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The Lowdown on Statins?


Oct 13, 2023
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There's a lot of information in this video in regards to side effects, effectiveness, Alzheimers, Dimentia, Parkinsons, ATP, lactate and other options like PCSK9 inhibitors and Bempedoic acid. Touches on Metformin as well. Dives into it pretty well.

I’m all in on statins. It seems like a lot of guys on here are really against them. Its seems that about 8% of people get moderate to significant side effects, but at the end of the day steroids are going to skew your lipid profile and if it takes a statin to keep your numbers looking good, why not take it?

There’s guys injecting themselves with more compounds then they can even count but are like fuck no I’m not touching that dangerous cholesterol med!

Great podcast by the way.
The insurance companies at it again not wanting to pay for PCSK9 or Bempedoic acid unless certain criteria are met because of expense regardless of there being no side effects or relationship to Alzheimers, Dimentia or Parkinsons. $500 a month not $5,000. Go figure.
When i ask cardiologists how much longer people live if they take stains they reply they have never seen any data on that. seems big pharma has that data but doesn't release it for some reason. The body need cholesterol. The question for me is where is the threshold for longevity. Most all studies are about high cholesterol but not much on health from low cholesterol levels. This study with 12.8 million people show levels in the lower 200"s are healthier then levels in the lower 100's.
One of the well-known side effects of using statins is memory loss. ? Seems the rate of Alzheimer’s disease is higher now.
Androgens are neurotoxic, probably to a much greater degree than statins.
One of the well-known side effects of using statins is memory loss. ? Seems the rate of Alzheimer’s disease is higher now.
Statins are know for what? The rate of what is doing what? What did you say again?

ah, j/k, I only got prescribed a statin once and used it for a week before saying fuck this. Thankfully the bad cholesterol readings were isolated and I never had to get back on a statin.

Mine was Crestor and it made me feel shitty and achy. Have heard many bad stories for those on statins although I do hear that some of the newer statins have less side effects.
Androgens are neurotoxic, probably to a much greater degree than statins.
Excellent point. We’re already taking androgens that are neurotoxic. It’s probably not a great idea to add another neurotoxic drug on top of that.

The effect of steroids on the lipid profile is temporary. Stop taking the steroid and the lipid profile recovers on its on relatively quickly. This is why guys should be getting bloodwork and not permablasting.
One of the well-known side effects of using statins is memory loss. ? Seems the rate of Alzheimer’s disease is higher now.
This is talked about in the video. The 2 "newer" alternatives are kinda pricey so not as readily available because of insurance restrictions. No sides and just as effective if not moreso without the links to Alzheimers, Dimentia and Parkinsons. In the interest of public health my ass. Once again, follow the money.
One of the well-known side effects of using statins is memory loss. ? Seems the rate of Alzheimer’s disease is higher now.
Yes, this, I have enough shit going on w that risk is so anything I could before adding a statin id do. Cardiologist told me all the work I'm putting in with diet, fitness weight loss, moves the bar so much more than the tiny bit a statin would do for me at this point.
I have to do both. Genetics. Repatha might be the next step according to my cardiologist. Sucks but what can you do? I'm trying. ?
Statins made my whole body and joints ache -was on them for a year before this started ,doc says this can happen so discontinued .Took months to flush them out of my system - now I control lipids with diet ~
One of the well-known side effects of using statins is memory loss. ? Seems the rate of Alzheimer’s disease is higher now.
The brain produces it's own cholesterol as the molecule is to big to cross the blood brain barrier. And as the brain is mostly made up of fat and needs cholesterol to function. Lowering those levels may not be optimal. Stating can cross the blood brain barrier though so there is that to consider when choosing to take a statin.
Imo theres no need to use drugs for cholesterol, that csn be managed with natural compounds, Ill post later. Also, cholesterol is about ldl/hdl RATIO, not a single level on either. The modern "cholesterol" levels are artificially LOW, so more people "qualify" for drugs. Profit driven.
I am not opposed to statins should someone really have a poor genetic profile with cholesterol and we have tried everything else... with that being said, here is a list of lipid supps that will be more than you ever need.

WATER AND CARDIO (this is the one people avoid like the plague)
Citrus Bergamot
Red Yeast Rice
Olive Leaf Extract
Fish Oil (expensive shit from small fish that live off of greenery, needs to be loaded with epa+dha)