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Video claims steroids not so bad

Why is the government so worried about ppl using?
Princeton, Yale and Harvard. God damn. I just wish the damn gov would listen to smart and real people like this guy. I think it's safe to say that you would probably listen and take his advice if he's telling you something.
maybe we can hope now that pot is becoming legal that the next step is steroids get the credit theyre due
maybe we can hope now that pot is becoming legal that the next step is steroids get the credit theyre due

If pot becomes legal expect a substantial crack down on steroids. They will need to make up for lost money.
My guess is the Olympics and other pro-sports stuffs + doctors and pharmasuitacal companies will massively sue the government. Steroids is EASY to brew with raw powders. This will make anyone to brew there own, and its not good for pharmacies. Governments KNOW its safe they just dont want their butt get sued over
Shit- I hope I look as good as that guy at 70! Fountain of Youth....

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