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This is what the god's piss


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Jul 20, 2015
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Parabolan is one of those drugs which appeared briefly (Negma eventually pulled it off the market) and made a huge impact very quickly. Dan Duchaine was the first person to write about this compound in his Underground Steroid Handbook Update Newsletter. In his write up, he speculated that you wouldn't want to go over 2 amps per week of the Original Negma Product (each amp was 76mgs, and if you are wondering why that is so, its because each amp gave the user precisely 50mgs of Trenbolone, once your body's esterases cleave off the HexaHydroBenzyl Carbonate ester ). Unfortunately, not many people really got a chance to experiment with the original Parabolan, as it was pulled off the market very quickly by Negma (discontinued in 1997). That created a very odd situation where the product was used very successfully by a few people for a very short time, then was basically unavailable after that. This basically created a bit of a cult following for the drug. Decades passed, and counterfeits stormed the market until Duchaine (again) wrote an article on extracting the Trenbolone from Finaplex Pellets, and then sterilizing them, in order to create your own Trenbolone Acetate, although this wasn't Parabolan, it soon curtailed the counterfeit craze for Parabolan. Tren was Tren, in most peoples eyes, regardless of the ester. "Fina kits" (a kit which enabled the user to make their own tren) then flooded the market, utilizing a loophole whereby the pellets and kit were both legal to buy, although clearly, making and using an injectable steroid in your kitchen is illegal. Flashing forward a few years, Trenbolone Acetate became available by many Underground Labs, then Trenbolone Enanthate became available. Even Parabolan (which is Trenbolone Base + a HexaHydroBenzyl Carbonate Ester) is offered by most major Underground Labs. HOWEVER...the raw material for trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is very expensive and often faked by not only the Chinese suppliers of raw powders, but it is also commonly diluted by many UGLs looking to cut costs. Parabolin (tren hex) is often tren enanthate with a HHBC label, or worse, it is trenbolone mixed with testosterone, or some other compound(s). A reputable brand or maker of real Parabolin is worth their weight in gold. I have included a picture of a well known brand of Real Parabolan.

A visit to muscle-research.com or any of the major discussion boards will testify that Parabolan's cult following still hasn't diminished. Lets see why.

Parabolan is neither affected by aromatase or 5-alpha-reductase. This means it becomes neither weaker nor stronger in androgen responsive target tissues, and is a trait usually shared by DHT (DyhydroTestosterone) derived steroids. Since Parabolan is of course a Trenbolone, it is not actually DHT derived but rather, it is derived from 19-Nor-Testosterone. Parabolan has no estrogenic activity (it may actually reduce serum estradiol levels in the body), is a very strong anabolic and androgenic compound (5x stronger than testosterone in both categories!), and it binds well to the androgen receptor. Actually, binding "well" to the androgen receptor is quite an understatement. There is no injectable AAS in our arsenal that binds to the androgen receptor (AR) as well as Trenbolone does. This is probably a major reason that Parabolan was so sought after for use as a precontest agent. Androgen Receptors are found in fat cells as well as muscle cells, (8) and we all know that androgens act on the AR in muscle cells to promote growth. Androgens also act directly on the AR in fat cells to affect fat burning.(9)(6) The stronger the androgen binds to the A.R, the higher the lipolytic (fat burning) effect on adipose (fat) tissue (9)(5). As if that's not enough good news, some steroids even increase the numbers of A.R. in muscle and fat (9)(10), leading me to speculate that this fat losing effect would be amplified with the concurrent use of other compounds, such as injectable testosterone.

Another mechanism whereby Parabolan causes muscle accumulation and fat loss is its ability as a nutrient partitioning agent.(7) Basically, what this means is that while using Tren, more of the food you eat will become Muscle and less (if any) will become Fat. Really! As you can see, most of Parabolan's cult reputation is well deserved. And as if that's not enough, Parabolan noticeably increases the level of IGF-1 within muscle tissue (2), which in itself is an extremely anabolic hormone. And, its worth noting that not only does it increase the levels of IGF-1 in muscle over two fold (2), it also causes muscle satellite cells (cells that repair damaged muscle) to be more sensitive to IGF-1 and other growth factors(3). This leads me to speculate that Parabolan (or any version of Tren) would be synergistic within a cycle containing any form of injectable IGF-1.

Parabolan also happens to bind quite strongly to the glucocorticoid receptor as well, and this in turn imparts a nice anti-catabolic effect. This in part, may help to explain why low(ish) doses of it seem to work nicely, as well as why it aids fat loss. You see, glucocorticoid hormones send a message to muscle cells to release stored protein (this is called catabolism), which is exactly the opposite of what we want.

