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STOCK UPDATES for www.us-domesticsupply.to

Alpha Pharma Vitagon is back in stock. I have limited amount of HCG, it will be gone within 3-5days I think.
Hello my brother I put in the notification on your email for HCG I was wondering when u think u might be restocked thanks
Would you ever consider carrying bayer testosterone ?
No, Im not going to carry Bayer Testoviron. Customers will not buy it. First of all its expensive, secondly its hard to get legit Testoviron, its widely faked.
That is really awesome . That you dont want too risk buying a fake then selling it too your customers. I wish more sponsors took notice . Ive received soo many fake human grade stuff from well known sponsors on this boards.
Maybe safe to say the era of human grade like organon sust, Omna, and items like that are way behind us. Probably best to stick with the new Big brands who specialize in anabolics and have anti counterfeit features like alpha pharma and zphc. I find the good ones really have no reason to sell other than what is on the label.
Its much easier to counterfeit Organon Sustanon than any of Alpha Pharma or ZPHC products, thats for sure.
I might be able to get some Omnadren from pharmacy directly but its much more expensive than Spectrum or ZPHC sustanon blends. I can get Aspen(Organon) Sustanon but its pricey and very bulky for shipping, 3boxes(3amps) of that Sustanon take as much volume as 3vials of Spectrum Test Mix. 3ml vs 30ml. Shipping expenses are going up and only a few customers can afford to pay over $10 per amps of Sustanon. Era of cheap human grade testosterone is definitely behind us. Drugs like Aromasin, Arimidex, Nolvadex are actually easy to purchase from pharmacy. Oh and these days alot of people would prefer Alpha Pharma Aromex over Pfizer Aromasin. Do you know why? They never heard of Pfizer Aromasin or AstraZeneca Arimidex! They dont know these are brand names which belongs to Pfizer or AstraZenevca, they think these are just common names for these drugs :) Same with Nolvadex, there are so many generics on the market that most users are not familiar with original pharmeceutical grade product by AstraZeneca.

Maybe safe to say the era of human grade like organon sust, Omna, and items like that are way behind us. Probably best to stick with the new Big brands who specialize in anabolics and have anti counterfeit features like alpha pharma and zphc. I find the good ones really have no reason to sell other than what is on the label.
Apha Pharma Provibol is back in stock
Alpha Pharma Rexobol 50mg is back in stock

I will restock following Apha Pharma products by end of November-middle of December

Mastoral (Superdrol)
Mastebolin 10ml
NandroRapid 10ml
Testobolin 10ml
Induject 10ml
Testocyp 10ml

Alphabolin 10ml

You can sign up for automatic e-mail notifications for every product which is currently out of stock at www.us-domesticsupply.to
Simply choose an item and click NOTIFY button. Make sure to enter correct e-mail address and you will get an e-mail as soon as this item is back in stock
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AP is very good gear folks, but a plug for the NPP. I have run this and its awesome stuff. Take my comments for what they are worth! You wont be disappointed!

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