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Zepp’s Log

Back 3/7/24

Reverse Bent Over Row:
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
185x10 Pause Top And Bottom

Bent Over Row:
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
275x10 No Pause But Controlled

315x7 Lost grip (want 10)
405x10 With straps

Dumbbell Row:

Lat Pulldown:
200x10 Pause Top And Bottom
220x10 No Pause But Controlled

Cable Row:
200x10 Pause Top And Bottom
220x10 No Pause But Controlled

Straight Arm Pushdown:
50x10 Pause Top And Bottom
60x10 No Pause But Controlled

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Always lose grip on 315 around the 4-6 rep range, finally hit 7. Put straps on and hit 405 for an easy 10. Have to do a full Deadlift day soon and push to a heavy 4-6. I’ve been really feeling Deadlifts recently.

Still 233lb. Other day I dropped to 231lb but I’m right back.

I’ve been going every where with a gallon of water like @Astro95 recommended. It has definitely made me more self aware of how much water I should be getting in. I’m definitely drinking more than before, appreciate the advice brother.

Grinding one day at a time. I have goals that I’m trying to achieve by the end of the year:

Deadlift-315x10 Without Straps
Deadlift-495x10 With Straps

Slowly getting there. I’d like my weight to be around 250ish so next year when I compete I’ll be sitting around 220ish on stage.
Shoulders/Arms 3/8/24

Incline Bench:
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
185x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
255x10 No Pause But Controlled
265x4 No Pause But Controlled
185x10 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Dumbbell Shrugs:
100’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom
100’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom

15x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled
20x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled

Standing Headcrusher/Reverse Curl/Inside Curl
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled

Laying Headcrusher/Close Grip/Outside Curl
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Hit 255 for a clean 10 last week on Incline so decided to add a set and hit 265. Lets get this for 10 and then time for the 275 grind to 10. Instead of Barbell Shrugs I did Dumbbell Shrugs.

Still 233lb but holding it good. I’ve been walking my 1 year old daughter around outside in the stroller since the weather is getting nicer. Might have to bring a PB&J for the walk lol
I’ve talked about my training, diet and gear but I have not talked about my personal life. Sometimes life gives you set backs and you have to keep pushing through. My training partner that I knew for 15 years passed away. I was in shock until I went to the wake and saw him laying there, he looked like he could just wake up. I said to him “I wish we had one more workout together” and it finally hit me and the tears ran down my face. When my Dad passed it set a fire in me, and I know this just made the fire grow more. Cant wait for Monday to take this anger out on the weights.
Chest 3/25/24

Flat Bench-
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
275x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x6 No Pause But Controlled
225x12 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Flat Dumbbells
100’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom
120’sx7 Pause Top And Bottom


Incline Dumbbell Fly-
50x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Flat Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Straight Arm Dumbbell Fly-
20x12 Pause Top And Bottom
20x12 Pause Top And Bottom

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Moved a lot up this week. Hit 6 reps on 315. Hit the 120’s for 7. Started at 60’s with Flat Fly. Had a lot of anger built inside from losing my friend. (Check last post) Had a few bad days of eating and ended up dropping to 230lb but I know thats just water and I’ll bounce right back this week. If I’m depressed I cant eat. But if I’m stressed I can eat like an animal. Anyone else feel this way?
Chest 3/25/24

Flat Bench-
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
275x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x6 No Pause But Controlled
225x12 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Flat Dumbbells
100’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom
120’sx7 Pause Top And Bottom


Incline Dumbbell Fly-
50x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Flat Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Straight Arm Dumbbell Fly-
20x12 Pause Top And Bottom
20x12 Pause Top And Bottom

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Moved a lot up this week. Hit 6 reps on 315. Hit the 120’s for 7. Started at 60’s with Flat Fly. Had a lot of anger built inside from losing my friend. (Check last post) Had a few bad days of eating and ended up dropping to 230lb but I know thats just water and I’ll bounce right back this week. If I’m depressed I cant eat. But if I’m stressed I can eat like an animal. Anyone else feel this way?
I can't eat stressed r,it's just not enjoyable, depressed idk,I push through it,sober for years now so feelings and memories flood my brain..I eat through that shit 😆
Legs 3/26/24

135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x10 Pause Top And Bottom
405x6 No Pause But Controlled
225x10 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Dumbbell RDL

