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By Any Means Necessary

Get Shredded!
Push today.

Good session. Nothing crazy and I pulled out the intensity technique sets on pressing to keep the volume down a touch until the shoulder is completely back to normal.

It felt better this session again but, I'm still holding back on increasing load too much and just crushing the contractions and stretches.

Did the Pec deck with one arm at a time today. I did this a couple weeks back and it really felt good so I'll start doing this a bit instead of both arms all the time. I can still load the chest here and keep steady with my current situation so it'll be useful.

Just moving right along.
Leg day!

Crushed em today. I went a bit overboard on leg press I guess, it affected my hack top set but, I'm feeling it regardless.

Went back over to the Smith for a single top set on stiff leg dead then a single top set on the hammer shrug. I dunno if I prefer these over BB but they felt good and I didn't use a belt.

Had to use the cybex leg curl instead of the star one, it's harder and not as smooth but it did the job.

Got a little bit better today.

Pics from a few days ago.
Push day.

Strength was good and no problems with the shoulder. I'll keep babying it for another couple weeks while I finish the cruise though.

I've finally noticed a decrease in performance these past couple sessions. Not strength wise, endurance mostly and overall drive to finish everything. I'm usually holding back to not do an extra something but now I find myself trying to talk myself out of the last exercise.

Hormones are going on 12 weeks at a cruise and, even with the vacation week not training, since we did an entire week of cardio sessions basically, I might just still be a bit worn down. I've pulled a little volume on push and legs, legs being a tweak, the last few sessions which goes into my statement about drive as well.

I'm feeling good overall but, there is definitely room to improve as always.

BTW, hands are numb af from the gh. I'll be getting bloodwork soon. I'm taking an extra week to get it since I was off gh for the week of vacation.

Nothing to do today so we went to see my mother in law at the nursing home. I hope I never end up in one.... She wanted to be there (nothing is wrong with her and she's barely 60)so I don't feel bad for her but i know it's not somewhere I ever want to spend a day.

Tomorrow is pull day and back to work!
Pull day.

Just gotta keep on winning the little battles.

Three maybe 4 days left of the cruise.

Back to it. My hip has been bothering me a bit and today was no exception after the training. My low back also feels like it got tweaked a couple days back... Falling apart over here I guess lol.

I know it's just recovery issues and I'm still pushing as hard as possible with minimal hormonal support so, it's gonna creep up.

Despite that, today was a good day training. Strength was great, crazy pumps and gut busting effort and intensity. I willed out quite a few extra reps just because I wasn't going to fucking miss.
No training today.

I slept from 2am until 330pm though. Was great. Definitely need more days like this.

I started having groceries delivered to the house, it's a $5 delivery fee, and it's freed up an hour or two a few times a week where I can sleep in on my non training days. Should have started doing this a long time ago lol.

Tomorrow is push. One more pin left in the cruise bottle. Deciding on what and when.
Push today. Tested the shoulder a bit on Incline.

Strength has fallen off a bit as expected but pretty much pain free. I'll continue to work up slowly and safely.

I have a bottle of HEAL from Muscle Gelz coming. It's a topical Bpc157 tb500 gel that I'll be using on the shoulder and knee. Looks promising so I'll keep everyone updated on that.

Session was good, just gotta keep chipping away.
No training today.

I slept from 2am until 330pm though. Was great. Definitely need more days like this.

I started having groceries delivered to the house, it's a $5 delivery fee, and it's freed up an hour or two a few times a week where I can sleep in on my non training days. Should have started doing this a long time ago lol.

Tomorrow is push. One more pin left in the cruise bottle. Deciding on what and when.
Damn, just $5?!
I need to try some of that HEAL
Pull day.

Took some video of training and my form on some things has gotten a bit Sloppy. Everything is in line and the muscle is working but my tempo is off.

The biggest part of log booking is making sure all reps are static or else the numbers going up or down mean nothing so, I'll tighten this back up.

Good session though, just need some refining again.
Rest day and off work.

Got a lot of stuff done today.

Mowed, weed eating, edging, pulling up vines and weeds in the yard, killed ants, cut down some saplings around the shed and then burned a bunch of sticks and branches.

Then went to the garage and started tossing out junk and old stuff, swept up and some rearranging.

Did my laundry.

Went to the bank to get added onto my mom's bank account in case something happens and I need to pay the bills.

Sam's club for some meats and stuff then the grocery store to pick up meds for the wife and grab some fruit for the diet.

Just got done cooking burgers and fries for the family and now I'm sitting down to do some client work. This time of the year is pretty busy with coaching since guys and gals are starting prep or wanting to drop some winter/off season fluff but, it's going pretty smooth so far.

