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TrT clinic can't prescribe to me anymore

I use trt nation and I live in Indiana. I’ve had zero problems. I refill the 30th if this month so I’ll see if I have issues.
I use trt nation and I live in Indiana. I’ve had zero problems. I refill the 30th if this month so I’ll see if I have issues.
Yeah drop a comment back here when u know, issue with mine is liscence for this state, there is a new place down the road I was not aware of,I may check it out, it may be cheaper than my old one,and better who knows

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Yeah drop a comment back here when u know, issue with mine is liscence for this state, there is a new place down the road I was not aware of,I may check it out, it may be cheaper than my old one,and better who knows

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Do you use trt nation? Just curious, I know there are at least a couple in Florida.
Just talked to my Florida based clinic,because I'm out of state,in Indiana, until they get further liscencing I'll have to find one based here,thanks alot Joe!
Anybody else having this issue?

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But if you claim you are transitioning they will up the dose and give you Medicaid. You might have to scratch out the M on your birth certificate and scritch in F. just sayin'.
Know whats funny. I have an HRT script, have for 23+ years.

My long time doctor just retired. So within a week they reassigned me to another doctor in the practice.
So I call for my Androgel Script and he's like yeah I can't fill it. And I was like why the hell not.

Well I'm your new doctor and I need to see you first. Im like you assholes do this anytime there is a doctor change. You attempt to reinvent the wheel

So he says, we can get you in, in 2 months.
So I say you are willing to let me go minus any Script, just so you can speak to me and ok this POS script, even though I have had labs every 3-4 months for decades?
So I told him, I'm gonna have to go to the State with a medical neglect claim.
They called back today and are trying to get me in this week

Fucking jackasses. Treating this shit like its a big deal

If I was transgender these fucks would sign off minus blinking an eye. Mother F***ers.
Yup you're right. I think it's funny how extremely important I take my health and I have people in my life who sit on their assess eating fast food every day concerned about me using steroids. LOL but they wouldn't give two shits if a woman was taking ten times what their natural body is producing.

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