Dumbbell Lunges:
60x10/10 Pause Top And Bottom
80x10/10 Pause Top And Bottom

Leg Curl:
75x10 Pause Top And Bottom
100x10 Pause Top And Bottom

Leg Extension:
100x10 Pause Top And Bottom
120x10 Pause Top And Bottom

135x10/10/10 Pause Top And Bottom
185x10/10/10 Pause Top And Bottom

Back Extension:
No weight just stretching hamstrings
2 sets of 12

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Morning weight is 228, night weight back to 233. Moved almost every lift up this week. Really prioritizing hamstrings on leg day. I have a much better mind muscle connection with quads than hamstrings, trying to get them to match.

Diet is pretty much the same, some days work and my 1 year old get in the way but I always find a way to get it in. The hardest part of bodybuilding is consistency. Its easy to train and be on a diet for a few days/weeks or even months. but try a few years without missing a workout or a meal. This is how you make take your body to the next level. Keep grinding and trust the process.
Back 3/28/24

Straight Arm Pushdown:

Pull Ups:
Sets to failure

Cable Row:

Lat Pulldown:

Dumbbell Pullover:

Dumbbell Row:

Trained back differently this week. I need to get more detail to show. Compound lifts will build the mass but to get that detail to show you need some isolated movements with holds and strong squeezes.

Finally hit 234lb Outback steak house is right by my house and I’ve been taking advantage of it recently. Cant go wrong with a steak and sweet potato.

Incline Bench:
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
185x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
255x10 No Pause But Controlled
265x8 No Pause But Controlled
185x10 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Incline Dumbbell Press:
100’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom
100’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom

20x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled
20x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled

Standing Headcrusher/Reverse Curl/Inside Curl
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled

Laying Headcrusher/Close Grip/Outside Curl
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Progressing nicely with my incline, once I get 265 for 10 I can finally get back to 275. I have done 315 incline but it was sloppy and mostly just arms moving the weight. I’ve had to restart many times to fix form or avoid pain, etc. But when you make it back to your original weight you actually feel it in your chest rather than your arms.

Getting a new rep on your heaviest lift every week is just not possible. It might take you a few weeks just to get 1 extra rep. But that does not mean you can’t improve other parts of your workouts. Getting reps on the other exercises you do is progression and will help you get that extra rep on your heaviest lift. Sometimes you wont get an extra rep on any exercises that day, but you had better contractions, deeper stretches and a better pump. Even though your doing what looks to be the same thing each week, you are progressing, trust the process and keep grinding. As a trainer I see clients stop when they feel frustrated because their weights aren’t going up as quick as they want. A lot of the times its not because of what your doing in the gym but outside the gym. Stop being fixated on the weights and become fixated on your actual progression when you look in the mirror. And most importantly if you learn to push weights. learn to push the food. Dont be afraid of eating, you can always add cardio if needed.

Training has been going great. Strongest I’ve ever been and really focusing on the concentric and eccentric movements of each lift. A lot of holds on the bottom to really feel the muscle stretch and be more activated on the exercises. I never do “pump workouts” anymore. I’d say a similar style of training as Nick Walker or Justin Shier but not as slow


Everything is the same I just swapped HGH for IGF and recently swapped them back.


All bloodwork has been good, cholesterol is the only thing on the higher side but to be expected from the amount of food I’m eating.


This is the hardest and the part I’ve really been focusing on. I’ve been trying hard to hit double my body weight in protein everyday. Its tough but it can be done. I have to wake up at 6am everyday in order to hit it.


Losing my good friend/training partner was very hard. But I’m still pushing just as hard if not harder. I know hes with me. On the brighter side my daughter is almost a year and a half. Cant believe how fast shes grown. I have a home gym and sometimes she will watch me train in her stroller and count to 10 and clap at the end. I have my own little cheerleader, I love it.


I am 235 after a good day of eating now.


My weight went up 4 pounds, I’m 235 started at 231. Bench went up 2 reps, hitting 315 for 8 started at 6. Squat also went up 2 reps, hitting 405 for 8 started at 6. I like how my bench and squat move up together with their own weight. All my lifts I went for 10 reps are all at 12, with longer holds at the bottom and stronger contractions at the top. I’ve been posing at the end of each workout, 20 second holds with each pose, 2 rounds of all 12 poses. More exhausting than you think to hold those poses but its definitely helping me bring out detail and separation.

