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Twice over, PCT didn't help me keep gains

I prefer the oral version bc it takes effect day one, vs. inject which takes 4-5 weeks due to the enanthate ester.
If using inject, start it 5 weeks out from the end of your cycle. ?
Any idea what bioavailability is? That H&B primo looking shiny.
How about primo acetate? We have sponsors that sell that too.
Bio-availability is going to vary, esp bc half the equation is the users biology... but, they are not liver toxic like most orals and 80mgs/day is def an effective dose for me at 250+lbs.
How about primo acetate? We have sponsors that sell that too.
Acetate works faster than enanthate, Im just not a fan of adding several extra ml of oil to my pin schedule if I can avoid it.
I don’t know the science of it like all the guys above but all I can tell you is I came off many months ago for a fight. Did PCT and I didn’t loose shit. Maybe a small % of strength but not enough to even talk about really. Weight has stayed the same and I actually made some gains since. My training was even harder after coming off and I ate like a fucking pig. Yeah I’m a little younger but I’ve been using gear for almost two decades. Training and diet is 98% of everything.
Twice over, in the course of 1.5 years, I cycled Sustanon + Tren, 12 weeks.
Twice over gains were exceptional, both strength and mass (last time I gained something like 20lbs, mostly lean)
Twice over I did PCT religiously, Clomid + Novaldex, 5 weeks.

Twice over I lost basically all of my gains, and experienced some mild issue with libido.

I wonder what I might be doing wrong, or if perhaps the stack I chose doesn't... stick.
47 years old.

That’s why these days we almost all stay on TRT year round when not doing a growth cycle. 50mg test prop 3 days a week does the trick. Or, if you don’t like injecting you can get away with 200mg test cyp, enan, or sustanon, once a week. More frequent injections keeps more stable blood levels of testosterone making you feel better/no highs and lows. The addition of HGH is a big plus in keeping gains. Even 2ius a day makes a difference.
Bio-availability is going to vary, esp bc half the equation is the users biology... but, they are not liver toxic like most orals and 80mgs/day is def an effective dose for me at 250+lbs.
Thank you sir
Related event at the gym today:

I just came off a blast, am at TRT dose this week.
Was doing massive (for me) standing shoulder press.
Brain said to me, "Hey. You can't do that last rep, you're on a lower dose this week."
Being in the middle of pressing up a lot of weight, I didn't have a lot of time for discussion. So I just said to my brain, "Fuck you."
I then proceeded to not only complete that rep, but one more than I did last week, just for spite.