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Too many supplements will fuck you up


Feb 1, 2024
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Get Shredded!
I jave spent almost a year talking to doctors, BBs, Power lifters, urologist, endocrinologist, reading piblications, articles, texts, talk shows and pd casts.

It usually has the same song and dance.

Stick to the basics.

Mti vitamin. Fish oil. Tumeric. Iron. Vitamin d and C if you lack sun exposure. And fish oil omega acids.

Peoples get impatient, wamma see mlre gains, essentially cheat the system and get ricj quick. It doesnt happen that way.

Eat eggs, whear toast, steel oats. Bakes chicken and different greens for lunch. And dinner can be steak or fish. Grilled salmon, iron skillet halibut with asperagus and collards. You will get your nutrients. Yall making these people rich. I applaud their entrepreneurship and getting that money.

Its always this order. Money than power than possessions than pussy until.you find a wife, amd NEVER let her know you got cash. Pull up in a corolla. But yeah half this bs from these companys just makes me laugh. Ill invest 100k I got 10 uears of bookkeeping, accounting, client acquisition, sr manager and a directer under my belt. I don't even have a real job anymore I just consult and solve other people's problems or increase their revenue for a percentage or flat fee. But between the 5 forims I read its like, everyone wants to tey this and that and blah blah blah.

Work fucking hard. It sucks. But bust your ass, listen to your bkdy, rest wjen you gotta and the results will come. It really unlikely joe blow at 720 test needs more test, odds are he has not hit his pinnacle in way shape or form.
Save tkur money. Buy a nkce suit, shoes, take courses to increase your knowledge and salary potential.

If you spend more on BB than you do ykur monthly bills, you suck both big and small dick at the same time and deserve to struggle.

Hate to tell you, but once your 60 or 70, unless your a mr olympia, no1 will give 2 shits what you did or looked like in your prime. I literally walkaway from idiots like that and laugh as tjeynget in their 2010 Toyota corolla with 250k miles. Be smart guys. Your thr only board who I jave genuine friends who keep in touch with me, but everyone has trollsnhaters and losers who wanna try to get attention.

Anyway market time coming. Take care everyone.
Little tip, use a compoind calc and 200na week for 35 year's and see what you could have.

Season 4 What GIF by The Office
show me on the doll where the supplements touched you
I avoid the Too Mamu brand completely.
I am not completely sure what the post was about? Lost me at accounting and 60, 70.
What’s everyone’s thoughts on Animal Pak and Animal Stak? Speaking as the only two vitamin containers I take
Back in the day these were badass.

Just throwing out knowledge that from what I have seen seems to be lacking here. If you cant understand budgeting, compound interest and the ability to attain money witjout blowong it on 120 supps.to make your veins pop after a pump, like I said. Better pray you got a retirement plan and people to help you.

But to be fair this was after a really good discussion at a bar.
Just throwing out knowledge that from what I have seen seems to be lacking here. If you cant understand budgeting, compound interest and the ability to attain money witjout blowong it on 120 supps.to make your veins pop after a pump, like I said. Better pray you got a retirement plan and people to help you.

But to be fair this was after a really good discussion at a bar.
I can appreciate investment advice and financial planning. my dad is a CPA and is on my ass about my finances 24:7