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Past my Prime? Journal

Get Shredded!
Hit the gym this afternoon. Pinned Saturday, 125mg DQ Test Iso, 50mg Medlab Tren Ace. Took a lot of tianeptine today experimenting, that stuff rocks but is not very cost effective. I put 400mg for one dose today. Twice. In fact I used the rest of my supply...:(

Nautilus Pullover - 3 sets of 12
Ass. Pull ups - 8, 7, 5, 4 reps
Smith Deads on 3 plates - 135 x 10, 225 x 8, 275 x 5, 315 x 5, 365 x 3, 405 x 3, 455 x 2 DROP 405 x 3
Wide Lat Pressdowns Cable - 3 sets of 10
Preacher Curls - 4 sets of 10
Seated DB Curls - 3 sets of 8, 25s, 30s, 35s
20 min. treadmill
Shoulders, Tris last night, also did some cardio on Tuesday. 20 minutes.

Prehab shoulder work - 3 sets of band dislocates, scap push ups, and face pulls (band)
Seated Military - 95 x 12, 135 x 8, 155 x 6, 170 x 5 DROP 135 x 6.5
SS DB Side Laterals and Smith High Pulls - 4 sets of each, 10-12 reps, did down the rack drops on last set
Ass. Dips - 4 sets of 10
SS Rope Press downs and Close Push ups - 4 sets of 10-15 reps - mega tri pump and exhaustion by the end
20 min. treadmill
Man I was weaker than a house cat at the gym last night. I have def hit the wall. I have been pushing pretty hard with the dieting. Many days I do not reach my macros, which for the most part doesn't concern me as I have to really push things to lose body fat. But last night it was comical, I had nothing. I did a lighter than usual leg workout because I was too weak and shaky to really go up in weight. In any case I got the workout in and gave it what I had. Today is my carb up day so I should feel better.

Thursday - cardio 20 mins. stairs

Friday - legs, cardio
Squats - bar x 12, 135 x 10, 205 x 8, 275 x 6, 325 x 2, 275 x 5, 205 x 11
SS HS V-Squat and Calf Raises - 4 sets of 12 on both
Lying Leg Curls - 4 sets of 10
20 min. cardio treadmill
Gah! Such a mind fuck when strength is down due to cutting. I know that feel brother. Keep grinding, great log craw.

Thanks brother! Things had been pretty good to this point, strength has stayed about the same, but last night it was like I had no fuel in my muscles, nothing. I will be glad when I get this mini cut over with tho, training is so much more enjoyable when you are eating surplus and training strength trends upward.
Chest, Tris, Cardio 25 mins. Sunday, Cardio Monday 25 mins.

Decline Bench bar x 12, 95 x 10, 135 x 8, 185 x 10, 10, 9
OH DB Presses - 4 sets of 10
HS Iso Ches - 3 sets of 10
Cable Crossovers - 3 sets of 12
Side Laterals Cable - 4 sets of 12
25 min. Treadmill

25 min. Stairs
Its been a minute. Hit the gym last night for some back and biceps. And I have officially ended this little cut for a while. Between work madness, tren sweats, and walking around like a zombie everyday I gotta pull back for a minute. It's def life more than the program. My guidance coach from college told me I need to really pick it up for the next two months and bang out some classes or my financial aid is going to get fucked up. Also work has been out of this world insanity, in fact, I'm looking for a new job again, when things get this crazy I start putting in applications. My wife is going to disown me for soaking the bed every night too. I'm four days off the tren but I still wake up soaked like I just stepped out of the pool.........:roflmao:, seriously, this is Medlab tren from way back before things went bonkers there, this shit it wicked! I lost 14 lbs. total over the little cut, I can see my abs pretty good again, my pants are loose as hell at the waist, so good enough considering everything. I didn't do that much cardio, so all in all, it went pretty damn good. I ate some ground oats and protein powder after training last night, it's amazing how good some carbs taste after you've haven't had any for a long time.

Low Cable Rows - 4 sets
One Arm DB Rows - 4 sets
Wide Pulldowns - 4 sets
HS Pulldown Machine - 4 sets
DB Curls - 4 sets
Preachers - 3 sets
Nautilus Bicep - 3 sets
15 min. treadmill
Just finished up at the gym a couple hours ago. Starting to feel better already. Not blasting carbs, just slowly working some back in, raised total calories about 500. In just a few days it has already had some impact. Pretty good workout and pump today. I haven't really felt a pump in about a month or more.