Thank You:

Appreciate anyone following along. Always here if you have any questions about diet, training or anything related to bodybuilding.
Get Shredded!
Chest 4/22/24

Flat Bench-
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
275x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x8 No Pause But Controlled
225x12 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Flat Dumbbells
100’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom
120’sx10 Pause Top And Bottom


Incline Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Flat Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Straight Arm Dumbbell Fly-
25x12 Pause Top And Bottom
25x12 Pause Top And Bottom

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Felt good hitting 8 again on 315. Getting a lot more comfortable with 315. I’ve had a question on why I dont go heavier than 315. The answer is I have, I’ve done 365 but every time I do it I feel it in my shoulders and back, never in my chest. I would rather master 315 for 12 reps and move my backdown set to 275 and get quality reps where I really feel it in my chest. Bodybuilding is not about how much you can lift, its about feeling the contraction and making the muscle grow. It has nothing to do with moving the weight from point A to point B. Next time you train chest try holding the weight at the bottom and top of every exercise. You will not be able to do the same weight you throw around and I can guarantee your chest will be feeling it a lot more.
Legs 4/23/24

135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x10 Pause Top And Bottom
405x8 No Pause But Controlled
225x10 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Dumbbell Lunges:
80x12/12 Pause Top And Bottom
80x12/12 Pause Top And Bottom

Leg Curl:
100x12 Pause Top And Bottom
100x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Leg Extension:
120x12 Pause Top And Bottom
120x12 Pause Top And Bottom

185x12/12/12 Pause Top And Bottom
185x12/12/12 Pause Top And Bottom

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

On Monday I hit Flat Bench 315 for 8. I knew I was going to Squat 8 today. I could have even had 9 but I already had 8 in my head. Workout was intense and very fast. I finished everything in under 45 minutes.

I hit 236lb, highest weight I’ve been in awhile. Need to just keep grinding. No short cuts, push the weights, push the food, be consistent and you will grow. One of the most common questions I keep getting in the gym is can I replace this freeweight exercise for this machine. Sure you can but if you want optimal results freeweight is king. If its an injury related question lighten the weight, change your form, change the seat positioning, you can find a way to do freeweight without it hurting. Too many people want to give up on Flat Bench or Squats. If you put your ego aside, you can perform these exercises pain free. Sadly most of the time when I’m asked if I can replace this exercise it has nothing to do with an injury, the client is just lazy and does not want to put in the work.
I have never seen this log & really like it!!
Extremely similar to how I train & what I enjoy the most which makes a little easier for me to stay consistent.
I have never seen this log & really like it!!
Extremely similar to how I train & what I enjoy the most which makes a little easier for me to stay consistent.
Thank you. The true way to progress is to fall in love with what your doing so it doesn’t feel like a chore to do.

Incline Bench:
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
185x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
275x8 No Pause But Controlled
185x12 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Incline Dumbbell Press:
100’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom
100’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom

20x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled
20x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled

Standing Headcrusher/Reverse Curl/Inside Curl
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled

Laying Headcrusher/Close Grip/Outside Curl
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled
80x15/15/15 No Pause But Controlled

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

I find the mental game funny sometimes. This week I hit a 405 squat for 8 and a 315 bench for 8. So this is the first time getting back to 275 incline, I said to myself I have to get 8. And what do you know I died out exactly at 8. Cant wait to get these lifts to a comfortable 10 reps. Will take a few weeks to get them all to 9. The key now is not what I do in the gym, but outside the gym. Food needs to be pushed harder in order to push the weights harder.
Chest 5/6/24

Flat Bench-
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
275x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x8 No Pause But Controlled
225x12 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Flat Dumbbells
100’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom
120’sx10 Pause Top And Bottom

Incline Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Flat Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom


Straight Arm Dumbbell Fly-
25x12 Pause Top And Bottom
25x12 Pause Top And Bottom

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Same workout and same weights I just switched the order of Dips. The difference is I’m going slightly slower, holding longer on the bottom and on the flys I’m opening up more and really getting a stretch. I enjoyed putting Dips toward the end, now I’m hitting Press, Press, Fly, Fly, Press, Fly. I will keep this order for a little. On legs I did something similar.

