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Get Shredded!
Ok Ive been a member here for a while and I feel guilty watching this shit lol. Your a lucky guy! You BOTH keep up the amazing work!
hows that subq injection going

She's going in for labs tomorrow. It's been 7 days since her last pin and I'm curious as well. She had a very small bout with surface acne but it went away.
We ordered a female hormone panel, lipids, thyroid and igf. It will be interesting to see the subq results. I will share these as soon as they come back.
She's going in for labs tomorrow. It's been 7 days since her last pin and I'm curious as well. She had a very small bout with surface acne but it went away.
We ordered a female hormone panel, lipids, thyroid and igf. It will be interesting to see the subq results. I will share these as soon as they come back.

Was pinning my wife 20mg cyp e7d with 30g insulin pin. Drawn with same 30g pin too. No bloodwork while on test. She been off bout 2mo, waiting for baseline bloodwork from endocrinologist.
She's going in for labs tomorrow. It's been 7 days since her last pin and I'm curious as well. She had a very small bout with surface acne but it went away.
We ordered a female hormone panel, lipids, thyroid and igf. It will be interesting to see the subq results. I will share these as soon as they come back.

keep us posted TG
Mrs. Gunz labs came back today, she printed them so excuse the poor picture. She's started test prop 10mg/eod for 3 weeks and switched to test cyp 20mg/wk subq.

Pretty high test level, but women all respond differently to exogenous test. She feels great and has energy back. Her muscle tone is improving and her libido has greatly increased. It's no doubt made a difference for her. We are going to lower her dose to 10mg/wk and recheck in another 2-3 weeks.
Anymore on a thyroid panel for misses gunz?
The tsh is bugging me.

Her test is about where mine sits without help..lol. mines high tho.
I'll have her email them to me and post complete results. She's in range though.
Wife got her bloodwork back today, they already had her compounded pellet ready and implanted it today in the glute; (Testosterone and Estrogen). Progesterone oral 200mg/day. DIM 150mg/day (works with pellet to increase free testosterone and decrease "bad" estrogen). They'll prescribe her hgh too but insurance won't pay so we'll stick with ugl hgh at 1iu/day. T4 Levothyroxine needs to be decreased from 150mcg/day to 100-125.

Here's everything out of range
Estradiol = Low, < 11
FSH = High 103
Progesterone = Low 0.61
Testosterone = Low 14
Glucose = High 124
TSH = Low 0.012
Thyroid Peroxidase High 12
These are the wife's labs. Sheri let me know what you think, thank you.

These are the wife's labs. Sheri let me know what you think, thank you.


So that's on 20mg test cyp a week right. Exactly what I was giving my wife and she loved it. Now that I know her baseline test is 14 I can see why she saw such dramatic improvemen's going up from 14 to 100+ng comparing your results. She goes back for bloods in 6wks, we'll see what the pellet brings her up to.
These are the wife's labs. Sheri let me know what you think, thank you.


I'll have to do the math because free and total t3 isn't in there. There's a way to figure out its guesstimate with the other value I just suddenly don't remember how
actually men and women both do better under 2..but tsh is a pituitary hormone

the ratio between free and total t4 and t3 are more important numbers to look at and rt3 thrown in for good measure if something is amiss

you want t4 to be roughly in the middle to upper third... t3 well into the upper third
if those number are ok with a borderline tsh then tsh can be dismissed all together unless there are other pituitary hormones that are off and the person is NOT on any type of PED. Being on test will nuke a womans fsh and lh pretty quick which isnt the end of the world as long as they come back. The second half of a womans cycle depends heavily on an egg being released and the corpus luteum provides a good deal of progesterone. Not only does it eventually bring about menstruation but its a calming and anti-inflammatory hormone. creaking joints and sudden sleep cycle problems are symptoms of low progesterone. Usually its the first hormone to drop off in women because of sporadic or absent ovulation.
Yes, she has said she doesn't ovulate regularly.
Her period is getting sporadic and she thought she was entering perimenopause. She uses progesterone cream routinely.
With the addition of test she has regained her natural lubrication and sexual function, i.e. Stimulation level and time to orgasm is back to normal. It has definitely made a vast difference there. However her weight management hasn't been affected in terms, and she's still struggling there.
Maybe some T3 would help with the middle age spread. But dammit the boobies are so plump and I don't mind a little extra booty. She's 5'9" @ 165lbs, I just want her to be happy in her own skin. You know what I'm saying?
I totally get what you're saying..I say if she isnt affected by tachycardia and has good bone density (tall women usually do- petitie fine boned women run into problems) a little t3 broken into a morning and afternoon dose might be just the ticket.

