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HCG to raise E2


Dec 21, 2023
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Currently doing a test/primo/mast cycle - 200T/500P/300M. I’ve been using HCG at 1000iu EOD to keep my e2 in check because I don’t do well with test dosages above 200mg/week. E2 is sitting at 11pg/mL which I’m good with but is there a better way to raise e2? I know if I stopped the hcg my e2 would crash hard. I guess I could add exogenous estrogen but I don’t currently have a source for that. And again I don’t do well with higher test dosages. Thank you in advance!
Maybe lower the mast and primo dosage, I know mast will lower estrogen a little I’m pretty sure, but not certain because I never ran primo but I think primo dose the same thing.
You could eat some low dose dbol.

But definitely lowering those dht doses would help if you don’t wanna raise your test and hcg doses.
Its a wonder you have any e2 at all. I love mast but if I run it even equal to test mine crashes (confirmed) primo has an even stronger effect

Hcg can be very good to use in a pinch, week or two, but its not wise to run high doses like that long term

Dbol will probably raise it faster than anything, next would be a no-ester test but since you dont want test

Also just curious what makes you say you "dont do well with high test"? When most say that they mean for E2 reasons but thats obviously not your case
Maybe lower the mast and primo dosage, I know mast will lower estrogen a little I’m pretty sure, but not certain because I never ran primo but I think primo dose the same thing.
Higher Test increase your BP to high?
Its a wonder you have any e2 at all. I love mast but if I run it even equal to test mine crashes (confirmed) primo has an even stronger effect

Hcg can be very good to use in a pinch, week or two, but its not wise to run high doses like that long term

Dbol will probably raise it faster than anything, next would be a no-ester test but since you dont want test

Also just curious what makes you say you "dont do well with high test"? When most say that they mean for E2 reasons but thats obviously not your case
I turn into an asshole with higher test. I haven’t found a way to combat the asshole-ness. Tried ashwaganda, magnesium, meditation, all kinds of stuff.

What do you consider “long term” for the HCG? I’ve read online some protocols are 5000iu/week for 6-9 months. I know that’s extreme - but I only have 5 weeks left and it’s working for now. But I was hoping to find a better way.