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is this good cycle tell what u think


Mar 31, 2015
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Get Shredded!
Week1-12 400 mg /week test cyp
Week 1-12 300mg/week test enth
week 5-11 tren ace 50mg M W F
Aromasin week 1-15 12.5 eod
Hcg week 6-15 500iu
Nolvadex week 12-15 60 30 20
Why not just pick either ethan or cyp and run it the 12 weeks? Tren ey? What are your previous cycles? Years training etc your gonna wanna pin tren ed and run mast or even provi along side it to help with sides. Have caber on hand or prami just incase prolactin sides occur. Run HCG the entire cycle 500iu a week is fine and can be adjusted accordingly. I'm guessing Nolva is your pct?
Well I was gona just run enth but I got hands on pharma grade phizer cyp 200 mg 3 bottles and I had the enth so I figure use less enth 300 and at end just finish with enth to dry out a little. I'm comming back from a knee injury so I need help Jumpstart to get my body back I Wana jus run low dose tren cuz it's good for cutting I dnt want the sides and I have aromasin for gyno and the hcg I figure I dnt need it till test kick in. Nolva and aromasin and hcg will be apart of my pct starting the hcg and aromasin while on tho the hcg toward middle to end to get my balls and free test starting I dnt Wana run hcg to much till test does most I can take then run hcg plus the idiot I got it from had no benzo sodium water or sterile empty so now I gotta find that shit
I prob start hcg as soon as I get the water and sterile bottle it's only 500iu but it should last 10 weeks at 500 a week
Wow. My head is spinning . Read what Smokey Said. Then read some more . It ain't time yet.
Lifting history...former competitive power lifter usually did it all clean I've run 2 cycle before much stronger but this I'm trying to jump start my body and cut a little not bulk and have a 500 lbs bench not yet at least and my knee was dislocated and all ligaments torn so I need help getting strength and gains cuz my knee prevents me from alot with this I'll have a jump start to help kick in my training and just off cycle and keep going with what I gained
Plenty of people mix tests and enth and cyp r in sust so I dnt see y not. The tren is for that 6 weeks where I'm gona get most gains I love tren it's awesome and I'll rung the aromasin and hcg but I done the ed 100 of tren it's to much tren is great but it can be useful in smaller doses