This drug stacks well with mostly everything especially Testosterone (actually, if you want to avoid sexual dysfunction, stacking it with test is necessary). I have also found it to be a great addition to a stack containing Equipoise as well. Unfortunately the insomnia that Parabolan gives many users, added to the appetite increase the Equipoise can cause makes midnight snacking almost inevitable for those receiving these effects. Parabolan is most often used in cutting stacks when "quality muscle" gain is favored over bloat and water retention. Really, I think Parabolan (or any Tren) is a great "cutting" anabolic, although it has been used successfully by many in both Cutting and Bulking cycles.

Buy 100% legit Parabolan today at UncleZ.ru

Parabolan (trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, also trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate
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Great write up. Truly nectar of the gods or what they piss, either way sign me up. Love me some hex. Wife doesn’t like me on it but I do. Good read.
Definitely a fan of the real deal! . Para is very good and strong AF , at low dosages. Even w ace. I about choke on my food when people say they take 2g tren E...Omg (I’d go insane for sure). It is like night and day compared to Ace. I love the short ester but am partial to the (light insomnia /sweating when I eat) which happens to me on test blasts too. I have the original formulation papers when it was first synthesized/invented (2 Pharma companies collaborated in the development. After reading all the chemicals, lab equipment, incredibly expensive processes to even get to the finished product. Only a handful of companies even have the real raw material and it isn’t just mixing whatever raw you get. I would have loved that job! My grandma has a sixth sense and told me I would be a pharmacist or pharmacology scientist/professor when I was around 12. She always saw me buying supplements(even at 12) and explaining about creatine and amino acid differences. Glad I’m not a pharmacist; that would be some hard work , Long hours , cranky people, low pay. Plus my uncle got a bachelors degree and become one; now you not only need a masters now but most all are PharmD programs?! May as well be an Anesthesiologist or even a CRNA; they both make bank but, high stress and almost 90% of them abuse drugs or alcohol during their career. They only get one chance now for rehab! Goes to show you “accessibility” is why! It isn’t like having a weed shop ; those medicines are only available in a surgery center or hospital and they carry around their lock box of drugs and look all paranoid. I got a weird vibe from the hospital pharmacist(like he was medicated on “no personality” drugs . I found him in the gym toilet passed out in the stall w a needle next to his feet! He begged me not to turn him in ; explained his wife left him; took everything and mainly his twin boys($8,000 a month spousal/child support) he joined the gym to get back in action but I always sat him like he was in slo motion and head in the stars! I of course checked out his story and it was all true so I didn’t turn him in and actually helped him witn a program . He already has two girls at the gym that want to date him but; he is still obsessing over her moving away. Courts definitely suck for men (they lose).

Definitely a fan of the real deal! . Para is very good and strong AF , at low dosages. Even w ace. I about choke on my food when people say they take 2g tren E...Omg (I’d go insane for sure). It is like night and day compared to Ace. I love the short ester but am partial to the (light insomnia /sweating when I eat) which happens to me on test blasts too. I have the original formulation papers when it was first synthesized/invented (2 Pharma companies collaborated in the development. After reading all the chemicals, lab equipment, incredibly expensive processes to even get to the finished product. Only a handful of companies even have the real raw material and it isn’t just mixing whatever raw you get. I would have loved that job! My grandma has a sixth sense and told me I would be a pharmacist or pharmacology scientist/professor when I was around 12. She always saw me buying supplements(even at 12) and explaining about creatine and amino acid differences. Glad I’m not a pharmacist; that would be some hard work , Long hours , cranky people, low pay. Plus my uncle got a bachelors degree and become one; now you not only need a masters now but most all are PharmD programs?! May as well be an Anesthesiologist or even a CRNA; they both make bank but, high stress and almost 90% of them abuse drugs or alcohol during their career. They only get one chance now for rehab! Goes to show you “accessibility” is why! It isn’t like having a weed shop ; those medicines are only available in a surgery center or hospital and they carry around their lock box of drugs and look all paranoid. I got a weird vibe from the hospital pharmacist(like he was medicated on “no personality” drugs . I found him in the gym toilet passed out in the stall w a needle next to his feet! He begged me not to turn him in ; explained his wife left him; took everything and mainly his twin boys($8,000 a month spousal/child support) he joined the gym to get back in action but I always sat him like he was in slo motion and head in the stars! I of course checked out his story and it was all true so I didn’t turn him in and actually helped him witn a program . He already has two girls at the gym that want to date him but; he is still obsessing over her moving away. Courts definitely suck for men (they lose).

Wow that's crazy lol. Your a good dude for helping him get back on his feet and getting him together. I owe 1200 in child support for one kid and let me tell you I make 75-100k year but I'm gone and always working weird mysterious hours and weekends a lot. After my child support, 10% match 401k, family medical plan comes out I'm lucky to bring home 1,000 each week. It's literally sickening.
When everyone asks me about Parabolan I say its like Tren on Steroids

When you have the real deal, and knowing XOtG85, this is the real deal. It's really a remarkable difference

I literally could see daily changes in my physique, even at a time period in my career when no matter how big I got, I thought I was small.

Parabolan and Fina Pellets are the gold standard in Tren :)