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Millenials are a pain in the ass

See..I spoiled my older two to my detriment more than a little bit.

We went a different route with the younger two. It's two early to tell how it's gonna go but they're kinder, more determined. Idk. Kids should come with a manual.
My son's friends father was a prick, always hard on the kid. The kid has a lot better handle on life but makes no bones about the fact that he hates his father.....:coffee:
My son's friends father was a prick, always hard on the kid. The kid has a lot better handle on life but makes no bones about the fact that he hates his father.....:coffee:

Strict is not the same as hard. My kids know when they cross the line. We're big on celebrating achievements and positive reinforcement- it's swings and roundabouts.

But fuck if they end up hating me for trying to install values then fuck them. We'll spend their inheritance LOL!
I know I fucked up my kid by spoiling him, I'm hoping he meets some nice girl that teaches him how to respect money before she takes half of it in the divorce....:coffee:
It's funny you say that because my husband grew up dirt poor, worked hard his whole life and is incredible at mismanaging money. He had nice things now because I took the financial reins.
I grew up dead in the middle middle class...idk. it's all a crap shoot

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Strict is not the same as hard. My kids know when they cross the line. We're big on celebrating achievements and positive reinforcement- it's swings and roundabouts.

But fuck if they end up hating me for trying to install values then fuck them. We'll spend their inheritance LOL!

I have felt all your pain. The hardest thing to do is be tough on your kids, they dont understand that its for their benefit , but when they are older and respect you thats when it pays off for them. you can only hope. unconditional love is a mother fucker
I have completely fucked up. My son is 24, makes around 45k a year and the only thing he pays for is his car at 400 a month. I pay for everything else.
Clothes, car insurance, phone, food, everything. Me and honeybear just bought a second home at the beach and started looking into our bills. Junior has spent 500 on his easy pass since christmas eve. we also pay that bill. He spends 145 every couple of weeks on greyhound bus to bring one of his girlfriends in to spend a weekend in a motel which cost him another 300 or so. The kid has no money. other than I set him up in a 401K thru his work. He is a spoiled prick and acts like me and honeybear owe him. I guess buying a 7 year old a laptop is not the way to parent....:coffee:
cape may?
Most millenials are worthy of the scorn heaped upon them. But when the shit hits the fan they'll be the first to perish and there will be that much less competition for resources.
Before anyone accuses me of being a bitter old bitch.

I am..and I hate a whole bunch of millenials with their fucking iPhones in their hipster pants and their stupid fucking nails...and their ridiculous need for selfies constantly (snapchat? Really?!?)

The Washington post thinks they're pains in the ass too
Yea, and all the baby boomers, and the grandparents of ours that grew up in the dirty 30's probably think we were a pain in the ass and stupid also....I'm 48yrs old also.....lol
Yea, and all the baby boomers, and the grandparents of ours that grew up in the dirty 30's probably think we were a pain in the ass and stupid also....I'm 48yrs old also.....lol

They grew up with a couple of incredible wars, a depression with starvation, polio and other diseases, strikers getting gunned down at Ford plants, etc. So yeah, anyone over about 75 thinks any one of us 69 and younger are spoiled brats, lol.

But they'll be dying off soon so we won't have to listen to their endless bellyaching about the glorious 20's, Glenn Miller's orchestra, and the evils of rock'n'roll.
When I was 15 they told me if I wanted to continue eating the way I do for bodybuilding I'd be paying for my own food. So I got a job asap haha not to many 15 year olds working to just pay for their own food.
My 15 year old eats cereal in the morning. I tried to get him to eat eggs. There are weights and a squat rack at the house - he never touches them. I had to eat peanut butter and jelly every day and lift rusty old weights I bought myself as a teenager. Until I could afford a bench, I piled paper bags on the floor and laid my back on it to bench press and had friends help lift the bar over me. The paper bags gave me enough clearance to lower the bar to my chest . . .
I have completely fucked up. My son is 24, makes around 45k a year and the only thing he pays for is his car at 400 a month. I pay for everything else.
Clothes, car insurance, phone, food, everything. Me and honeybear just bought a second home at the beach and started looking into our bills. Junior has spent 500 on his easy pass since christmas eve. we also pay that bill. He spends 145 every couple of weeks on greyhound bus to bring one of his girlfriends in to spend a weekend in a motel which cost him another 300 or so. The kid has no money. other than I set him up in a 401K thru his work. He is a spoiled prick and acts like me and honeybear owe him. I guess buying a 7 year old a laptop is not the way to parent....:coffee:

Seriously, reddog, why are you still doing this to him? You are harming him. It sounds like you know that.

He makes the median household income all by himself. Time to go take care of life.

You say you fucked up, but nothing is set in stone. Correct it. Give him his 30 day notice to move out (or whatever your state law requires for notice to at will tenants). Stop paying for his clothes, car insurance, food, phone, easy pass, and everything else.

He will never become a responsible and capable man until he is forced to become a responsible and capable man.
Junior told me a couple years ago he was moving out when he was 25, well that comes this September. We shall see. He was actually pissed that we bought this second house and have our money a little tight until the dust settles. classic. I told him to go fuck himself ....:coffee:
I would not wait, and I would not leave it up to him. If you leave it up to him, it is never going to happen. You said yourself that he saves nothing. It is not like he appreciates what you are doing.

Are you doing it for yourself? For your wife?
I have a boy who is 8 and girls 6 and 4. Wife works late so it's me who picks them up from school, feeds them, and gets them to do homework and clean up. I have no idea what I'm doing, so they can turn out all fucked up or super successful. All I know is I try to give them things and opportunities I didn't have, but at the same time I'm quick to get in their face if they fuck up.
My parents raised my sister and I strict as fuck since we came from overseas. Learned english by myself as a child, never had to go to ESOL and passed the kids who were raised here. I live at home, only reason is so I can continue to go full time school and full time work, while paying for my education and keeping debt as low as possible. And then there's my lil bro. He's 10, but has a DS, a phone, the whole package. And he can't even do simple math, like 12+13 without using his fingers. And his teachers tell my parents this is normal!! Like wtf are you all doing? When I try to be strict on his spoiled ass and get him to do his shit, I get shit for it. But I know damn well he's being set for failure by my parents and they'll be blaming each other for "where did it all go wrong"
My 15 year old eats cereal in the morning. I tried to get him to eat eggs. There are weights and a squat rack at the house - he never touches them. I had to eat peanut butter and jelly every day and lift rusty old weights I bought myself as a teenager. Until I could afford a bench, I piled paper bags on the floor and laid my back on it to bench press and had friends help lift the bar over me. The paper bags gave me enough clearance to lower the bar to my chest . . .
That's awesome I to started out with one rusty 20lb dumbell!! Then I did body weight exercises at home. Luckily at school I had access to a decent gym.