Tomorrow is leg day so I should be good and rested up after a day off to crush it.
Haven't posted any food pics in a long time because it's the same old stuff 99% of the time but there have been a couple small changes the last few weeks.

Beef meal is -
250g Jasmine rice
250g 85/15 ground Beef
60g saurkraut

I added the kraut a two weeks ago when I picked a possible show. Trying to get the gut good and healthy for prep.

Other meal is - 59c 9f 66p
2 oikos triple zero vanilla yogurt
100g blueberries
100g grapes
1 scoop whey

This is my "treat" / filler meal. Just picked things very easy to digest with low food volume. Also, trying to keep my weight stable has took some effort and this has helped since it sits like air on the gut. This "meal" goes between meals 5&6 usually. I'm not a fan of dairy at all but, these fit in nicely and haven't given me any issues. Whatever probiotics they may or may not have is beside the point.
Leg day.

They fixed the Adductor machine! Yaaay! After a few weeks without it I was starting to get worried. Right back to work making sure tempo was on point.

Pretty rough session. I missed a rep on the stiff leg deads because I didn't turn the bar fully to unrack it then I was fighting it turning in my hand the entire set. Still hurt.

I've been adding in a couple bicep movements on leg day when it follows a rest day. They need a little attention so they're getting worked more frequently.

Gonna feel it tomorrow!
Yesterday was push. Got after it. No big improvements but no pain and small increases so a big win.

Today is a rest day and tomorrow is pull! Gotta keep hammering on the back!

Still at my cruise dose of test. Waiting on some goodies to land to properly start a blast but I will increase test to 500mg in the next day or so to get things going a little.

Still using 3iu if iron lion puretropins every day IM. Will be pulling bloodwork on those very soon as well.
Hey my good friend..Video is a most effective tool to self evaluation..Used it decades ago to critic sparring sessions..I spotted so much useless crap,in the 1st ten seconds I turned it off..but I did go back and made many revisions..

This however is the 1st time I've heard it used in BB... interesting..!!

Love You Brother
Great Inspiration..
Hey my good friend..Video is a most effective tool to self evaluation..Used it decades ago to critic sparring sessions..I spotted so much useless crap,in the 1st ten seconds I turned it off..but I did go back and made many revisions..

This however is the 1st time I've heard it used in BB... interesting..!!

Love You Brother
Great Inspiration..
Gotta use all the tools in the tool bag
Pull today.

Got it done. Strength is starting to stall a bit finally. I'm handling weights for reps I've never used in the past with really good form though so, it's all going perfectly.

Forgot to log my final bicep exercise. One arm preacher machine to failure 2 sets. Nothing fancy.

Leg day tomorrow! Weeeeeee!....... It's gonna suck.
Pull today.

Got it done. Strength is starting to stall a bit finally. I'm handling weights for reps I've never used in the past with really good form though so, it's all going perfectly.

Forgot to log my final bicep exercise. One arm preacher machine to failure 2 sets. Nothing fancy.

Leg day tomorrow! Weeeeeee!....... It's gonna suck.
No, it's gonna be glorious!!!
Leg day was great. Improved.

Pulled out hatfield Squats and opted for a machine squat today. Can't do this very long since my top set was the entire stack but, I can run it a couple weeks into the 20 rep range of I feel it.

I also increased the drugs so I'm extra strong and awesome already. Went from 250mg test to 500mg. I can feel the gains already

I laugh at guys running tren every cycle and always trying to find the best combination of drugs. 3 or 4 of this a couple of that.

Those are also usually the guys who can't nail a diet for a week straight without any missteps and are off and on the wagon month to month. Always have some problem popping up here and there. Excuse after excuse. Just ignorance and impatience.

Get Shredded!
Push today.

Anther less they stellar push day with this group of exercises. Going to pull things out and adjust for next time this rotation comes up. It's been long enough fighting them.

Overall my top set strength sucked and my backoff and intensity stuff was fine. Will get a plan together for the session after next.

Probably put in the DB press on Incline since my shoulder is good (had a strain in my side delt today though oddly enough) and revisit my pressing for shoulders.... My delts had been pain free when I was not pressing at all for delts and since I started back the issues have come up. May just do a single set on something I dunno yet.

I still need to get bloods pulled and donate, which I will do this week.
Pull day.

Exploring options today. Everything I did today is not currently in my pull rotation so I could see where I can make changes for things that have stalled.

The hammer row is the same machine I've been using but I used a vertical grip instead of pronated today. I used to train this grip but I moved to the other to target more of the mid upper back instead of the lat. Very strong there and I feel the movement well but this is maxed out on the machine with perfect form.... Not sure it's more beneficial then the cybex machine and I have a lot of weight to play with on the cybex.

The hammer pull-down was a no go. This was done standing and it's a great stretch but hardly any activation.

