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what dose of deca for noticeable strength gains


Jul 12, 2019
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Get Shredded!
I’m on week 5 of a deca /test experiment.
Weeks 1-5 I was dosing 200mg Cypionate every 5 days with 200 deca.

I’ve noticed 0 strength gains on major lifts. However, I have noticed less pain in the joints ,a big plus. No deca dick, no noticeable side effects.
I’ve been advised to increase the Test, but shouldn’t deca be providing some strength gains by now? Or is the dose simply too low? Adding test may add strength gains but that would be the test doing it, not the deca IMHO.

I try to get away with the lowest dose of everything possible.

Is 200 mg or Deca simply too little for strength gains for someone who has been lifting 10 )+ years?


I'm 49 y/o; 5’11’’ 200lbs. I've been lifting 3 x week for 10 years, to supplement my JJ training.
If you wanted a little faster results you could have ran npp instead of deca. As far as the test deca ratio alot will say twice the test but I have run 250mg of each equally and had excellent results and no sides.

I think give it another week. As far as deca dick I never get that and am 46yo so dont go by that.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I am finishing up a blast using 350 mg/week of NPP and I got scary strong. Its all relative, never been a particularly strong guy for my size, but Im handling weight I didnt anticipate touching.

Worth noting, the phenylprop ester is nearly as heavy as the decanoate ester so the active amount of nandrolone you get is pretty much equal whether you go deca or NPP. I would venture to say 300 mg deca would have netted me similar results.
I dose deca @150-200mg for joint relief. For muscle gains and strength 400-600mg

Sent from my moto g stylus using Tapatalk
Had great luck with 600mg of deca.
I always run more test than deca as I get the deca dick if I dont. But everyone's different there. That being said I've had great join relief at 200mg/week. I start getting big when I run it at around 400/week though.
I've ran Deca for decades and have found that 300 to 400 a week works great..Deca is a nice compound that doesn't give you a bang it's working,rather a linear increase of strength and recovery..I would bump to 300 and see how you respond..It take a bit to kick in..
300-400mg of Deca with Test is great! I like a little Provi sidecar.

Deca is one of those great drugs that you don’t have to run much. 200mg for joint pain, 400mg for muscle growth.

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Is 400 cause bloating would you say

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The joint relief is real, I can definitely feel the difference. I may try to bump it up to 300. My TRT doc is saying 200 deca 400 cyp... but I don't want the cyp doing the work, I want the deca to do it.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, I've been adding 50mg proviron per day since the start, to help things along. I am not sure why I'm not getting stronger. Could be I've reached a natural max for my body and I'll have to go higher in terms of deca or test to push beyond that limit.
I always go 500 test 500 deca. I like to keep it even.

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Damn! 400 test and 200 deca on trt script..nice doc ... Must be a very low responder to stay in range on 400/wk

Sent from my moto g stylus using Tapatalk
Damn! 400 test and 200 deca on trt script..nice doc ... Must be a very low responder to stay in range on 400/wk

Sent from my moto g stylus using Tapatalk

He's a good one to be sure.

I've never gone up to 400.

That's why I wanted the advice, I'm doing 200 test 200 deca for now, just feel if I raise the test, it's the test doing the work, not the deca. I may just accept the joint relief and leave it at that. Use anavar or some other oral for strength when I need it.
For me the strength gains are slow and steady on Deca @ 400mg. I'm also 49 so If, during a cycle, I'm feeling healthy and my diet is on, I'll add 30mg Dbol ed and the strength hits me like a train. No more wondering "if". I'll run it for 3-4 weeks and then it's back to normal.
I’m on week 5 of a deca /test experiment.
Weeks 1-5 I was dosing 200mg Cypionate every 5 days with 200 deca.

I’ve noticed 0 strength gains on major lifts. However, I have noticed less pain in the joints ,a big plus. No deca dick, no noticeable side effects.
I’ve been advised to increase the Test, but shouldn’t deca be providing some strength gains by now? Or is the dose simply too low? Adding test may add strength gains but that would be the test doing it, not the deca IMHO.

I try to get away with the lowest dose of everything possible.

Is 200 mg or Deca simply too little for strength gains for someone who has been lifting 10 )+ years?


