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Mangiferin, a nootropic for a faster sprint


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Jun 16, 2012
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Mangiferin, a nootropic for a faster sprint
Mangiferin is a xanthonoid that gets its name from the mango tree Mangifera indica. Mangiferin is present in the leaves of the tree. An extract of those leaves has been on the market as Zynamite for a few years now. According to the human studies of the Spanish Nektium Pharma, Zynamite makes athletes significantly faster.

Nektium markets mangiferin as an alternative to caffeine. [nutraceutical-business-review.com 29-May-2018] You can find mangiferin in nootropic supplements and in various pre-workout formulas.In any case, the latter category of products could work, according to the research that sports scientists at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria published in Nutrients in 2019.
In this study, the researchers got 40 active students to sprint 3 times in a row for 30 seconds on a velometer on 3 different occasions. The students rested for 3 minutes between sprints.

On one occasion the subjects used a placebo an hour before their sprint session.
The other time the subjects took capsules containing 140 milligrams of Zynamite [Zyt], which is 60 percent mangiferin, and 140 milligrams of quercetin [Quer]. The researchers used an extract of Sophora japonica that consists of 50 percent quercetin. So the subjects took 280 milligrams of Sophora japonica extract.On another occasion, the subjects also took 420 milligrams of lecithin [PL] from sunflowers in addition to mangiferin and quercetin. The researchers wondered whether lecithin could improve the absorption of mangiferin and quercetin. We will already reveal that this was not the case.
The subjects took the capsules with a glass of water.
During the three sprints, the supplement increased peak power. Put simply, the maximum speed that the subjects could develop increased.




At the same time, the mangiferin-quercetin combination after the sprints reduced the amount of lactic acid in the subjects' blood. This suggests that the conversion of glucose into energy - more precisely: the oxidation of glucose - proceeded more smoothly.The Spanish were also able to find out that the supplement increased the uptake of oxygen from the blood by the muscle cells.
Interesting stuff, that mangiferin. We want to know more about it.
The Spanish research was paid for not only by the university of the researchers and the Spanish government, but also by Nektium Pharma, the producer of Zynamite. Two researchers from Nektium also participated in the study.

Nutrients. 2019 Oct 28;11(11):2592.
Anyone tried this?