Shoulder pre-hab work
DB Side Laterals - 4 sets - 15,12,12,12
Standing OH Presses - 4 working sets - 95 x 10, 4 x 10 with 115
SS Smith High Pulls and Bent DB Laterals - 4 sets of 12 on each
Close Grips - 115 x 10, 135 x 10, 155 x 10, 155 x 8
OH DB Tricep Extensions - 3 sets of 10
Wide Tricep Pressdowns - 3 sets - 18, 15, 11
Work is still crazy, almost debilitating, but made it to the gym last night, LEGZ, no squats, just didn't feel up to it, but a decent workout nonetheless. Been pinning 200mg DQ Iso twice a week and taking some proviron for now, kinda cruise along a bit for a while. Hopefully things calm down soon so I can ramp up my training. Workouts def feeling better now with carbs back in the diet. Not a lot, just doing about 100-150 grams a day but its a big difference over staying under 50 ed. Should have my Somatozine soon, looking forward to throwing that in.

Standing One Leg Leg Curls - 4 sets
HS V-Squat - 5 sets
Deficit Barbell SLDLs - 5 sets
SS Calf Raises and Back Extensions - 4 sets
15 min. treadmill

Have a good day fellas!
My damn pictures never show up anymore, always attachments, wtf, I have changed nothing in my settings, also my new posts never show up after posting and then hitting new posts, wtf is going on with this forum? At least my new avatar went in ok.
My damn pictures never show up anymore, always attachments, wtf, I have changed nothing in my settings, also my new posts never show up after posting and then hitting new posts, wtf is going on with this forum? At least my new avatar went in ok.
? Is it because I'm an old washed up member... ? What's up with this Montego?
I'm not sure. The forum is up to date and no patches are available for Tapatalk from what I'm told.

Been some issues lately though.... Or you're old and senile
I'm not sure. The forum is up to date and no patches are available for Tapatalk from what I'm told.

Been some issues lately though.... Or you're old and senile

Okay, thanks bro. I am thankful I can look at my wife's ass everyday in my avatar at least....:D!

My weak ass, nerve damaged ass, old ass did hit the gym last night. Chest and a little shoulders.

Shoulder pre-hab work
Decline Bench - 5 sets
Incline DB Flyes - 4 sets
SS Incline Situps and HS Iso Chest - 4 sets each
SS DB Side and Rear Laterals - 4 sets each
DB Upright Rows - 2 sets

Pinned 1 mL of GP Test E before the gym last night. I just finished off a vial of DQ Iso, I think I'll switch to a longer ester for a while.

My strength sucks right now, mostly from the nerve damage, I hope it comes around, shit is scary, but not much I can do about except go to the doctor or just keep training and praying it regenerates at some point. Have a great Saturday fellas!
Couple workouts in the books since my last post. Back and biceps on Sunday, Shoulders and tris last night. My shoulder is hurting like a mother lately and is getting weak, the nerve issue seems intensified of late, I hope the damn thing heals up at some point. Wish I could afford to get some work done on it. Like by John Quint or some of these other gurus, that and some BPC-157, TB500, more GH, all that shit.... but I can't, lol, so.......

Pull Ups - 8,8,7,5
Meadows Rows - 4 sets of 10
Seated Cable Rows Wide Grip - 4 sets of 10
Close Grip Pulldowns - 4 sets of 12
Barbell Curls - 4 sets of 8-10
Zottman Curls - 3 sets of 8
Rope Hammer Cable Curls - 3 sets of 12
Sit Ups - 4 sets of 15

Face Pulls with Band - 3 sets of 15
Standing OH Press Barbell - 95 x 8 x 2 sets, 115 x 8, 125 x 6, 125 x 5
Smith High Pulls - 4 sets of 10
IYTs - 4 sets of 8 at all positions
Incline DB Extensions behind Head - 4 sets of 12
Reverse Pressdowns - 3 sets of 10
DB Kickbacks - 3 sets of 10
Some dam good work in Here Crawfbigg. Nice workout!

Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk
Some dam good work in Here Crawfbigg. Nice workout!

Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk

Thank u sir! I would like to train harder and heavier but my shoulder doesn't agree with this approach...:(.

