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Presidential Debate

So glad to see my buddy chime in. I knowwwww you have thoughts Skip. Care to expand with some of that AARP wisdom:)

You know.....a little Primo and Test would do you some good young man.

This all the way.

Let Biden be an idiot
Yeah....its a little sad to watch the country be so divided and head in this direction. I think there is going to be some hardcore protests either way if this election gets contested over ballots and irregularities. My biggest fear is that China with help from Russia and others is watching us implode and will start something to further divide our country. They realize we are ripe for conquering. Just my two cents. With that said, its times to start stockpiling nutritional supplements, ammo and most importantly...syringes.
100% loud and clear, I hear you. Sad that the strongest country in the world is being laughed at by many.
All I saw was Joe avoid the important questions and acting like he was oblivious to what HIS party was preaching . The taxes was bullshit Trump is a businessman and used every legal loophole within the laws to get by paying 750$ in taxes. Joe kept on looking at the camera trying to buy votes through the tv screen. Silent majority will hopefully win come election time
So what's the verdict here? Wallace is a democrat yes? It was a crap show for sure. Our country is in such a mess.

It would of been bete to have 2 moderates, one a Democrat, the other Republican with there own set of questions in each category. Keep the 2 minute rule but allow at least 1 min on each side to refute the other. It may turn into a 3 hour event but I think most of us would of been fine with that vs the shit we got tonight.
Yes we need a REAL president to fix it and Trump's starting to show he's not the one. The people will soon speak on November 3rd.

To me Biden has the edge right now. For starters he showed up and was forceful and coherent in his comments and answers to questions not to mention being honest.

Your screen name is very fitting if you really believe your own bullshit.
Biden got caught cheating

Look to left of his tie. See the wire??

When he was trying to adjust the mic, the wire accidentally popped out for a moment.

These people are fools. They cheat and always get caught....

Biden got caught cheating

Look to left of his tie. See the wire??

When he was trying to adjust the mic, the wire accidentally popped out for a moment.

These people are fools. They cheat and always get caught....

Are you sure that's a wire or simply a loose thread?
Get Shredded!
Are you sure that's a wire or simply a loose thread?

Watch the video sir, its 100% a wire, and he kept adjusting the Mic near his shoulder.

And closing his eyes and leaning his head to hear better.

Rewatch the debates and you will see it very clearly.
Yeah....its a little sad to watch the country be so divided and head in this direction. I think there is going to be some hardcore protests either way if this election gets contested over ballots and irregularities. My biggest fear is that China with help from Russia and others is watching us implode and will start something to further divide our country. They realize we are ripe for conquering. Just my two cents. With that said, its times to start stockpiling nutritional supplements, ammo and most importantly...syringes.

A president like Biden would be just what they need to take over.
Are you sure that's a wire or simply a loose thread?

Loose thread?? Be serious, his outfit was probably over $10k, he’s not buying suits off the rack at jc penny. You need to educate yourself and pay attention to what’s going on right now, especially if you plan on voting.
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin eater....LOL, remember that saying.

Says a Trumper.

Just remember you’re not electing Biden, you’re electing the crazy leftists behind him. If you are happy and successful with your American lifestyle now, why do you want that to change??? There’s a lot of risk to that. Are you willing to lose your job? Your house? Everything that you enjoy now.

Medical care for all comes with price-fixing. A lot of for-profit hospitals aren’t going to like that at all. They’ll close if they aren’t making money. They’ll tighten budgets, lay people off. Hey, don’t you work for a hospital???

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wow. loose thread? really. This guys worth 10’s of millions of dollars, people like this, they don't have loose threads on their PJs much less a presidential debate suit that was custom tailored to fit Biden and chosen by his team, "c’mon man". It’s a hight tech top grade comms system and he is so out of it he still cant keep it hidden
So glad to see my buddy chime in. I knowwwww you have thoughts Skip. Care to expand with some of that AARP wisdom:)

You know.....a little Primo and Test would do you some good young man.

Biden becoming president is a problem because he is not competent or healthy enough to make one term.

Its the second one in charge that scares the hell out of me.

Harris has a horrible track record in California.

Just the fact she was fucking and sucking off that crusty old fart Wille Brown to move her way up in politics is amazing
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I'm not worried about seeing the tax returns of a billionaire who became a public servant. I want to see the tax returns on the public servants who became millionaires while in office.

Preach brother preach!!!
I would’ve watched it if it was televised on the Comedy Channel. I hear Judge Judy should’ve been the moderator.
Judge Judy would've made a much better moderator than Wallace. The whole thing was a shit show.

Someone should start a thread on who would be a better moderator if there’s another debate. I said Judge Judy how about drill sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket “You Maggots” or Sensei from Cobra a Kai “Quite”
Someone should start a thread on who would be a better moderator if there’s another debate. I said Judge Judy how about drill sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket “You Maggots” or Sensei from Cobra a Kai “Quite”
Haha Gunny Ermey would be great if he was still alive
Judge Judy would've made a much better moderator than Wallace. The whole thing was a shit show.

fuck yeah she would have judge judy is the human lie detector !! lol growing up in NY, my mother was judge judy, nothing got past her, NOTHING! hahah
Would you mind telling me how you really feel.

Biden becoming president is a problem because he is not competent or healthy enough to make one term.

Its the second one in charge that scares the hell out of me.

Harris has a horrible track record in California.

Just the fact she was fucking and sucking off that crusty old fart Wille Brown to move her way up in politics is amazing
omg! too funny man. how does the first dude just walk by this like all is normal lmao

It's probably a daily occurrence

I didn't choose the swolle life, the swolle life chose me ~ Wesley Swolle
omg! too funny man. how does the first dude just walk by this like all is normal lmao

Prob bc its Russia and thats common


Here is what Biden got caught wearing

The country is divided because libtards went on the attack, cried, whined, attacked old people and kid sin MAGA hats. They made George Floyd out to be a hero, a guy who held a gun to a pregnant women's belly while she was robbed, then sexually assaulted her on the way out the door. The fund violence, riots, cities burning w/ BLM and ANTIFA.

They and their libturd media attacks, murders of little white kids, but PUSH and ATTACK any time the tables are turned. Black folks make up 13% of the population, yet committed 55% of the murders in 2019.
(Do that math to see proportionate offenses, shocking).


If someone is so much of a dumb kunt to not see who's trying to divide and start a war (and change teh country to Commie) I feel bad for you brain dead fucks. must suck being that horribly stupid.
One cant argue with data and statistics...well said.

The country is divided because libtards went on the attack, cried, whined, attacked old people and kid sin MAGA hats. They made George Floyd out to be a hero, a guy who held a gun to a pregnant women's belly while she was robbed, then sexually assaulted her on the way out the door. The fund violence, riots, cities burning w/ BLM and ANTIFA.

They and their libturd media attacks, murders of little white kids, but PUSH and ATTACK any time the tables are turned. Black folks make up 13% of the population, yet committed 55% of the murders in 2019.
(Do that math to see proportionate offenses, shocking).


If someone is so much of a dumb kunt to not see who's trying to divide and start a war (and change teh country to Commie) I feel bad for you brain dead fucks. must suck being that horribly stupid.