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The one log you'll want to follow - Deca Only

Yo Lok, have you had and issues breathing? I'm not sure if it's from the high Nandro or the fact that I put on 15lbs in 5 weeks but I've been getting short on breath lately. Note that I've never ran over 600 deca before .
Also you look awesome bro, excellent transformation so far. I'm impressed.
I've also been hearing a lot more about running other compounds with little to no test giving the other compounds a chance to shine thru. It's a simple concept that makes total sense. Maybe I can quadruple my cruise dose with all this extra test I'll have lol
Keep up the good work
Yo Lok, have you had and issues breathing? I'm not sure if it's from the high Nandro or the fact that I put on 15lbs in 5 weeks but I've been getting short on breath lately. Note that I've never ran over 600 deca before .
Blood pressure? Pulse rate? Hematocrit?
Yo Lok, have you had and issues breathing? I'm not sure if it's from the high Nandro or the fact that I put on 15lbs in 5 weeks but I've been getting short on breath lately. Note that I've never ran over 600 deca before .
Also you look awesome bro, excellent transformation so far. I'm impressed.
I've also been hearing a lot more about running other compounds with little to no test giving the other compounds a chance to shine thru. It's a simple concept that makes total sense. Maybe I can quadruple my cruise dose with all this extra test I'll have lol
Keep up the good work

Short on breath doing what ? Walking ? Going up stairs or doing cardio ?

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Short on breath doing what ? Walking ? Going up stairs or doing cardio ?

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Blood pressure? Pulse rate? Hematocrit?
Not sure on Hema as I have not gotten blood work done yet. BP seems fine, I will check it today to be sure but I'm usually pretty good at judging it. My pulse is at 84.
Just walking sometimes, I feel as if my lungs have gotten smaller. I quit smoking about 6 weeks ago. Idk, this is new to me so I was leaning toward the weight gain or high Nandro. I dropped the Dbol about a week ago but it's never given me issues before. You guys have more Medical knowledge than me but I know I should prob get bloodwork done
Short on breath during just walking has few common causes. Anaemia is probably the most common, heart problems. Obesity can be a reason but we are quite athletic to be going short on breath during walking by gaining just 15 pounds.
Could be tren related too.

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Yo Lok, have you had and issues breathing? I'm not sure if it's from the high Nandro or the fact that I put on 15lbs in 5 weeks but I've been getting short on breath lately. Note that I've never ran over 600 deca before .
Also you look awesome bro, excellent transformation so far. I'm impressed.
I've also been hearing a lot more about running other compounds with little to no test giving the other compounds a chance to shine thru. It's a simple concept that makes total sense. Maybe I can quadruple my cruise dose with all this extra test I'll have lol
Keep up the good work

Ya I’ve definitely had a shortness of breath lately

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Week: end of 10

Weight: 222

Side effects: none. Libido is still going strong. Ask the wife.... lmao


800mg deca/wk
500mg test cyp/wk

Diet: 4.6k cals

Training: everything is good except for my shoulder injury. Thankfully I have 0 pain on back day so today will be a good day.

I’m so goddamn hungry to get shreddy spaghetti. Really stoked to see what the hype is around masteron.

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Same here brother. Back days are the best on shoulder. I can go as heavy as I want on most exercises.
Mast is the bomb....get ready!!!!!! DHT is the king!!!

Week: end of 10

Weight: 222

Side effects: none. Libido is still going strong. Ask the wife.... lmao


800mg deca/wk
500mg test cyp/wk

Diet: 4.6k cals

Training: everything is good except for my shoulder injury. Thankfully I have 0 pain on back day so today will be a good day.

I’m so goddamn hungry to get shreddy spaghetti. Really stoked to see what the hype is around masteron.

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Also, I’d like to apologize to everyone following but I had to make a choice between bloodwork to see if prolactin was raised due to the added test, or to buy some BPC.

I had to go with getting some BPC. As much as I’d like to see the bloodwork right now it’s more important to take care of this shoulder. And I don’t think this bloodwork would start some revolution or some shit. Ha. So sorry everyone.

Finish off these last 2 weeks strong and then we will begin the new log

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Get Shredded!
No reason to apologize man. You gotta do what you need to to get that shoulder better
Healing is number 1!!!
If prolactin is a concern you probably still have some p5p?
I think I mention having a labrum tear repair done a few years ago. First MRI showed no tear, shoulder got no better. Second MRI showed possible tear and I insisted the ortho go in BC my arm was useless. Laparoscopy revealed labrum was tore over 90% through and I'd been putting my arm out and back in socket without knowing all along. To complete the repair the biceps tendon was cut into. I healed and regain use faster than my rehab guy had seen anyone he said. Pushed it to hard and reinjured it a little over a month out, rehab tech and ortho said no damage (new MRI) and it just dropped my progress down to where most people would be. Surgery was a breeze but recovery was painfully slow!

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If prolactin is a concern you probably still have some p5p?
I think I mention having a labrum tear repair done a few years ago. First MRI showed no tear, shoulder got no better. Second MRI showed possible tear and I insisted the ortho go in BC my arm was useless. Laparoscopy revealed labrum was tore over 90% through and I'd been putting my arm out and back in socket without knowing all along. To complete the repair the biceps tendon was cut into. I healed and regain use faster than my rehab guy had seen anyone he said. Pushed it to hard and reinjured it a little over a month out, rehab tech and ortho said no damage (new MRI) and it just dropped my progress down to where most people would be. Surgery was a breeze but recovery was painfully slow!

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Does it work the same?

Heard some
Horror stories. My ortho surgeon highly suggested not getting surgery until my injury is to the point I can’t do daily activities (not B.B.)