there's no point going over 50mg a day though...and even that might be high

she can titrate up slowly but there is no reason to cycle off it or taper down. A normal healthy thyroid rebounds within a cpl of days- titrating down just prolongs that process.

my half sister does the craziest shit you've ever seen with her prescribed thyroid meds and her numbers are always great..lol
I can tweak my dose 10mg one way or the other depending on how I feel and have perfect bloods- mine also rebounds to a degree with no meds.
We've been talking about T3.
And you mean mcg, yes?
actually men and women both do better under 2..but tsh is a pituitary hormone

the ratio between free and total t4 and t3 are more important numbers to look at and rt3 thrown in for good measure if something is amiss

you want t4 to be roughly in the middle to upper third... t3 well into the upper third
if those number are ok with a borderline tsh then tsh can be dismissed all together unless there are other pituitary hormones that are off and the person is NOT on any type of PED. Being on test will nuke a womans fsh and lh pretty quick which isnt the end of the world as long as they come back. The second half of a womans cycle depends heavily on an egg being released and the corpus luteum provides a good deal of progesterone. Not only does it eventually bring about menstruation but its a calming and anti-inflammatory hormone. creaking joints and sudden sleep cycle problems are symptoms of low progesterone. Usually its the first hormone to drop off in women because of sporadic or absent ovulation.

I can't tolerate my TSH under 2, get bad sides; nervousness, irregular heart beat etc. Also some people start losing their hair when TSH is too low, happened to a family member. Currently I'm substuting t4 for dessicated thyroid eod; T4 one day dessicated the next. Feeling good with this protocol.
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I can't tolerate my TSH under 2, get bad sides; nervousness, irregular heart beat etc. Also some people start losing their hair when TSH is too low, happened to a family member. Currently I'm substuting t4 for dessicated thyroid eod; T4 one day dessicated the next. Feeling good with this protocol.

which is why I specified t4 to t3 ratios

your tsh can be almost anywhere but if your t3 is way too high you'll be hyperthyroid, way to low and youll be hypothyroid. it isnt a male female thing.

think of this way
it is called- thyroid stimulating hormone
if your t3 is very high your pituitary gland says wooooaaaa..hold off and makes less of the thyroid stimulating hormone- hence a low tsh number

not very intelligent drs for whatever reason take tsh to be a marker of thyroid health- and it really isn't - its a marker of what your pituitary gland is doing

I spent a few yrs with undiagnosed thyroid cancer because my my tsh was in range
when it got big enough to cause a palpable lump I STILL got brushed off- because tsh in range!

it wasn't until it was removed and biopsied that they said...oh shit

guess what- Im missing a lobe and my tsh is still "in range" and hardly budges unless I take a ridiculous amount of thyroid hormone then it might tick below 1.0

the lowest its ever been was the edge of lab range and that was .5 -
my sister chills around 2.0 (hasimotos) my father chills around 1-2
which is why I specified t4 to t3 ratios

your tsh can be almost anywhere but if your t3 is way too high you'll be hyperthyroid, way to low and youll be hypothyroid. it isnt a male female thing.

think of this way
it is called- thyroid stimulating hormone
if your t3 is very high your pituitary gland says wooooaaaa..hold off and makes less of the thyroid stimulating hormone- hence a low tsh number

not very intelligent drs for whatever reason take tsh to be a marker of thyroid health- and it really isn't - its a marker of what your pituitary gland is doing

I spent a few yrs with undiagnosed thyroid cancer because my my tsh was in range
when it got big enough to cause a palpable lump I STILL got brushed off- because tsh in range!

it wasn't until it was removed and biopsied that they said...oh shit

guess what- Im missing a lobe and my tsh is still "in range" and hardly budges unless I take a ridiculous amount of thyroid hormone then it might tick below 1.0

the lowest its ever been was the edge of lab range and that was .5 -
my sister chills around 2.0 (hasimotos) my father chills around 1-2

