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Any older guys trying to get lean??

Get Shredded!
Was attempting to bulk at 53 but after reading this post maybe my bulking days are over.
A quick update, I am down to 140lbs and about as lean as I think I can get, but 35lbs less muscle than 10 years ago when I was this lean.

I'm 2/3 through a bulk cycle now... 13 days shy of 60... the cut will start round March.


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I'm 2/3 through a bulk cycle now... 13 days shy of 60... the cut will start round March.

Already working on that for you..
TPP/NPP/Masteron with a Tbol/Var combo..is one I've done..
The Mast at 300...lock your daughters up..!!
Looking great brother
59 and haven’t bulked in years. I love being around 183-185 at 5’9

Lean as fuck! Sign of alot of hard work and discipline!
Low dosage, very clean eating and cardio 7 days a week. Thank you friend.
You have room to spare now. Are you thinking about a little rebound to say 160 lbs?

10-15lbs max, so about 150lbs, I have muscle, but I look very thin in clothes. But no longer want to carry extra weight even muscle. I am more concerned now about health and my heart.

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59 and haven’t bulked in years. I love being around 183-185 at 5’9

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Very impressive! I’m almost 50 and am 270 lbs at 6’1” and I know if I lose 20 lbs of fat I’d look much bigger but the mind fuck of getting weaker and my clothes getting looser trumps things. Great job. You too Arnold.
Very impressive! I’m almost 50 and am 270 lbs at 6’1” and I know if I lose 20 lbs of fat I’d look much bigger but the mind fuck of getting weaker and my clothes getting looser trumps things. Great job. You too Arnold.
I totally get it.
10-15lbs max, so about 150lbs, I have muscle, but I look very thin in clothes. But no longer want to carry extra weight even muscle. I am more concerned now about health and my heart.

You're probably the best judge of your health. As long as you're getting in a proper amount of nutrients and have a level of essential BF you're probably good. I think there is a large % of BBers who know health and how to manage such than 0% of MDs.