I'm 49 y/o; 5’11’’ 200lbs. I've been lifting 3 x week for 10 years, to supplement my JJ training.

You're chiming in right around the time frame that both of these esters will start to display some work. Decanoate is a slow starter, think of it like a big heavy bus, slow to pick up speed.. After 5 weeks you may begin to notice that you feel a bit more full, you'll start rounding out and it becomes continuous for a while. No need to really increase anything, what you started with is plenty, ramping up the test won't be some game changer. Stick with what you have, give it the benefit of the doubt to do its job, you are literally right there where things to to display themselves. FYI.. nandrolone loves nutrients, nandrolone really shows itself when you feed the drug real legit nutrition. Get in more meals, more carbs. Feed that shit!
He's a good one to be sure.

I've never gone up to 400.

That's why I wanted the advice, I'm doing 200 test 200 deca for now, just feel if I raise the test, it's the test doing the work, not the deca. I may just accept the joint relief and leave it at that. Use anavar or some other oral for strength when I need it.

I think you would be suprised, if you are taking test for a long time at this point then 400 isn't a high dose that will do a whole lot, especially if you ran like 300 for a bit at one time or something, I have to put my test at like 600-650 to notice a whole lot from it when like 300 was a crazy dose when I first started taking testosterone. 350-500 is not a high dose for someone already on TRT and should be the base of a blast
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Get Shredded!
You're chiming in right around the time frame that both of these esters will start to display some work. Decanoate is a slow starter, think of it like a big heavy bus, slow to pick up speed.. After 5 weeks you may begin to notice that you feel a bit more full, you'll start rounding out and it becomes continuous for a while. No need to really increase anything, what you started with is plenty, ramping up the test won't be some game changer. Stick with what you have, give it the benefit of the doubt to do its job, you are literally right there where things to to display themselves. FYI.. nandrolone loves nutrients, nandrolone really shows itself when you feed the drug real legit nutrition. Get in more meals, more carbs. Feed that shit!

Thanks for the advice and input, I think I'll keep the doses right where they are, the note on eating is key as well. I have been hesitating to eat more, given the weight constraints of my sport. During this cycle I probably should, just like you say, and diet down when its over.
Thanks for the advice and input, I think I'll keep the doses right where they are, the note on eating is key as well. I have been hesitating to eat more, given the weight constraints of my sport. During this cycle I probably should, just like you say, and diet down when its over.

don't worry about your weight fluctuating too much, just keep working on your drilling and your mobility, the only disadvantage that you may be up against is your muscle bellies filling with blood faster and you may have some difficulties grasping gi's.. focus more on grip strength this way you don't fatigue too quick. one of the advantages with gaining weight quickly is you're going to have to rely a lot more on technique and transitioning then what you may have been used to originally, it will be a learning experience all over again.. if you are doing more live rolling or randori classes during the week your gains are going to be more quality rather than just acquiring 15 lb out of nowhere that becomes a handicap.. you'll be fine..
3000mgs or so

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You think that would give you the feelz?

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
It would be noticeable at least
Of course, I'm kidding. I love Nandrolone and both esters of it.
Kind of wishing there was a 3 estered Nandrolone out there with PhenlyProp, Cypionate, and Decoanate.
50/100/150 "do-able"?
That would be very sweet.
@GearChurch thoughts?!?

Sent from my LM-K300 using Tapatalk
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It would be noticeable at least
Of course, I'm kidding. I love Nandrolone and both esters of it.
Kind of wishing there was a 3 estered Nandrolone out there with PhenlyProp, Cypionate, and Decoanate.
50/100/150 "do-able"?
That would be very sweet.
@GearChurch thoughts?!?

Sent from my LM-K300 using Tapatalk
They do make some nice blends.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I am finishing up a blast using 350 mg/week of NPP and I got scary strong. Its all relative, never been a particularly strong guy for my size, but Im handling weight I didnt anticipate touching.

Worth noting, the phenylprop ester is nearly as heavy as the decanoate ester so the active amount of nandrolone you get is pretty much equal whether you go deca or NPP. I would venture to say 300 mg deca would have netted me similar results.
It’s heavier oddly enough. So you actually get more nandrolone with deca that npp
how much do you draw up to get 400mg out of a 250mg bottle? its killing my brain trying to do the math