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I'm new to ASF but have been a long time vendoe on the dark web...


Liberty Laboratories
Jan 22, 2019
Reaction score
United States
Get Shredded!
Hey guys, I'm new to ASF but I've been on vending on the darknet for years. I'm considering a venture into your world. Any tips or advice?

Also does anybody know what happened to Anabolic America?
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Hey guys, I'm new to ASF but I've been on vending on the darknet for years. I'm considering a venture into your world. Any tips or advice?

I've noticed that it seems like most people arent using Bitcoin to pay for their gear but are sending payments via western union or cash in the mail. How often do people get burned doing that?

Also does anybody know what happened to Anabolic America?
please read the rules before you come posting here.
Welcome to the forum!
Don't forget to check the cuckold forums for rules of engagement here.

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No offense guys, but I think you guys are seeing ghosts! If LE is going to be fishing for info this is the last way they would be doing it. The reality is LE has advanced way beyond just lurking around in forums asking stupid questions. They can index all the data on this site in less than an hour and then run an algorithm to narrow down their list of people to watch. Step two would be to start making a few small test orders and building a relationship with board reps or; if someones posting history leads them to believe that they may have someone that is actually importing, manufacturing or distributing those people go to the top of the list. They dont have the time or give a shit about guys buying for personal use... unless you are a complete moron.

What you should really be worried about is all of the logs and data sites like this store on an about you. If you think using firefox in private browser mode is protecting your data or identity youre crazy. If you arent using something like VPN and Tor to access sites like this they can track you down in less than 10 minutes. Why would LE spend all their time asking stupid questions hoping you slip up.

If you are really worried about LE, i'd worry a little bit less about stupid bullshit and focus a lot more time on making sure your OPSEC is on point. That is your biggest vulnerability. And if you are a vendor... its twice as true. There is a reason you see so many vendors go dark and then re-emerge months or years later. It is the only way to make an investigation go cold... and if you are a vendor, the last thing you want to do is come back on the forum and tell everybody that you are back! That just makes the association for LE and next thing you get burned for your current operation AND your old one.

Come on guys... I've been in the game for a long time and I'm smart enough to know that LE has evolved WAY beyond stupid fishing attacks. And if they are fishing, its going to be targeted to someone that they have already developed a relationship with after some successful orders. Sorry for the rant, but that smell of bacon youre smelling is just ridiculous paranoia. But I guess better safe than sorry so I cant hate on you for that.
I dont think there was a need for that! if you are new here it is your responsibility to read the forum rules! still respect your opinion but you also said it right "always better safe than sorry"!!!