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voting fraud exposed

Everyone involved should be hung for treason.

And I mean that. The way this Country is going, you can be a traitor and you are just sued.

If people had fear like they did 100 years ago, this crap wouldn't be happening.

No one is afraid to take your rights. To take your possessions. To go after your children and your family. They have made people feel defenseless and become weak. The system has been rigged against us. Our Military can fix that quick with the right leadership in place.
including media and big tech
Four Shocking Discoveries from the Dominion Machines Audit in Antrim County Michigan Including Ties with China
04 May, 2021


Michigan machines were absolutely connected to the internet. Antrim County bought 17 modems and hid that info from the public. 66,000 phantom votes found in just 9 Counties. The Dems said that the same type of machines were susceptible to hacking in 2016 but now say they are not in 2020. The Republicans authorized purchase of the machines years ago. Michigan media blackout is trying to KILL the story. Unauthorized Microsoft SQL program that allows database access found on the Dominion machines. The corrupt are tryin to silence and intimidate anyone who shares these facts. The WHOLE system is corrupt!
Michigan machines were absolutely connected to the internet. Antrim County bought 17 modems and hid that info from the public. 66,000 phantom votes found in just 9 Counties. The Dems said that the same type of machines were susceptible to hacking in 2016 but now say they are not in 2020. The Republicans authorized purchase of the machines years ago. Michigan media blackout is trying to KILL the story. Unauthorized Microsoft SQL program that allows database access found on the Dominion machines. The corrupt are tryin to silence and intimidate anyone who shares these facts. The WHOLE system is corrupt!
Democrat Senators Warren and Klobuchar warned about Dominion in 2019 but crickets in 2020. This is from Pocahontas's own website.

Sent from my LM-X410(FG) using Tapatalk
Who the fuck thinks Joe Biden won Michigan and Wisconsin? Raise your hands.


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Newt Gingrich: In My Mind "There Was No Question" all of the Close Battleground States Were Stolen in 2020 Election (VIDEO)


Newt Gingrich: You can actually buy an official Georgia presidential ballot on eBay. And, you can also buy a number of states. So when they tell you they were controlling the ballots, it’s just not true. This was a very open system. It was a system where people could cheat, and did. And without getting into an argument about how big the cheating was, it was large enough that every American should expect that they have the right to vote, that they have the right to have their vote counted, they have a right to have their vote held legally and accurately, and they shouldn’t have their vote canceled by someone who’s cheating. And that’s exactly what’s been going on… In every one of the states that was very close that Trump lost you had those kind of shenanigans and you had state law violated in every single one of those states. In my mind there was no question that those states were in fact stolen. That doesn’t make the national media happy but I think as a historian people will find it’s absolutely true.
Search AZ Audit on Google right now and you will see 11 stories of how nuts republicans are, but not one story on withholding passwords n routers...
Get Shredded!
It doesn't look like it is going to make a difference for 2020...just in "future elections". We're stuck.

This is going to be a "oops we dropped the ball, we promise it won't happen again."
That depends on what type of fraud is found. I listened to an election attorney this weekend and he said certain types of fraud can negate the election.

And there is more fraud being uncovered...
That depends on what type of fraud is found. I listened to an election attorney this weekend and he said certain types of fraud can negate the election.

And there is more fraud being uncovered...

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this rolled back. I just think it won't happen. The left is going to fight it tooth and nail and as slow as our judicial system is, Biden will be out of office by the time a decision is made. We're already 1/2 year in basically...they just need to drag their feet another 3.5yrs.
What I find funny is that we all know the Secretary of States changing voting laws, prior to the election, only they have no ability to do so.

And dems defend them left and right.

Now I am seeing even in my State, similar attempts by Democrat politicians to enact laws minus going through the proper channels.

I think they are going for broke.

I suspect this audit reveals that they cheated the Presidential, house, senate and all local races.
This country been hijacked since day one. Time to eradicate the real virus. KAD.

EXCLUSIVE: Nephew of Italian Prime Minster Alleges CIA And Leonardo SpA Involvement In Nov 2020 Election Fraud

The Presidential “election” held in November 2020 was a kaleidoscope of foreign interference. From the parent company of Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. receiving a $400 million infusion from a subsidiary of a Swiss/CCP slush fund within a month of the election to Dominion’s intellectual property being held by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) as collateral, American citizens face the unique problem of trying to identity which part of their election system is actually controlled by Americans.
Letter from link above:

Distinguished Mr. President,

I confirm the direct knowledge that the activities undertaken here in Italy have had a negative impact for the President of the United States regarding the manipulation of the electoral vote of November 3rd and 4th, 2020.

I confirm that Leonardo SpA from its Pesara [Pescara] facility, using advanced military encryption capabilities, changed the US election result from President Trump to Joe Biden. The data switch was conducted by the head of the IT department of Leonardo SpA in coordination with senior US intelligence officers (CIA), three [people] who work at the US Embassy in via Veneto in Rome. Senior official of the United States Embassy held regular meetings with General Claudio Graziano, EU military commander and Ignazio Moncada, president of FATA SpA, a company owned by Leonardo SpA, the largest aerospace and defense company based in Italy with the US counterpart Leonardo DRS.