Still sitting at 236lb. Added waxy maize to all my shakes for some extra carbs. Water is still my weakness even with my jug I’m using now. When your running around all day with a baby I just dont have enough places to pee lol If I’m not consistent with the water and drink a lot more one day I will be going to pee a lot more than usual.

Overall feeling good. Strongest I’ve ever been in my life. Bloodwork every 3 months shows all numbers in range. Sucks my test levels are now capped on the test. Might find a different place for my next bloodwork but this is what insurance is covering so I have to go with it. Checking test levels is just a plus anyway.

Keep grinding, slow those eccentrics, hold at the bottom, and trust the process.
Chest 5/6/24

Flat Bench-
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
275x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x8 No Pause But Controlled
225x12 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Flat Dumbbells
100’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom
120’sx10 Pause Top And Bottom

Incline Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Flat Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom


Straight Arm Dumbbell Fly-
25x12 Pause Top And Bottom
25x12 Pause Top And Bottom

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Same workout and same weights I just switched the order of Dips. The difference is I’m going slightly slower, holding longer on the bottom and on the flys I’m opening up more and really getting a stretch. I enjoyed putting Dips toward the end, now I’m hitting Press, Press, Fly, Fly, Press, Fly. I will keep this order for a little. On legs I did something similar.

Still sitting at 236lb. Added waxy maize to all my shakes for some extra carbs. Water is still my weakness even with my jug I’m using now. When your running around all day with a baby I just dont have enough places to pee lol If I’m not consistent with the water and drink a lot more one day I will be going to pee a lot more than usual.

Overall feeling good. Strongest I’ve ever been in my life. Bloodwork every 3 months shows all numbers in range. Sucks my test levels are now capped on the test. Might find a different place for my next bloodwork but this is what insurance is covering so I have to go with it. Checking test levels is just a plus anyway.
Nice workout! Strong as f__k. Thanks for posting your full workout and thought process on changing up the order. Slow eccentric deep stretch that's what I'm talking about!

Keep grinding, slow those eccentrics, hold at the bottom, and trust the process.
Catching the log up to date.


My main lifts are all at 8 reps. 315 Bench, 405 Squat, 275 Incline, 495 Deadlift. I dont want to move past these weights, even when I get 10 reps on all. I want to perfect my form, slower negatives, pauses at bottom. I want to really get comfortable hitting 10 with all. I also want to bring my Bent Over Rows into the mix. I was hitting 275 for 10 but I recently reset my form. Standing a bit more upright and only at 185 now.


Its been expensive but its working. Outback and this Peruvian place by me I have been having a lot. I’ll have 5 meals home cooked clean and 1 meal out. Not every single day due to the price but I’d say 4-5 times a week. Outback I get a Steak with 2 Sweet Potatoes. Peruvian I get Bistec a lo pobre which is Steak with an Egg on top with Rice and French Fries. If you never ate Peruvian food before I highly recommend. I am weighing 238lb now.
Chest 5/20/24

Flat Bench-
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
275x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x8 No Pause But Controlled
225x12 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Flat Dumbbells
120’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom
120’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom

Incline Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Flat Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom


Straight Arm Dumbbell Fly-
25x12 Pause Top And Bottom

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Shortened the workout slightly by doing one set for Dips and Straight Arm Fly but going much slower on the set and holding and really stretching at the bottom.

I want to talk about posing. Something that is never practiced enough, which can really benefit you. Not only does it help shape the muscle but you get a better mind muscle connection while training and better posture and overall awareness of your body. There are 12 poses, 4 relaxed, 8 mandatory. 1 Front Relaxed, 2 Side Relaxed, 3 Back Relaxed, 4 Side Relaxed, 5 Front Double Bicep, 6 Front Lat Spread, 7 Side Chest, 8 Side Tricep, 9 Back Double Bicep, 10 Back Lat Spread, 11 Abs and Thighs, 12 Most Muscular. When you hit each pose start from the bottom up, Calves, Legs, Glutes, Back, Chest, Arms, hold each pose for 20 seconds flexing hard and learning not to shake, right after transition into the next pose for another 20 seconds, do a full round with all 12 poses. If you get good do 2-3 rounds. You will see its very tiring if done right. I recommend everyone to do 1 round of 20 seconds every day after your workout or before you shower.
Chest 5/20/24

Flat Bench-
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
275x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x8 No Pause But Controlled
225x12 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Flat Dumbbells
120’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom
120’sx12 Pause Top And Bottom

Incline Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Flat Dumbbell Fly-
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom
60x12 Pause Top And Bottom


Straight Arm Dumbbell Fly-
25x12 Pause Top And Bottom

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Shortened the workout slightly by doing one set for Dips and Straight Arm Fly but going much slower on the set and holding and really stretching at the bottom.

