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theCaptn's NO GAINZ journal


Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
BumFuck, Kentucky. Australia
Get Shredded!
I'm away on vacation - the gym here has a bunch of old school equipment, looks at least 20 years old.

Anyways, lower backs been hammered recently from back squats and deads, so changed up my routine:

15min inclined treadmill warm up

5 X 10 hack squats
5 X 10 front squats
5 X 10 Romanian deads
3 X 16 Walking lunges
3 X 16 ham curls ss quad ext

20min X-trainer cardio/warm down

Hacks and front squats were ATG - not heavy but controlled and full range - importantly didn't hit that lower back at all, including the Romanian deads but legs were completely destroyed after.

The cardio was a real chore for 1st half until my legs loosened up some. Went for another 30min walk later that evening but everything is all tight as hell this morning.

Barbell hacks or machine?
What? No adductions/abductions?
Your routine is a quad/ham shredder.

Kinda similar to my leg routines of late though I do still use both the incline and seated leg press machines.
I'm training around a ruptured L4/L5 which is right above a previously fused L5/S1.
Health insurance says fusion. I say disk replacement. We have a standoff. Gotta love fucking Osamacare.

I can't seem to keep from engaging the lower back with my front squats and lunges. Maybe it's just the weight pushing down on the disk rupture that I feel.
Capt... You have been one of my biggest inspirations. Your jerked, you do science bro, and you have access to weekend Aboriginal human hunts whenever you want. I ❤️ you
Legs are overrated....do curls for the gurls...

PS.Cptn...you bang.that Thai midget yet?
So mixed it up a little, sticking to the same exercises:

15 min inclined treadmill warm up.

5min dynamic stretches - mainly for lower back.

Front Squats
2 x warm up
5 x 10 working sets.
Stayed at moderate weight focused on form - not quite stable at depth.

Hack squats 5 X 10
Controlling the sled at the bottom of the movement to keep tension on the quads - a little tension on the knees.

SL deads 5 X 10, 2 X 12
Loaded up on this one. Got good stretch in Hams/glutes

Walking lunges 3 X 24
Less weight but more reps. Slower, controlled. Killers.

Leg press 5x 10 then drop sets. Unit had a disc for a plate which I didn't like too much - generally prefer a wider stance.
But the drop sets killed, pulled 2 plates at a time, reps 10-14-20. A very good burn out.

Ham curls 3x 12
Slow and squeezed like a bicep curl. Hams are pretty fkd at this stage.

Standing calf raises 3x 10
Full rack, slow controlled squeeze. I fkg hate the seated ones - too much pressure across the lower quads.

Inched down the stairs, jelly legs were insane. Walked home, which took a good 20min when it should have taken 15min.

About to go for another walk now- going to be in a world of good pain tommorrow.

I think the leg press is a good finishing move - still compound, and back is supported. Would like a nice wide platform for adjusting to feet position around.
Short on time - this was a fasted workout, just bcaas in the tank.

Back at my old gym ... Similar routine with a few variations:

Stepper warm up 10min

Front Squats
2 warm up sets X 20
5 working sets X 12

Took the weight up 20lbs last set, lost form at 8 reps

Walking kettle bell lunges
4x 24 reps
Slow and controlled, high stepping.

SL DLs superset Romanians
4 X 10/10 reps
Something new, the SLs were on the lighter side to fatigue the hams. Romanians are new to me, used heavier weight with the slight bent knees to powering the move, felt it really activated the glutes.

Smith hack squats - wide/narrow stance
4x 10 reps
Slow the move down to pause at the bottom before powering up. Starting to fatigue.

Leg Ext ss ham curl
3x 10/10 reps
Pausing at the contraction. I hate the seated ham curl. Rubbish machine.

Leg Press - wide/narrow stance
4x 10 reps
30sec pause between sets, aiming for 6 sets but burnt out and failed on 5th set.

Need to re- look at diet for the next few months. Time to introduce cardio again.
Whoa turbo! Easy with the term bulge. Lets start slow before we jump to conclusions......wait arnt you the guy with the sock?
So I didn't train legs this week.

But I've been working on my deadlift form.

Can confirm it used to suck - I was probably doing 4/5 things you shouldn't do.

I think I got it nailed - very little lower back soreness building up, some doms but all middle back and glutes. A little in the legs.

So the next few weeks, I'll still be doing some leg work, but the efforts going to stay on deads and maybe a few variations of deads. Strict fkg form focus.

I'll schedule in high carb day around with this too I think it's going to propel in some decent GAINZ!
Well had a pizza and beer night last night. Only 4 beers, but a hell of a lot of pizza.

No PreWO meal other than a strong coffee. Not to mention a healthy dump ;)

Hit shoulders and back ... Shoulders supersetting, back exercises straight set. Rep range 8-10.

Started with shoulder press machine, a few warm up sets, then kicking off 5 working sets supersetting with delt raises. Got a good pump going.

Next, rack pulls. Been spending the lAst 2 months fine-tuning my deadlift form, this has translated to rack pulls, Romanians and SLDs. 5 sets, form starting to slip at 180kg so finished that set early at 5 reps.

Next, seated DB shoulder press with incline rear delt. Slow and controlled all movements, 8 reps, maxed out press at 30kg do backed it down a little.

