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What was your first ORAL steroid

Superdrol from a company called dragon nutrition back in 2013 or 2014 I forget. (Paired with test e )
Loved it. But it may have been under dosed as I took 30-40 mg of it . Was never lethargic, or had any of the negative sides I read from others at the time that have used superdrol. But that's the dosage that made me look great .

With ugl superdrol all I needed was 20 mg compares to dragon nutrition.
dbol dbol dbol... they were blue 10mg tabs, 1 a day
Anavar was my first oral. My buddy and mentor at the time was an old super heavyweight. He advised me to ramp up to 100mgs a day along with like 300mgs test/wk.

Let’s just say I was grumpy lol. Nowadays, I don’t use anavar. It fucks with my heart. I prefer winstrol in its place.
Took superdrol way back in my early 20s. Strength went thru the roof..I mean literally insane.. then developed horrific flu about 2 weeks in that just wrecked me lol.
Took superdrol way back in my early 20s. Strength went thru the roof..I mean literally insane.. then developed horrific flu about 2 weeks in that just wrecked me lol.
how to spot an old school brother :LOL:
back in the days, lots of bros took superdrol thinking it was a supplement :LOL:
once was on orals never more my skin was burning as hell anadrol 50
My first oral steroid was Dianabol. I remember starting it while I was trying to pack on some muscle. I researched and figured it was a good choice for beginners. It gave me some noticeable gains in size and strength, but I also learned quickly that it's essential to be mindful of the side effects and to take it with proper post-cycle therapy.
My first oral steroid was Dianabol. I remember starting it while I was trying to pack on some muscle. I researched and figured it was a good choice for beginners. It gave me some noticeable gains in size and strength, but I also learned quickly that it's essential to be mindful of the side effects and to take it with proper post-cycle therapy.

It’s always a good idea to be informed and cautious. If you're considering starting with something like that, it’s worth checking out resources like fitnflexed.com for more detailed info and advice.
Reforvit-B 50 ML jug. Drank that dark yellow horse piss down with a chaser of QV Test Enanthate in the glute.
Winstrol. I ripped the top off of a vial and went to drinking it after the first shot burned like a mofo. I was already tripling my Watson script from Costco.

I blew up in about 3 weeks.
Dbol British dragon tabs, at 10 or 15mg and was told to add proviron the last two weeks (4 weeks total) all while drinking and hitting the gym once or twice a week. 🙂.

It was the "in thing" at the time. So I went with it. Probably gained 4lbs, don't recall. 14 years ago.
Anabolic Extreme Superdrol

That stuff was absolutely insane!!

The good ole designer era of the early 2000s. I tried them all!
Dbol. Got them from this dude who brought them back from over seas with him like they was this super high end elaborate thing. They was either 5 or 10mg. I don't remember which. Little pink tabs and I think there was blue hearts as well. One was called Anabol and one was called dbol. Pretty sure anabol was just a brand name for dbol. I'm sure you guys who been in the game a minute know exactly what I'm talking about. Those things was strong though!! 5 or 10mg.
“Danabol” blue hearts.. classic!

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