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crashed tren ?


Jun 18, 2012
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i was wondering how to tell if u have crashed tren ace, i just received some tren ace and supplier said they may be cloudy and to reheat one of the vial is crystal clear and the other one is not cloudy with swirls but not as clear, maybe just paranoiad but wanting to ensure its good still
Usually it will look like tiny crystals in the solution if crashed. Just heat with screaming hot tap water and gently swirl if needed.
no crystals just one vial is a bit cloudy compared to the other one either way i can put a coin on the other side and see it, jus wondering if its normal and still good to inject? I will try and heat it though
Sometimes tren made from cattle implants will be a bit cloudy. You can filter it with a whatman syringe filter or just shoot it the way it is.
On the bright side if it's crashed or hazy it's got hormones in it, maybe too much, most likely not bunk. Pin it and hang on. Some of the best gear I've used was crashed. Follow Heavy's protocol to resuspend, you'll be g2g.
If its cloudy it sounds like the binders from the pellets didn't get filtered out.just a thought.