Last night, hit some legs. Pinned this morning. 250mg GP Test E, 50mg Medlab NPP, was just left over in a vial and said fuck it let's get this thing empty. Took my first Somatozine last night before bed, just one cap, 12.5 mg MK-677.

Seated Leg Curls - 65 x 20, 80 x 15, 90 x 15, 90 x 20 drop 65 x 10
Skwaats - bar x 10, 135 x 10, 205 x 10, 275 x 7, 325 x 4, 350 x 2 drop 275 x 8 drop 225 x 8
Leg Press, pause in the hole one second - 4 sets of 10-15
Glute Ham Raises ss with Loaded SLDL stretch - 4 sets of 8
15 min. treadmill

Good workout, despite my back hurting all week I managed to get one helluva pump and used some decent weight, well decent weight for me. Have a great Saturday fellas!
Chest and a bit of shoulders yesterday afternoon. Felt good, like a touch of strength is coming back finally. Didn't fatigue as quickly as I have been.

Face Pulls band - 3 x 15
Flat DBs - 2 warm ups sets, 60s x 10, 70s x 10, 80s x 10, 90s x 7
Incline Bench - 135 x 10, 165 x 8, 185 x 7, 200 x 6 + 1 assisted rep DROP 135 x 8
Nautilus Chest ss with Weighted Hangs - 4 sets of 10
Side DB Laterals - 4 sets of 12
Cable Rear Delts - 4 sets of 12
10 min. treadmill
Hit some back and biceps last night. Decent workout, gym was packed, didn't get to do exactly what I had planned but it was still good. Pinned 100 Private Test Prop, 100 Private Sust, 100 DQ Iso, I miss the boners.....:), so does my wife....:D.

Ass. Pull Ups - 4 sets of 8-10, did a drop on last set
T-Bar Rows - 5 sets of 8-10, did a double drop on last set
Weighted Back Extensions - 4 sets of 8-10
Nautilus Seated Rows - 3 sets of 10-12
Nautilus Bicep - 2 sets of 15
Cable Curls Straight Bar - 4 sets of 10-15
DB Hammer Curls - 4 sets of 8-10
DB Concentration Curls - 2 sets of 8 (biceps fried at this point, empty)
Get Shredded!
Got in a workout yesterday afternoon. Was supposed to go on Friday too but just felt like garbage, exhausted, so I skipped it, rested up. Pinned some Test P and Test Iso yesterday prior to gym.

Shoulders, Tris, Calves
Light Side Laterals - 4 sets
Standing Military Barbell - 95 x 8, 115 x 8, 125 x 7, 135 x 6 drop 115 x 6
Shoulder Box - 4 sets of 8-10
SS Rear Delts and Shrugs - 4 sets
Close Grips - 115 x 8, 145 x 8, 175 x 8, 195 x 6
Tate Extensions - 3 sets of 10
SS Cable Extensions and Close Push Ups - 3 sets of 10 on each
Standing Calf - 4 sets
Seated Calf - 3 sets
Legs last night. Pinned 50mg Medlab Tren Ace, 75mg PSL Masteron Prop, 75 mg DQ Iso, 50mg GP Test E, and 50mg Private Test Prop. Variety...:D

Lying Leg Curls - 5 sets of 8-15, drop set on last set 20 total reps on final set
Smith Squats - 135 x 10, 205 x 8, 275 x 8, 325 x 5, 375 x 3, 405 x 4 drop 325 x 5 drop 275 x 6
Pause at Bottom Leg Press - 4 sets of 10
SS Standing Calf Raises and Iso Hold Barbell SLDL - 4 sets
Pinned some stuff this evening and headed to the gym, pretty good workout despite only having two real meals in me and it being 7pm. Drank the fuck out of some Amino Energy during the workout, I love that stuff. My pin was test prop, test e, and some mast prop.

Power Crunch Machine (Abs) - 4 sets of 15
Nautilus Chest - 5 sets, drop set on last set
Flat DB Presses - 4 sets, last set was 90s x 7 drop 55s x 6 - pecs gassed
Slight Incline DB Flyes - 4 sets of 10
Stretch Push Ups - 3 sets of 10
SS DB Side Laterals and Rear Laterals - 3 sets of 10-12 on all
SS Face Pulls and DB Crucifix Holds - 3 sets of each
19 min. stairmill
Back, biceps yesterday afternoon. No pinning.

