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Who are the racists?

Both sides according to history

You are absolutely correct my friend but right now it's the Democrats that are calling everyone racists that don't agree with them.

If we wanna go through history then that's an entirely different conversation and we can all discuss and put examples up etc.

You know maybe that's not a bad idea. I'm pretty sure that if we stopped letting ourselves as a country be manipulated by the media (happened with Bush #2, Obama, Trump, Biden and a lot further back that that) we would likely realize we have a hell of a lot more in common than the people doing the manipulating.

Always good to see you man! Hope life is good for you!
It's all part of the game as long as we fight against each other they do what they want . That's why they didn't like Trump his exposed both sides so they tried hard to make him the rasict.

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Killsong? MBD1977? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Buelllller?

This was from his "Town Hall" recently I believe. LMFAO

Who are the racists? Off the top of my head....Slurp church, big nothing, multi dysfunctional nitwit, little iron, Milford “I wanna be” king. All gay too.

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You are absolutely correct my friend but right now it's the Democrats that are calling everyone racists that don't agree with them.

If we wanna go through history then that's an entirely different conversation and we can all discuss and put examples up etc.

You know maybe that's not a bad idea. I'm pretty sure that if we stopped letting ourselves as a country be manipulated by the media (happened with Bush #2, Obama, Trump, Biden and a lot further back that that) we would likely realize we have a hell of a lot more in common than the people doing the manipulating.

Always good to see you man! Hope life is good for you!

They’re calling EVERYONE racists? Stop speaking in absolutes. EVERY Democrat isn’t calling EVERYONE that disagrees with them racists.

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It's all part of the game as long as we fight against each other they do what they want . That's why they didn't like Trump his exposed both sides so they tried hard to make him the rasict.

Wrong again. Most people hate him because he’s a narcissistic liar who only looks out for himself. He spent 70+ years destroying his father’s empire, cheats to become president and then all of a sudden cares about America?

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They’re calling EVERYONE racists? Stop speaking in absolutes. EVERY Democrat isn’t calling EVERYONE that disagrees with them racists.

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Do you read anything ever or are you literally just a parrot?

I'll speak in absolutes if I want but if you actually saw my response to selfmademonster who if you didn't know, is a little bit left or at least seems to be which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

You might have a bit of a better clue if you did read anything and maybe use your own brain and critical thinking skills to actually form opinions based on facts? Nah...you're a fucking racist so just accept who you are. You speak down to every single person you interact with on this board outside of the other parrots without actually saying anything of meaning or intelligence.

Why would you assume I'm white???? Guess what??? I'm not white jackass. Not even close lol. Redneck yes...white NO. You do realize being a redneck doesn't only mean white? Idiot.

Racist much? Fucking moronic jackass...Now it is personal so FUCK YOU.

I like this new version of gear church that posts and starts threads.

Simply got tired of not saying anything with all the idiotic things I see people say when they literally have no clue and are to dumb to realize it.

You guys have all the fun so figured I might as well and if costs me a small amount of business so be it. I'm sick of the only people that have voices are the whiny bitch soy boys like mbd1977...

I tried to be nice to him even if I was talking shit (seeing as we're in the pit and all) but now he made it personal by making an assumption about my race.

Obviously if you wanna talk shit about TEXAS I'm going to say something as well. We aren't perfect by any means but I'm proud of my state.
They’re calling EVERYONE racists? Stop speaking in absolutes. EVERY Democrat isn’t calling EVERYONE that disagrees with them racists.

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You know what...you're right in that not every democrat is calling everyone racists but Biden is obviously a racist....did you bother to even watch and listen to the video? It's only like 20 seconds long?

Pretty fucking sure that was some racist ass shit and that's the guy YOU voted for jackass.
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Wrong again. Most people hate him because he’s a narcissistic liar who only looks out for himself. He spent 70+ years destroying his father’s empire, cheats to become president and then all of a sudden cares about America?

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Do you believe it's possible a government uses propaganda on its people?
Who are the racists? Off the top of my head....Slurp church, big nothing, multi dysfunctional nitwit, little iron, Milford “I wanna be” king. All gay too.

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are you homophobic? How very tolerant of you. Typical libtard.
Beastmode and mbd are wumao. They may even be one and the same person. They literally exhibit every single symptom of being wumao. They've contributed zero to the board, zero to the individual discucssions, etc. Their political discourse is about as real to me as "professional" wrestling.


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Beastmode and mbd are wumao. They may even be one and the same person. They literally exhibit every single symptom of being wumao. They've contributed zero to the board, zero to the individual discucssions, etc. Their political discourse is about as real to me as "professional" wrestling.

Some people wake up just to argue on the internet, its mind boggling but its true!
Get Shredded!
Racism is a created term that is meaningless these days, its thrown around so much.
Libturdz think they can tell people how to think, act, etc. Arent human emotions built in to DNA? You may not "hate" some people, doesnt mean you also need to "love" them or kiss their ass.
People have always been comfortable with their own kind, and that could mean family-only, their little comfortable world of peace and kindness.
Supposed to love those they dont know?