I want to talk about posing. Something that is never practiced enough, which can really benefit you. Not only does it help shape the muscle but you get a better mind muscle connection while training and better posture and overall awareness of your body. There are 12 poses, 4 relaxed, 8 mandatory. 1 Front Relaxed, 2 Side Relaxed, 3 Back Relaxed, 4 Side Relaxed, 5 Front Double Bicep, 6 Front Lat Spread, 7 Side Chest, 8 Side Tricep, 9 Back Double Bicep, 10 Back Lat Spread, 11 Abs and Thighs, 12 Most Muscular. When you hit each pose start from the bottom up, Calves, Legs, Glutes, Back, Chest, Arms, hold each pose for 20 seconds flexing hard and learning not to shake, right after transition into the next pose for another 20 seconds, do a full round with all 12 poses. If you get good do 2-3 rounds. You will see its very tiring if done right. I recommend everyone to do 1 round of 20 seconds every day after your workout or before you shower.
Damn that does sound like a workout on its own. I really don't know much about posing but sometimes after a set of whatever muscle I just hit I try to hold a pose that hits that muscle as well. That alone I can feel it so I could only imagine what this would be like. Also thanks for explaining the poses. Never knew there were that many.(Mind blown)🤯
Legs 5/21/24

135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x10 Pause Top And Bottom
405x8 No Pause But Controlled

Goblet Squat:
100x12 Pause Top And Bottom
100x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Single Leg Leg Curl:
50x12 Pause Top And Bottom
50x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Leg Curl:
100x12 Pause Top And Bottom
100x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Single Leg Leg Extension:
75x12 Pause Top And Bottom
75x12 Pause Top And Bottom

Leg Extension:
120x12 Pause Top And Bottom
120x12 Pause Top And Bottom

185x12/12/12 Pause Top And Bottom
185x12/12/12 Pause Top And Bottom

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Man I was really feeling legs today. I could have got 9 on the squat but 8 was in my head because thats what I hit on the bench the day before. Of course my goal is 10, but the real goal is hitting 10 comfortably, going slower and pausing on the bottom. So there is no need to rush to 9. I am happy matching what I did the week prior.

Instead of a backdown set I did goblet squats with as narrow of a foot position as I could without my knees bothering me to focus quads. These had a nice burn to them. Also added single leg- leg curls and leg extension.
Thanks for the log and that sounds like an awesome leg day! How long does it take to get through it?
All my workouts are 45-60mins. Get it done quick and get out. Wish I could train all day but I notice I progress less training longer.
Yeah I get it. I don't like standing around to much unless I really need a couple minutes to get my breath back. I don't like feeling like I'm getting cooled down then hop into a set. Prob get a little cardio built into them workouts. Might have to try it sometime just change the pounds around. Haven't hit 405 on squat yet but in time I will. At the 300 mark for about 8-10.
Yeah I get it. I don't like standing around to much unless I really need a couple minutes to get my breath back. I don't like feeling like I'm getting cooled down then hop into a set. Prob get a little cardio built into them workouts. Might have to try it sometime just change the pounds around. Haven't hit 405 on squat yet but in time I will. At the 300 mark for about 8-10.
I’d say 3-7 exercises and 10-17 sets max. That even could be pushing it. When I was younger I was in the gym 6 days a week 2+ hours every time and was not getting good gains from that. My sweet spot is training 4 days a week for maximum growth.

You will get to 405, just keep grinding. When you hit 300 for 10 go to 315 and stay on that until you hit 10. Then go 335 and stay on that until you hit 10 etc. Keep throwing a 10lb on each side if you hit 10 reps. Might only get 4 reps with the new weight but track your progress, after a few weeks you’ll get 5 then 6 etc.

