I realized, we’ll be raising your power bill because we can’t burn dinosaur dicks anymore and all these solar panels cost so much money, but you deserve to pay it because you’re the problem. Oh you were a coal miner in West Virginia and you don’t have a job anymore? Why didn’t you just go to college and work for Microsoft?”
Back when Obama was in office, there were videos about the IRS purchasing a metric ton of ammo. Many thought it was to dry up supply on our side but now the talk is for enforcement/collection purposes. The 80k agents they hired were for only one income bracket. Look at it and you will see over 300k were added to the roster to look at anyone making under 500k a year. All that auditing power to take what little is left in the pockets of ppl that are already struggling. But on the bright side, you see what is going on. Ppl are waking up. Part of me thinks it is the optics meant to do just that.