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Oct 24, 2023
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Hi there :) I'm biologically female but I have started taking testosterone at a Pharma and been prescribed for my Gender, yes it does come in clutch for my bodybuilding haha, But I'm looking to stack now, I need help finding a nice stack that'll help me bulk and lose some fat behind without suppressing my testosterone too much, this includes sarms too, anyone have any suggestions for me?
Bulking AND losing fat is the holy grail. Recomp is tricky. Diet (and training) is going to dictate that, not what you stack. Having said that, most are probably going to suggest var since you're female (if anything is suggested). Do your research first, but diet and training are going to be 95% of what makes/breaks your goals.

Welcome to ASF.
Hi there :) I'm biologically female but I have started taking testosterone at a Pharma and been prescribed for my Gender, yes it does come in clutch for my bodybuilding haha, But I'm looking to stack now, I need help finding a nice stack that'll help me bulk and lose some fat behind without suppressing my testosterone too much, this includes sarms too, anyone have any suggestions for me?
Let me see if I understand, you’re a bio female running test with the intention of transitioning to male? And you’re also looking to run other compounds?
Got it. I honestly have no clue what’s safe for someone in a hormonal transition. I mean, for women var is what I’d typically recommend and is considered safe for both genders.
This seems like a very complicated issue and I honestly wouldn't take any advice from us dumb fucking bodybuilders. No matter how deep we dive into specialized hormone therapy for bodybuilding and muscle gaining reasons not one of us has ever dove into it for the issues you're referring to so definitely find a specialist bro...
Post a picture of what you want to look like
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Gender cannot be changed via hormones. Gender is based on DNA.

As far as a safer compound for a female or male would be primobolan.
Dbol is like making a deal with the devil. He'll make you big and strong af, but one day he will come to collect his fee...

Turns you into a woman. ?