I’m stuck at 8 reps for now, give me a few more weeks I’ll get 9. Might even get a bad week and go down to 6 or 7. But keep grinding and keep hitting your bodyweight in protein everyday and you will eventually adapt to the new weight.
Last edited:
Back 5/23/24

Bent Over Row:
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
275x10 No Pause But Controlled

315x8 Lost grip (want 10)
405x10 With straps

Dumbbell Pullover:

Dumbbell Row On Bench:

Lat Pulldown:
200x10 Pause Top And Bottom
220x10 No Pause But Controlled
240x8 No Pause But Controlled

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Really liked doing Dumbbell Rows laying on the bench. Will make this a staple in my routine. Put a bench on a low incline and put your chest on it and row away. Had a crazy pump from this.

Catching my log up to date.


Training has been going great. This is the strongest I’ve been in my life. This also the most consistent I’ve been in my life and the 2 go hand and hand. I have not missed a workout or a meal in a long time. My 315 Bench, 405 Squat and 275 Incline are all at 8 reps. My goal was to get them all to 10 by the end of the year which will easily be achieved with how much time I have left.


Diet has pretty much been the same, if I see the scale moving I dont see a point pushing more food. I’d rather take it the slow and steady route instead of blowing out my stomach. I’m sitting at 240lb right now.


I have a coach and a cardiologist that work together to keep me as healthy as they can with what I do. Pretty much whatever they say goes, I follow what they say to a T. All my numbers are usually right on point except my cholesterol and blood pressure. Nothing too alarming with either but those are the 2 that are usually slightly elevated. High Cholesterol also runs in my family. Cholesterol is 20-30 higher than average and blood pressure is 5-10 higher higher than average. I have been on Tren and Deca for awhile so they want me on Test only for the next month or so, refresh my receptors and see my bloodwork then I’ll be good to add compounds back in. I’m surprised they are keeping me on 500mg of Test.


Now that my baby is 1.5 years old and learned how to climb I have to watch her like a hawk. Always trying to get in the most dangerous places as possible. Its like they have a danger meter in their head and know exactly where to go. Even though its a lot of work, having a kid is the best blessing. Wish I could say that was it but I’ve also been dealing with a lot of death. My good friend/coach passed, then my friends Dad passed, then another friend passed. Too many funerals/wakes I’ve been to recently. Hard to keep your head up with all this sadness around you. The gym is my sanctuary, I turn my phone on silent and once I start training I forget about the world and all my focus is on stretching and contracting that muscle.

Thank you all for following along. If you have any questions feel free to comment below or PM me. If your going through something and need a random set of ears to listen I’m always here.

And as always check out AlanDomestic for all your gear needs. I’ve ran almost all of his brands with great bloods to back them up.

Have a great day everyone, keep grinding!
6/24/24 Chest

Flat Bench-
135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
275x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x9 No Pause But Controlled
225x12 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Flat Dumbbells
120’sx10 Pause Top And Bottom
120’sx15 Pause Top And Bottom

Incline Dumbbell Fly-
60x10 Pause Top And Bottom
60x15 Pause Top And Bottom

Flat Dumbbell Fly-
60x10 Pause Top And Bottom
60x15 Pause Top And Bottom

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Shortened the workout and changed reps slightly. Hit 9 reps on 315. Weight still going up on just 500mg of Test. Appetite has not decreased at all if anything Ive noticed an increase in appetite after removing Tren. Shortening all workouts slightly and adding a 5th day training. I talking about this earlier that I find 4 days in the gym optimal for building mass, my coach wants me to shorten workouts and add an extra day, lets try it. Maybe with the shortened workouts I will find 5 days optimal. 11 sets total per workout not my normal 15-17 I’m use to.
Legs 6/25/24

135x10 Pause Top And Bottom
225x10 Pause Top And Bottom
315x10 Pause Top And Bottom
405x7 No Pause But Controlled
225x12 Tempo-4 sec down/2 sec up

Leg Curl:
100x10 Pause Top And Bottom
100x15 Pause Top And Bottom

Leg Extension:
120x10 Pause Top And Bottom
120x15 Pause Top And Bottom

185x10/10/10 Pause Top And Bottom
185x15/15/15 Pause Top And Bottom

20 Hanging Leg Raises
20 Hanging Knee Raises
20 V-Ups
20 Crunches

Another 11 set workout. I slept weird and had a cramp in my back when I woke up but had to try 405. Lost 1 rep but I was ok with that not being at 100%. Some days you progress some you regress, but what I tell all my clients “any workout is better than no workout, just keep grinding.”

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