On December 3rd the head of the IT department was arrested in Naples, where he remains [in jail]. We had direct and continuous contact within the facility with the IT manager who agreed to testify to the US authorities what happened to election data, how they were exchanged at the Pescara / Fucino facilities, loaded with information technology on military satellites and what data is contained in an electronic key to demonstrate the passing of data from President Trump who was clearly the winner to Joe Biden on November 4th 2020.

Our associates in the conservative part of the Italian secret services have been working since the beginning of November 2020 to ensure that the truth is known and the American people can realize the result voted: the reelection of president Trump.

Rome, December 27th, 2020

The Director

Carlo Goria
That letter has been circulating for a while. Who, what, where, when, and how are all known. But when the agencies that are supposed to take action with that information refuse to do so because they are part of the coup, there's not really anything that can be done. You can't make the FBI, CIA, and DOJ do their job if they are part of the corruption. Until a lot of necks get stretched with a rope, I'm afraid that nothing's going to change.
Straight up faulty equipment...


New Hampshire Auditors Find Problem: Scan Counted 28 Percent of Test Ballots for GOP Candidates

“We now have experimental confirmation that if the contest is undervoted, a fold through a vote target can create a vote. None of the 65 ballots [were] marked for St. Laurent, but the machines interpreted 25 of the folds as votes for her,” wrote the Twitter account, WindhamNHAuditors, which is operated by auditors Harri Hursti, Mark Lindeman, and Phillip Stark. It later clarified that it was 75 votes, not 65 votes.
Straight up faulty equipment...


New Hampshire Auditors Find Problem: Scan Counted 28 Percent of Test Ballots for GOP Candidates

“We now have experimental confirmation that if the contest is undervoted, a fold through a vote target can create a vote. None of the 65 ballots [were] marked for St. Laurent, but the machines interpreted 25 of the folds as votes for her,” wrote the Twitter account, WindhamNHAuditors, which is operated by auditors Harri Hursti, Mark Lindeman, and Phillip Stark. It later clarified that it was 75 votes, not 65 votes.
Turns out that a folding machine was borrowed from the state DMV and it was not set up to properly fold the ballots. There's been testing done and that could be what caused the issues with votes.


Marylyn Todd alleges that the auditors in Windham reopened the election, wiped the data, and reset the machines.

This essentially covered up the tracks for whoever tampered with the machines.

This comes after the Gateway Pundit revealed yesterday that two of the three auditors have conflicts of interest with Pelosi and Schumer.

For further reading:

New Hampshire auditor Harri Hursti has been a naughty boy.

Patriot Marylyn Todd has watched his every move, and look what she just found, after Hursti accessed the people of New Hampshire's election machine.

On May 12th, why did Hursti reset the memory card?

On May 12th, why did Hursti clear the counters?

On May 12th, why did Hursti back date to November 3, 2020?

Anybody know where Harri Hursti is right now?

Or his auditor pals Philip Stark and Marc Lindeman?

Asking on behalf of New Hampshire patriots.

You can run but you can't hide.
Breaking: Windham Auditors Tampered With Machine Tape Data - UncoverDC

Todd, a financial auditor and founder of NH Voter Integrity Group, reported that activity on a computer with firmware software on it would be listed on an internal audit report. Indeed, this is the case with Windham’s machines, which are serviced and maintained by LHS Associates. Interestingly, LHS President Jeff Silvestro was present multiple days at the audit. Upon looking closer at the pictures of the machine’s audit report from May 12, Todd noticed the following specific line items among others:

  • Line 30 – Session Start, date 5/12/21
  • Line 31 – Machine put in “Supervise Mode”
  • Line 33 – Memory Card Reset
  • Line 34 – Session Start, date 5/12/21
  • Line 35 – Prep for Election
  • Line 36 – Clear Counters
  • Line 37 – Session Start, date 11/3/20
  • Line 43 – Session Start, date 11/5/20
According to Todd and reported by UncoverDC, Hursti previously indicated that he would need to reset the entire memory card because it was not possible to clear the counters. Upon seeing the machine’s audit report, Todd realized that was not true, and the memory card does not need to be deleted, as Hursti insisted.
Fulton Co Sherrif's Off told court they would secure ballots, yet this weekend, room where ballots kept left open and alarm sounding. Perhaps MSM covers this failure of Fulton Co. like they covered counties failure to provide chain of 10s of 1000s of ballots or the Wuhan lab leak

Fulton Co Sherrif's Off told court they would secure ballots, yet this weekend, room where ballots kept left open and alarm sounding. Perhaps MSM covers this failure of Fulton Co. like they covered counties failure to provide chain of 10s of 1000s of ballots or the Wuhan lab leak

