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TD from the Z


Board Rep
Board Rep
Sep 4, 2019
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Get Shredded!
Some test deca adrol hcgand brownies for me and bold foe da homie!!!
Hell ya bro, gainzzzz rolling in ?
That boy always grabbing a dbol inject. How do you rate it compared to the oral?
That boy always grabbing a dbol inject. How do you rate it compared to the oral?
Ya mean adrol? Shit makes me strong af and no appetite suppression etc. I FUCKIN LOVE IT!!!
Some test deca adrol hcgand brownies for me and bold foe da homie!!!

Test/Deca/Eq w a touch of A-50.....Looks supremely Nice ! I happen to love that A50 and btw- I haven’t even gone to 50 yet! I can say without a doubt that it reacts a lot better than when I’ve taken abombs orally. I see 3ml syringes in your future ...

Test/Deca/Eq w a touch of A-50.....Looks supremely Nice ! I happen to love that A50 and btw- I haven’t even gone to 50 yet! I can say without a doubt that it reacts a lot better than when I’ve taken abombs orally. I see 3ml syringes in your future ...

I don't really see much difference in them honestly. I tried just 25mg at first since theoretically should need less but you really do need the whole 50 to get the most out of it
I don't really see much difference in them honestly. I tried just 25mg at first since theoretically should need less but you really do need the whole 50 to get the most out of it

Agreed! I was definitely using small amounts just for comp purposes and playing with how much I could use w/o water gains(just intramuscular)because I was cutting, but on a bulk or normal cycle ; I’d be hitting 50-75mg to see how it goes !

Agreed! I was definitely using small amounts just for comp purposes and playing with how much I could use w/o water gains(just intramuscular)because I was cutting, but on a bulk or normal cycle ; I’d be hitting 50-75mg to see how it goes !

It's my first real rodeo with anadrol and 50 is plenty. I'm stronger every week, significantly!! Squat 365×6 this week and flat pressed 275×9 I think it was couple weeks ago and that was 2nd exercise in.
Anadrol makes me stronger from workout to workout forsure. The only thing I don't like instead it suppresses my appetite unlike dbol but I find Anadrol to be much drier and more desirable.
Anadrol makes me stronger from workout to workout forsure. The only thing I don't like instead it suppresses my appetite unlike dbol but I find Anadrol to be much drier and more desirable.
I've had none of the appetite suppression but plenty of strength tho. GD the strength!!!
It's my first real rodeo with anadrol and 50 is plenty. I'm stronger every week, significantly!! Squat 365×6 this week and flat pressed 275×9 I think it was couple weeks ago and that was 2nd exercise in.

That and Superdrol both give me super strength! And M-1T too.


Yeah, I can eat like a gorilla on inj version.