Next, wide grip lat pull downs suppersetting with cable rows. Use the figure 8s for the pull downs to get a really good stretch before each rep, then pull through the lats and hold the contraction. Seated cable rows allow myself to rotate fwd at the hips to get that stretch, before contracting back muscles and holding.

Next, bunch of trap exercises. Smith uprights, behind the back smith shrugs, followed by running the rack for DB shrugs.

Single DB rows followed by DB alternating front delt raises.

Fatigue setting in, however due to the power of placebos I powered on!

Not really.... Cable front raises pretty much burnt me out.

10min elliptical to loosen my back muscles .... 5min foam roller then home time shake.

50g whey, 100g powdered oats. I don't do sugar.

Lunch was 300g chicken thighs, 200g basmati, bunch of veges including sauerkraut- fermented food is a must!

Hope you guys enjoyed my workout as much as I did! :)
I just saw this log

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Big changes coming off 2 years of high fat, low carb diet.

Typically carrying more weight, at least 10lbs, but the major difference is short-term memory is fucked! Recall is appalling, maybe it's Alzheimers idk...

Another 6 weeks until blast time.... Still undecided on the plan. I want to bring proviron back into play that's for sure.

I think I'll slowly start changing macros, nothing drastic but reduce calories, feel overall I'm in surplus as weights creeping but there's plenty of water weight from the carbs... Stick with carb cycling and focus on various lifts I'm trying to improve on.

Anywho: NO GAINZ
Im late to this party but better late than never... pics of the latest free gear..?:winkfinger:
So what's cycle
And u doin HIIT?

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The cap workin hard... Nice
Get Shredded!
So what's cycle
And u doin HIIT?

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My thoughts exactly ! HIIT is legit, at least I'm a firm believer. Nice to see you working on those pillars, and keep that shit up!

Curious about the cycle you're planning too?
Well had a pizza and beer night last night. Only 4 beers, but a hell of a lot of pizza.

How am I just now hearing about this log?? THIS is what the fuck I'm talking about! Pizza and beer? This log really speaks to me.

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Im late to this party but better late than never... pics of the latest free gear..?:winkfinger:

No free gear! Currently.

Just low dose test and training hard and loving it.

So what's cycle
And u doin HIIT?

No sir. Fuck that although I should. Just steady state, but mixing it up.

The cap workin hard... Nice

:) it's still blazing summer here like 110F - plenty of temptations for drinking, but I'm surprisingly doing well at moderation.

I do have a 4oz bag of kratom which I treat myself to strictly once a week. ;)

My thoughts exactly ! HIIT is legit, at least I'm a firm believer. Nice to see you working on those pillars, and keep that shit up!

Curious about the cycle you're planning too?

I'm definitely keen on that 1-test cyp.... And some proviron ... Don't need much else.

How am I just now hearing about this log?? THIS is what the fuck I'm talking about! Pizza and beer? This log really speaks to me.

It's the BEST cheat.... Sometimes I make my own so I can crank the meat content, last week I diced up 200g of rump, and threw it on!
Mixed it up this morning - shoulder-hamstring-calf giant sets, stayed with the same exercises back to back - with 10 reps per exercise for 50 rep per set - maybe 7 sets all up?

Smith press - slightly off incline so still partially activating upper pecs

DB seated Arnold press - humbling exercise but very good burn.

SL Deads - got this one loaded up with very deep stretches - last set surprisingly so, but did feel the mid back start to activate.

Lying ham curls - std

Standing calf raises.

Finished off with 15min Max incline treadmill. Pretty much fucked after. It's a strange combo but seemed to work.

I'm eating a shitload of tuna atm, like 600g Mon-Thu for 120g protein.

100g from whey, and another 60-80g from Chicken, pork or steak.

I'll post up a sample diet later on for critique.

Hammy and calf shot:


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No yoga pant cheerleading sexy brunette stumbled upon ur workout?

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Pecs n tris day - took the reps back up to 15 this week.

5 fast tempo, 5 slow 5sec on the negative then pumping out another 5 fast reps.

Left shoulders still playing up so stuck with machines mostly.

Incline machine press
15 X 5

DB flies - slight incline
15 X 5

Seated machine press
15 X 5

Cable flies - from high to low
15 X 5

For tris did giant set burn outs:

Skulls- rope cables - vbar cables- bench dips

10-10-10-10 x3

Diet was:

Meal 1
150g oats plus egg whites cinnamon, low fat yoghurt

Meal 2
2 scoops whey, 1 cup blueberries, banana, 2 scoops powdered oats, almond milk

Meal 3-4-5
Cooked up 2.2lbs of chicken breast with veg and rice in a giant stir fry. Ate it over 3 meals

Meal 6
Greek yoghurt and whey with cinnamon, walnuts
Have backloaded a bunch of slin pins with 0.5ml of test enanth- pinning two of these a week. Generally pecs, delts, upper quads.

Going to stay on low dose for another 6 weeks or so. Until someone important tells me to abuse gears again.
Have backloaded a bunch of slin pins with 0.5ml of test enanth- pinning two of these a week. Generally pecs, delts, upper quads.

Going to stay on low dose for another 6 weeks or so. Until someone important tells me to abuse gears again.

You need to abuse gears again.

..in 6 more weeks.

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