Yeah your right, most endocrinologists base thyroid health and prescribe T4 only in relation to TSH. Between my wife, mom and me we've been to 7 different endos, all prescribe T4 based off TSH. Only the new one my wife just started seeing has protocol option for dessicated. Protocol options for her are T4, dessicated or a combination of both eod on opposite days like I'm doing now.
Get Shredded!
which is why I specified t4 to t3 ratios

your tsh can be almost anywhere but if your t3 is way too high you'll be hyperthyroid, way to low and youll be hypothyroid. it isnt a male female thing.

think of this way
it is called- thyroid stimulating hormone
if your t3 is very high your pituitary gland says wooooaaaa..hold off and makes less of the thyroid stimulating hormone- hence a low tsh number

not very intelligent drs for whatever reason take tsh to be a marker of thyroid health- and it really isn't - its a marker of what your pituitary gland is doing

I spent a few yrs with undiagnosed thyroid cancer because my my tsh was in range
when it got big enough to cause a palpable lump I STILL got brushed off- because tsh in range!

it wasn't until it was removed and biopsied that they said...oh shit

guess what- Im missing a lobe and my tsh is still "in range" and hardly budges unless I take a ridiculous amount of thyroid hormone then it might tick below 1.0

the lowest its ever been was the edge of lab range and that was .5 -
my sister chills around 2.0 (hasimotos) my father chills around 1-2


hope you don't mind me asking, but do you remember about where your tsh was sitting before your diagnosis ?
subbed for the info. thanks for sharing it.

hope you don't mind me asking, but do you remember about where your tsh was sitting before your diagnosis ?

It had swings but never went above 3.5 ...but did hit .5
At what I think was the start of serious problems but it was brushed off as post partum thyroiditis which is incredibly common..and who doesn't like to suddenly lose weight right after having a baby?
I remember the only symptom I had thought was I was very weak..like I would tire fast walking around..totally heat intolerant..and it was the first time in my life I was a bit shakey.
I will say this..thyroid cancer is a cake walk compared to any other cancer. I avoided radioactive iodine and talked my surgeon into doing a lobectomy instead. Removed the half with the tumors. The other half hasn't sprouted anything that I know of though if it did thyroid cancer is pretty slow growing. My lungs get watched and the irony is between all the joint problems and the tumor in my femur ..and the lung xrays...I'll probably get cancer from all the radiation..lol
It had swings but never went above 3.5 ...but did hit .5
At what I think was the start of serious problems but it was brushed off as post partum thyroiditis which is incredibly common..and who doesn't like to suddenly lose weight right after having a baby?
I remember the only symptom I had thought was I was very weak..like I would tire fast walking around..totally heat intolerant..and it was the first time in my life I was a bit shakey.
I will say this..thyroid cancer is a cake walk compared to any other cancer. I avoided radioactive iodine and talked my surgeon into doing a lobectomy instead. Removed the half with the tumors. The other half hasn't sprouted anything that I know of though if it did thyroid cancer is pretty slow growing. My lungs get watched and the irony is between all the joint problems and the tumor in my femur ..and the lung xrays...I'll probably get cancer from all the radiation..lol

Thanks Sheri :kiss:
A little concerned about mine, although it falls into their "normal" range at .7. Cant even get them to do more than the basic TSH because of that. Might have to consider doing some further bloods on my own.It is ironic though isn't it? the things they give us to treat the cancer will probably just give it to us again - SMH
Labs MD has all the tests you'd need. I don't know if they're restricted in your state or not.
She squats heavier than me. Looking good brother!
lots of good info in here

Mrs coming along nicely again

todays glutes/legs

She has excellent form and control! You taught her well for sure. Is there a certain reason for squatting on bench? Medical? Most don't recommend but your wife has the best technique I've ever seen.
She squats heavier than me. Looking good brother!

she can do 185 for sets of 8, she'll be pushing further soon

She has excellent form and control! You taught her well for sure. Is there a certain reason for squatting on bench? Medical? Most don't recommend but your wife has the best technique I've ever seen.

box squats build power. the sitting action deloads the legs and glutes. they then have to refire to lift you off. take a lot out of you. great for pushing through a plateau
box squats build power. the sitting action deloads the legs and glutes. they then have to refire to lift you off. take a lot out of you. great for pushing through a plateau

That is a great idea. I saw one of her videos that and never made the connection and deloading the legs. It would be much easier on my worn out knees. I'm going to give it a try, thanks brother.