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Does it work the same?

Heard some
Horror stories. My ortho surgeon highly suggested not getting surgery until my injury is to the point I can’t do daily activities (not B.B.)

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My dad has had both of his done twice, one side reattached a third time. His are jacked, but he's also the guy that went out and put in a transmission 4 weeks after surgery, by himself. Also went hunting three weeks after surgery using a pump shotgun (against my advice) and tore that one clean off again. His were working great after the first surgery until he blew it.

I think the key from what i I've seen is to actually let them rest until fully recovered. His last one I got him to run a kit of good GH and it helped his recovery tremendously. Of course after tearing your delts/rotators off 2-3 times they never quite work right again. He does still have surprisingly good use of his arms at 75
The p5p shines in all studies when prolactin is elevated and having no effect on those with normal levels.
The rotator cuff heals slower than the labrum from what I was told from my ortho and p.t. My dad has had some rotator cuff injuries and like the labrum after a certain age most drs will refuse to do any surgery on the basis they won't heal. Not over exerting is truly the key after surgery as mentioned above. You may regain full range of motion in the arm and it feels okay but its only began to start healing at that point.

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Good evening everyone! I would like to first thank everyone for subbing and thank you to everyone who participated in conversation / gave advice or opinions.

Today is the end of the log, as I switched up the compounds tonight for the upcoming shreddy spaghetti log.

This was truly an awesome experience, and I think my goal was reached by trying to make some sort of difference in the community.

I had an amazing run and I am beyond glad this was done. I’d like to thank GC for hookin up the gear and to tren2k14 for knowing some damn good shit.

I hope this opens some minds to have some creativity with things. Remember, there wouldn’t be steroids used like this and dosages, timings, what to pair with what etc etc unless some dude(s) went “hey what if we ___” get my point? I’m not saying to drastic shit but maybe try something a little different than everyone, and remember ASF isn’t the only forum out there with credible info, there are a few good places where people do things entirely different than here. Be open to new, be open to change.

Thanks guys! I’ll have some side by sides of photos/blood work for you all as well.

If you want to stay tuned and see what we look like shredded there will be a new log in the GC subforum

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Good evening everyone! I would like to first thank everyone for subbing and thank you to everyone who participated in conversation / gave advice or opinions.

Today is the end of the log, as I switched up the compounds tonight for the upcoming shreddy spaghetti log.

This was truly an awesome experience, and I think my goal was reached by trying to make some sort of difference in the community.

I had an amazing run and I am beyond glad this was done. I’d like to thank GC for hookin up the gear and to tren2k14 for knowing some damn good shit.

I hope this opens some minds to have some creativity with things. Remember, there wouldn’t be steroids used like this and dosages, timings, what to pair with what etc etc unless some dude(s) went “hey what if we ___” get my point? I’m not saying to drastic shit but maybe try something a little different than everyone, and remember ASF isn’t the only forum out there with credible info, there are a few good places where people do things entirely different than here. Be open to new, be open to change.

Thanks guys! I’ll have some side by sides of photos/blood work for you all as well.

If you want to stay tuned and see what we look like shredded there will be a new log in the GC subforum

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Awesome job appreciate you posting! Looking forward to next one.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Thanks again for taking the time and energy to showcase this Deca only cycle. Your contributions to our community are noteworthy. We look forward to you new log.

QUOTE=Lokthan;1314338]Good evening everyone! I would like to first thank everyone for subbing and thank you to everyone who participated in conversation / gave advice or opinions.

Today is the end of the log, as I switched up the compounds tonight for the upcoming shreddy spaghetti log.

This was truly an awesome experience, and I think my goal was reached by trying to make some sort of difference in the community.

I had an amazing run and I am beyond glad this was done. I’d like to thank GC for hookin up the gear and to tren2k14 for knowing some damn good shit.

I hope this opens some minds to have some creativity with things. Remember, there wouldn’t be steroids used like this and dosages, timings, what to pair with what etc etc unless some dude(s) went “hey what if we ___” get my point? I’m not saying to drastic shit but maybe try something a little different than everyone, and remember ASF isn’t the only forum out there with credible info, there are a few good places where people do things entirely different than here. Be open to new, be open to change.

Thanks guys! I’ll have some side by sides of photos/blood work for you all as well.

If you want to stay tuned and see what we look like shredded there will be a new log in the GC subforum

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i would run it 800mg until its gone.
its a total waste to start low and taper up.. unless you were doing something like tren for the first time
and worried about sides. no reason to taper off either. it will taper itself out . anyway thats how i would do it
that will give you 12 weeks

I totally agree with this.
Just thought I would bump this amazing log for those who haven't seen it.

Definitely some new people thst would benefit from reading this log and some of the information thst was exchanged and learned.

That was definitely quite a fun cycle, week 3-5 pure bliss felt like molly

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Definitely some new people thst would benefit from reading this log and some of the information thst was exchanged and learned.

That was definitely quite a fun cycle, week 3-5 pure bliss felt like molly

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Thats wild. I wanna try it eventually. Still looking for the right stack. Or compound besides test for me.

Sent from my VS835 using Tapatalk
You need some Trest in your life.

Thats wild. I wanna try it eventually. Still looking for the right stack. Or compound besides test for me.

Sent from my VS835 using Tapatalk
A little Trest goes a long way.

Maybe ill prob need about 8 mgs of adex a week if it aromatizes as much as everyone says!

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No one digs through old stuff so I'm going to bump this. Lok won't be around for a while so won't be responding but he'll be back as he always is.

So much great info here for everyone.

Also, any other threads/logs with almost 70,000 views outside of Crue's neverending log:)
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was an interesting log