The cable row was meh, nothing great and I feel single arm work here much better and don't miss any of the loading.

The DB rows for upper back, I tossed these in my last pull day and I really like them so I'll plug them somewhere and hammer them into the ground for a while.

This free motion cable pull-down was also a great option. Perfect for what I'm trying to do with overhead pulling movements and, there is no set up.

I plan on doing the same with push when it comes up. Legs I might adjust a bit as well before prep officially begins.

I did clean up the diet the last 10 days or so and I dropped about 7lbs of water instantly. The only thing I did was pull out the extra snack stuff I was having between meals like rice cakes, dry oats and some trail mix. I also have been more conscious of the amount of chick fil a sauce I've been using lol. Around half of what I had been. Pretty drastic and, it was actually planned.

In the off season I am a bit liberal with sauces and snacks when I need them (snacks are still clean food) ON TOP of my planned meals. I don't miss meals because I had a bag of trail mix or a sleeve of rice cakes, I just plug them in when I feel I can eat more. Not only is that helping my calories going in since it can get tough to eat 5000-6000 calories a day but when I do decide to diet, it's very easy to pull those things out at the beginning and have a rather large calorie reduction without feeling it.

I'm a big believer in slow steady reductions, and increases but, the beginning of a prep (the first week) a larger reduction is a very good strategy. You'll see progress the first week instead of just staying the same, which is common the first week of prep since calories should be well above maintenance and small reductions won't do much.
Starting point for whatever I end up doing.

Current pics are at the end of 13ish weeks at a cruise dose, 1 week at 500mg test. I have been putting off the starting pics until I get the items I need but, I guess it's as good a time as any right now.

Weight is currently 248 after a pretty big drop I touched on in a few posts before. I'm expecting weight to hang on here or increase a bit the first few weeks as anabolic are added in.

These are after my leg day that was less then stellar. I had a very long day yesterday and only got 4 hours of sleep so not surprised in the least.

Time to get rolling, 16-20 weeks out is the plan. Fat and flat!
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I bet your a moose in person man . Thick and lean . Love your log brother. Hard to read that handwriting lol but I manage
I bet your a moose in person man . Thick and lean . Love your log brother. Hard to read that handwriting lol but I manage
Lol yeah, I write everything on the left before I start training because my handwriting is 10x worse during training.

Thanks bud.
Yesterday was push.

Holding in the same pattern I have been over the last week or two.

Top set strength is holding on or slightly down but the backoff sets are progressing.

I have went back and added in a few carbs on training days so I'm around 400g on those days and 300 on non training days. These are purely carb sources total, not counting stuff I get from everything. I've also increased protein a touch so I'm about 400g a day there.

Fats are still just chic Fil A Sauce, I've got issues, so about 90g there and yeah they're
Shit fats but I don't care right now.
Leg day was great. Improved.

Pulled out hatfield Squats and opted for a machine squat today. Can't do this very long since my top set was the entire stack but, I can run it a couple weeks into the 20 rep range of I feel it.

I also increased the drugs so I'm extra strong and awesome already. Went from 250mg test to 500mg. I can feel the gains already

I laugh at guys running tren every cycle and always trying to find the best combination of drugs. 3 or 4 of this a couple of that.

Those are also usually the guys who can't nail a diet for a week straight without any missteps and are off and on the wagon month to month. Always have some problem popping up here and there. Excuse after excuse. Just ignorance and impatience.


You mean I won’t look like Big Ramy if I do 1000mg of Tren weekly! That’s not what this one bro at Planet Fitness said.
Pull and legs the last two days.

Today was very good. I got a good bit of sleep finally and was fully charged up.

I started looking for ways to make things harder during leg training and found a couple.

On leg press I just slowed down the eccentric even more, 3 count instead of 2.

On the seated leg curl I moved my body farther forward in the seat and placed the leg brace farther up my Calf instead of closer to the ankle. These were HARD.

I'll do something with Adductors next leg day. Today I just did straight sets and added a cluster set instead of a drop set. I might try 1.5 reps on these. My machine can't hold more then a single 45lb plate and I'm past 20 reps on my first working set.

Pull was good as well. Not as good since it was a regular sleep day but, not terrible.

These DB rows for upper back are a hit. It's probably because they're new and I don't dread having to beat the book yet. They crush the rear delt and trap.

The 1 arm Bb row has been Meadows rows for a couple weeks. I ran out of space for 25's so I had to use 2 45s which took away some stretch. I just put some plates on the floor and stood on those to get the desired stretch again.

I pulled bloodwork today so I should have results in by the end of next week.
What’s the secret to those big arms ? My arm genetics suck. I’ve been trying the volume approach, squeeze and slow. Recently switched to focusing on getting stronger with basic arms movements and feel like it’s working a lot better