Some portray themselves as cop-killing gangsta's? (Last time I checked Rappers created the Gangsta-Rap culture) then are hurt when called "a gangsta". ?? Huh??

Libturdz are mentally weak sheep by their upbringing, lack of brains, and low IQ. Leave people to like and dislike who they want, its not your business.
does it even matter anymore, what others think doesnt affect my daily life
Coca cola is racist with their new diversity training, put them on the ban list,
also heard on the news this morning that the cherokee nation is demanding that Jeep change the name of their vechicles because it is offensive to them...:coffee:
Beastmode and mbd are wumao. They may even be one and the same person. They literally exhibit every single symptom of being wumao. They've contributed zero to the board, zero to the individual discucssions, etc. Their political discourse is about as real to me as "professional" wrestling.

Lol politics altogether is starting to seem as real as professional wrestling. I used to judge the wife for watching reality tv and then I realized I wasn’t a whole lot better.

I think maybe 5-10% of politicians actually believe in the positions they take publicly.
Coca cola is racist with their new diversity training, put them on the ban list,
also heard on the news this morning that the cherokee nation is demanding that Jeep change the name of their vechicles because it is offensive to them...:coffee:

Yeah I read that too, the “be less white” employee training

Fuck Coca Cola, cancel culture works two ways

This has to come form the upper echelon of corporate powers. I’ve seen several other politically neutral global corps incorporating similar training modules... it’s disgusting and infuriating

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Lol politics altogether is starting to seem as real as professional wrestling.

That's my take as well. I know I've mentioned that at least once. :roflmao:

The downside is that the govt forces us to place bets (taxes) on these scripted, predetermined, fixed fights.

Both of these are equally real:


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Yeah I read that too, the “be less white” employee training

Fuck Coca Cola, cancel culture works two ways

This has to come form the upper echelon of corporate powers. I’ve seen several other politically beau real global corps incorporating similar training modules... it’s disgusting and infuriating

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I work in a large hospital, our "diversity training" is not much better, although they are not as blantant as be less white, the fucked up thing is that I bet 95% of the assholes making these videos are liberal whites.
Maybe I'll be less white and go upstairs and burn down the cafeteria....:coffee:
Coca-Cola has used a training video by antiracist activist Robin DiAngelo that tells employees to “try to be less white,” according to “unwoke activist” Karlyn Borysenko based on information from what she says is a company whistleblower. Borysenko, who is also a psychologist, YouTuber, and creator of Zen Workplace, put a video of the training online. Borysenko often speaks out against critical race theory and corporate race training.

The 49-minute training video by DiAngelo, author of the book “White Fragility,” is titled “Confronting Racism.” Right away the course establishes that all white people are born racist. “Nothing exempts any white person from the forces of racism,” says DiAngelo. “When you accept the reality of your socialization, you can begin to examine how you’ve been shaped by it.”
“In the U.S. and other Western nations, white people are socialized to feel that they are inherently superior because they are white,” she continues. “Research shows that by age 3 to 4, children understand that it is better to be white.”
Employees are told in the “what you can do” section that to “be less white” one can:
Be less oppressive
Be less arrogant
Be less certain
Be less defensive
Be less arrogant
Be more humble
Break with apathy
Break with white solidarity
DiAngelo’s list thus implies that white people are, by their very skin color, oppressive, defensive, arrogant, apathetic, and so forth.
The training includes a “racial resentment” section. “Any moment of black advancement is met with a backlash of white rage and resentment,” DiAngelo claims. “I think we’re in a current moment of that after eight years of Obama.” DiAngelo goes on to say that white people resent affirmative action, which she describes as “a toothless program that we’ve practically dismantled.”
DiAngelo says when white people say they aren’t racist, she doesn’t buy it. When DiAngelo hears white people say, “I was taught to treat everyone the same,” she said she thinks to herself, “this person doesn’t understand basic socialization. This person doesn’t understand culture. This person is not self-aware.”
Being nice to black people is not enough, according to DiAngelo. “Niceness is not courageous. Niceness is not anti-racism.” She informs listeners that if they are merely nice, then they are advancing a racist system that increases “racial disparities.”
The course description for the training reads:
In this course, Robin DiAngelo, the best-selling author of White Fragility, gives you the vocabulary and practices you need to start confronting racism and unconscious bias at the individual level and throughout your organization. There’s no magic recipe for building an inclusive workplace. It’s a process that needs to involve people of color, and that needs to go on for as long as your company is in business. But with these tools at your disposal, you’ll be well on your way.
The entire training is available on “LinkedIn Learning,” which Borysenko says Coca-Cola is using “for their internal platform.”

DiAngelo’s course could open Coca-Cola to a slew of lawsuits by employees who suspect they were denied promotions, bonuses, and other opportunities due to their skin color. They can use the training as direct evidence of racial discrimination, according to lawyers.

I asked my Haitian brother how I can be less white- he told me to go tan!

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