Considering this is an old topic, we can talk about current affairs.
But in my opinion they're really isn't ever going to be any recognition or talk with UFOs.
The US will do everything they can with side stepping it, while the rest of the world talks about it.
The US is being very calculated with it, because they know they fucked up historically.
There is a shit ton of bad shit that has happened, lives have been lost, careers have been destroyed, people have been silenced and harassed, people have been put in institutions the list goes on.
Now the US starts to recognize and admit things, they would be held accountable and the media would have a frenzy with all of these past historical events with individuals whether it was a police officer, a soccer mom or a well decorated seasoned airline pilot, people have been crucified in silenced and shamed.. who's going to be held accountable?
Right when they're begins to be some sort of momentum with UFOs globally, some sort of catastrophe happens in another country, whether it's Hawaii, whether it's Greece, and now currently in Turkey..
But the US now has football season, So that was dumb down the masses.