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Uncle Z bloods Sust 250


Board Rep
Jul 20, 2015
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Get Shredded!
I pulled bloods on 250 mg of Euro Pharmacies Sust every 1/2 (125mg) every 5 days. My doctor has been making me jump through hoops lately with my TRT. Honestly I just save the pharma up for a few months and use in a blast or trade. I purposely wanted to be in the lower range the last few months so he would leave me the fuck alone. I use the prescription more for traveling through airports and custody bs.

Sust is 100% better for trt imho compared to Cyp.

I pulled bloods on 250 mg of Euro Pharmacies Sust every 1/2 (125mg) every 5 days. My doctor has been making me jump through hoops lately with my TRT. Honestly I just save the pharma up for a few months and use in a blast or trade. I purposely wanted to be in the lower range the last few months so he would leave me the fuck alone. I use the prescription more for traveling through airports and custody bs.

Sust is 100% better for trt imho compared to Cyp.

View attachment 142497
I used for my last cycle EP Sustanon 1ml weekly after around 6 weeks and 7 days from my last pin i had a score 1200 of test total and very low SHBG.

Sustanon are very interested because he's contains isocaproate with a half-life estimated at 7 days.

Mg / mg i get more water retention with Enanthate or Cypionate.

I think i have a vial or two from my last order, when i have the possibility i restart a cycle with log (i have Sustanon and 1 Cypionate)

I'm Happy for you if your feel well with this protocol

Take Care

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