Ass. Pull Ups - 4 sets of 8-10, did a drop on last set
Meadows Rows - 5 sets of 8-10, did a double drop on last set
Smith Bent Rows - 4 sets of 8-10
HS Pulldowns - 4 sets of 10-12
Seated DB Curls - 3 sets of 10
Cable Curls EZ Attachment - 4 sets of 10-15
DB Hammer Preacher Curls - 4 sets of 8
Stairmill - 5 min...:)
Shoulders, Tris last night. Pinned 200 DQ Iso, 200 Private Sust. Dropped GH for a while, been using Somatozine on workout nights before bed.

IYTs - 4 sets of 8 each position
Seated Military - bar x 10, 95 x 8, 135 x 8, 155 x 6, 175 x 4, 185 x 6 drop 135 x 10
Cable Side Laterals - 3 sets of 10
Rear Cable Laterals - 3 sets of 10
One Arm Shrugs Smith - 4 sets of 15 each side
Cable Tri Extensions - 4 sets of 12-15
DB Skulls - 4 sets of 8, drop set on last set
Superset Ass. Dips and DB Kickbacks - 3 sets of each
Pulldown Abs - 4 sets of 15
Seated Calves - 4 sets of 15
Thanks bro! I'm trying to keep at it, things have been going pretty good the last couple of weeks!

Here is a vid of IYTs, I was shown these in physical therapy and I do them now and then, really warm up the shoulders.

Got in last night for some legz. I was pretty tired from a long hard week that ended with an interview! I was told at the last minute that the place of business I was interviewing at was professional dress! So I had to sneak out early and get to a store to purchase a tie to throw on before I got there. On the way I notice I have a big coffee stain on my shirt too, like wtf, so I go in a Kohl's and find a shirt and tie, pay for it and sprint to the bathroom to change. I was running out of time. The interview was at 3pm, I arrived at 2:59 sweating from sprinting through the parking lot to make it! Funny now looking back at it. It went pretty well at least. The workout suffered though, I was drained but did what I could. I was just kinda weak cause I didn't eat enough that day, my nerves were shot and I just wasn't hungry. Anyway....

Seated Leg Curls - 5 sets, drop set on the last set
Anderson Squats - 135 x 8, 205 x 8, 275 x 6, 325 x 3, 350 x 1, 325 x 4
Weighted Back Extensions with DBs - 25s x 10, 50s x 10, 75s x 10 x 2 sets
Leg Extensions - 4 sets of 12-20 reps
Nautilus Ab Machine - 4 sets of 15
7 mins. of cardio while my wife was finishing up her cardio

Slept like a rock last night and took a nap today. Hopefully recharged for a workout tomorrow. I missed my last pin too, I'll do it in the morning. Have a great Saturday night fellas!
Chest, Shoulders yesterday. Pinned 200 GP Test E, 100 DQ Iso, 1 SDMZ 3.0 pre workout. 1 Somatozine before bed.

HS Chest - 4 sets of 10, drop set on last set
Dead Stop Bench - 135 x 8, 175 x 8, 205 x 5, 225 x 3, 245 x 2, 225 x 4
Slight Decline DB Press & Twist - 4 sets of 10, drop set on last set
Superset High Pulls Smith and Rear Delt DBs - 3 sets of 12 on all
Leaning on Bench Side Laterals DBs - 3 sets of 10
Seated Calves - 4 sets of 15
Incline Sit Ups - 4 sets of 15
10 min. Stair mill
Haven't posted for a minute. 4 workouts since last post. I'll list the last one. Kinda fell off a little, I still was going to the gym but feeling shitty, not getting enough sleep, eating enough, or going hard in my workouts. Got rested up pretty good the last couple weekends, now see if I can get back to doing a little better. I missed some pins also over that time. I pinned some test on Friday, some Sust, Prop, and Iso, fired up some GH again too, but just low dose, 2iu a day, all I can really swing.


Low Box Squats - bar x 12, 135 x 10, 205 x 8, 275 x 5, 325 x 3, 350 x 3, 375 x 3
-I about blew out my rear main seal on the last rep of 375... was very hard to get it
SLDLs - 135 x 8, 185 x 8, 225 x 8, 250 x 8
Weighted Sit Ups - 4 sets of 15
DB Hammer Curls - 4 sets of 12
15 min. old step machine cardio low intensity, mostly just waiting on my wife to finish up...:)

Shall hit the gym later today barring any unforeseen disasters!

Have a great Sunday fellas!