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Vet lifters, diet aside, what is your 2-3 compound stack for mass?


Board Rep
Nov 21, 2024
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Get Shredded!
Ive had a couple of "newbies" reach out to me asking what a good "mild" cycle would be for for size. I figured I'd let the experts answer this one. Thanks in advance 🙏
Less sexual function side effects for me and I did it a number of times and it worked very well for me.
So, you can attest to the Deca dick affects, huh? I know a lot of people prefer NPP to Deca, as they dont hold as much water. But, I spot inject Deca in my shoulder and it seems to help more so than BPC; could all be in my head though.
So, you can attest to the Deca dick affects, huh? I know a lot of people prefer NPP to Deca, as they dont hold as much water. But, I spot inject Deca in my shoulder and it seems to help more so than BPC; could all be in my head though.
I enetered this stuff in the late 80s. Everyone ran deca as a base. A lot of deca dick them days.
Test/mast or test/eq and always gh.

No aromatizing or harsh compounds for me.

The biggest change i would've made is nothing but mast, eq, primo, or anavar with enough test only for keeping e2 in range.
Test mast npp. I know I’m bigger but not crazy changes. But the wife’s friends complement so it works for me . Back to cruise soon

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My favorite thing about this is that y'all heard "newbies" just started using every abbreviation yous knew. I'll get it figured, I need to learn anyways. But damn.
My favorite thing about this is that y'all heard "newbies" just started using every abbreviation yous knew. I'll get it figured, I need to learn anyways. But damn.
Yes, Its pretty simple, but if you understand the % of BA and BB needed to make 250mg/mL of an AAS subcutaneous inject based on osmosis as it pertains to penetrating adipose tissue, its elementary!
Yes, Its pretty simple, but if you understand the % of BA and BB needed to make 250mg/mL of an AAS subcutaneous inject based on osmosis as it pertains to penetrating adipose tissue, its elementary!
Hahaha! I got more of that than the others! Girlfriend is a nurse teacher and I got this far from being into peptides.. .I can do concentrations at least.
Hahaha! I got more of that than the others! Girlfriend is a nurse teacher and I got this far from being into peptides.. .I can do concentrations at least.
John C Reilly Seriously GIF
Sometimes I still get brain locked. Nurse and a teacher, that could be both a good and bad combo
Less sexual function side effects for me and I did it a number of times and it worked very well for me.
I also like it because its much more "Dryer" than Deca without the mental sides.
Yes sir, I being one of them. Test, Dbol and deca was about all we had access to. Then susta and adrol came about. Love me some adrol. That $hit will put size on an Ethipoian
That’s my current cycle thanks to Apex labs! Test, Deca and Anadrol. Test at 600 Deca at 300 Anadrol towards the end
test, EQ, mast would be my first goto's
I tried that a few times and it just didn't really click for me. It was strange. I got watery and it really shouldn't be that way. I home brewed it and tested the powders/EQ oil. so it was legit. On the other hand, I replaced the Mast with Primo and it worked great!
I tried that a few times and it just didn't really click for me. It was strange. I got watery and it really shouldn't be that way. I home brewed it and tested the powders/EQ oil. so it was legit. On the other hand, I replaced the Mast with Primo and it worked great!
Eq is my least favorite to mess with

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