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Don't Waste Your Life On it, If You're Not Gifted.

I wouldn’t bodybuild as a career even if I was gifted. There’s no money in it. Life is about money.
It isn’t… but it sorta is.

I wouldn’t do it cuz it’s really vain and kinda weird. But…. I don’t judge. I like looking good naked. I just think there’s a point where that shit don’t look good naked. But again, I wouldn’t do a lot of things that I think are futile … like vote democrat or suck on a penis or murder an innocent person or pretend homosexuality or other dumb personal sexual things is a source of pride.
I think being fit and strong is a good path rather than fat and weak. Bodybuilding may not be for everyone that's for sure, but if you got strength as a quality then strongman or powerlifting may be the better options.
It isn’t… but it sorta is.

I wouldn’t do it cuz it’s really vain and kinda weird. But…. I don’t judge. I like looking good naked. I just think there’s a point where that shit don’t look good naked. But again, I wouldn’t do a lot of things that I think are futile … like vote democrat or suck on a penis or murder an innocent person or pretend homosexuality or other dumb personal sexual things is a source of pride.
Trust me it is, some people just haven’t had it bad enough to realize it. I’ve gone dumpster diving back in my teens, now make a decent living and would never trade positions. Also gotta account that we’re in America and even if you’re lower class/poor you don’t have it that bad. Imagine the other bottom of the barrel countries with plenty of bodybuilders.
Trust me it is, some people just haven’t had it bad enough to realize it. I’ve gone dumpster diving back in my teens, now make a decent living and would never trade positions. Also gotta account that we’re in America and even if you’re lower class/poor you don’t have it that bad. Imagine the other bottom of the barrel countries with plenty of bodybuilders.
I said it sorta is bro. Lol

I grew up with dirt floors and kerosene heaters… till I moved in with my grandparents (God rest their souls … hard working good folk)

I guess what I’m trying to say is… life is about more than just financial stability (which is easy to obtain once you get your priorities set) but still , if you don’t have financial stability, life is about pretty much only money.
I said it sorta is bro. Lol

I grew up with dirt floors and kerosene heaters… till I moved in with my grandparents (God rest their souls … hard working good folk)

I guess what I’m trying to say is… life is about more than just financial stability (which is easy to obtain once you get your priorities set) but still , if you don’t have financial stability, life is about pretty much only money.
Money come, money go.. We can't take it with us.
I think we live in a culture where people get addicted to their hobbies, I think it comes from isolation. It's good to be structured and have goals, but be realistic with those goals. I'm definitely guilty about getting too obsessed with things. If anything if you've achieved a good level of strength, size, and lean mass, you can use that knowledge to build a business training other people. Strength sports are probably even less profitable than bodybuilding, so most guys use that as a way of making money. Never once did cross my mind to "go pro" but I don't consider myself a bodybuilder either. I would like to compete in powerlifting, but just more as a way of setting structure and meeting like minded people, I don't have to set a world record or anything, and at my age, that's not going to happen anyway.
Professional Body building is certainly not for everyone. But working out & getting and/or staying in shape is. Life is not about money. Money is simply a tool, a means of commerce.
Money come, money go.. We can't take it with us.

That’s my take on it bro. I started out with absolutely no money. Worked my ass off and actually made good money as a pro but then it all came crashing down. Now I have absolutely no money again.
Thing is and if Im being 110% honest I don’t remember being any happier when I had money. Yeah I was bitter for a minute I lost it but after awhile I learned to look at the bigger picture. Nowadays I have a great wife and 3 awesome kids. Do I wish I could provide more? Well ofcourse but we are for the most part all healthy and we enjoy the hell out of each others company and we are a family. How could I ask for anything more?
I've been training like I'm gettin ready for the Olympia for the last 3 years. It's all I know.. Give it 100% or don't even do it.
It's a hobby/lifestyle choice w me..I have definitely had worse things I have done for years..
Career choice nah..I'm definitely more interested in doing porn ?
That will probably make you a lot more money. All you need these days is a smartphone and an OF account.
I like what he said. I can gain better than a lot of people but I never even once considered making bodybuilding a career. Its just something I enjoy. ? One of many things.
I've seen children as young as eight years old playing a game called run 3 You can tell a lot about people through their voices. Because they don't actually play the game in a competitive manner and they occasionally simply do whatever they want in it, they can be quite unpleasant. They also tend to make a lot of noise. Nonstop talking and yelling.
I completely understand what Lee is saying assuming your passion is competitive bodybuilding, which obviously most people who train seriously don’t have that desire and goal. If you don’t first possess the genetics in any sport, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be successful and no amount of work or drugs is getting you there. If your life passion is basketball and you’re 5’ 4” you can forget it. Lol And if you don’t look like you’re on Gear when you’re not, after only 6 months of training, then forget competitive bodybuilding.
Many people don’t believe Lee and others, when they reveal gear cycles. Genetic freaks don’t need a ton of gear to get huge like us normal people do, and even then it won’t happen for most of us.
Get Shredded!
Many people don’t believe Lee and others, when they reveal gear cycles. Genetic freaks don’t need a ton of gear to get huge like us normal people do, and even then it won’t happen for most of us.
They sure don't.

I've seen it first hand multiple times. The freaks are freaks because of genetics, not the amount of gear they pound.
They sure don't.

I've seen it first hand multiple times. The freaks are freaks because of genetics, not the amount of gear they pound.
This is factual. Furthermore these freaks have a level of dedication and consistency that is unmatched, simply just outworking people period.
When that is all combined in one, genetics, consistency and outworking people, that's championship material..
Totally Agree..!!
This is one of those sports Totally dominated by the genetically gifted..
Many other sports, many can train their asses off..and even the playing field..
No so much with BB..
Now,I'm sure a few have..but the "Greats"..all gifted..!!
I used to live for it till I got hurt. Nowadays I'm getting back into it to piss in the face of adversity. Fuck 'em. I wanna be buried face down so the world can kiss my ass.
I think we live in a culture where people get addicted to their hobbies, I think it comes from isolation. It's good to be structured and have goals, but be realistic with those goals.
I was never interested in bodybuilding as a carer. Just wanted to get strong AF and put on some size to beat the crap out of the fucks that picked on me as a fat kid. I almost commited suicide before I was in highschool. I was cutting myself and it was a matter of time. Luckily I found the gym in highschool and my life turned around.
Training just keeps me sane. After I was done with sports I spent a few years drinking and drugging until I realized I didn't want to live like that anymore. Wasn't an athlete anymore so have to train similar to a bodybuilder to get my fix. Looking better than the average Joe is just a plus.

It's a major hobby for me but definitely would never think I'm gifted enough to make a living at it. Just dieting down once a year puts enough stress in my life lol
Training just keeps me sane. After I was done with sports I spent a few years drinking and drugging until I realized I didn't want to live like that anymore. Wasn't an athlete anymore so have to train similar to a bodybuilder to get my fix. Looking better than the average Joe is just a plus.

It's a major hobby for me but definitely would never think I'm gifted enough to make a living at it. Just dieting down once a year puts enough stress in my life lol
Went to an event with my family earlier today and happened to pay attention at the men around and about 99% look like total shit lol weird how guys can just let themselves go and not gaf