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Tren - Emotional Mess


Jun 17, 2024
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Hi Guys new to these forums but posted a lot on Ironmags.

I have a quick question about Tren. It's my first time using it, and I know it affects everyone differently. So far, I've noticed an increase in strength, my libido's fine, and the only side effect I've had is slightly elevated blood pressure. But here's the weird part—I keep feeling like I want to cry.

This is really out of character for me. I'm not the emotional type, and I can't even remember the last time I cried—probably when my dog died back in 2012. Mentally, I feel good and content with life, but I've been getting emotional over the smallest things. For example, I saw a video of a guy coming home after a 100-hour workweek and finding a note from his daughter saying, "I love you," in his lunchbox. That was me fighting back the tears.... WTF !?

So, is this just a thing that happens with Tren, or could it be a sign that my estrogen levels are too high?

Week 4 of a cycle
800mg Test C
300mg Tren E

Cheers Blazeftp
Hi Guys new to these forums but posted a lot on Ironmags.

I have a quick question about Tren. It's my first time using it, and I know it affects everyone differently. So far, I've noticed an increase in strength, my libido's fine, and the only side effect I've had is slightly elevated blood pressure. But here's the weird part—I keep feeling like I want to cry.

This is really out of character for me. I'm not the emotional type, and I can't even remember the last time I cried—probably when my dog died back in 2012. Mentally, I feel good and content with life, but I've been getting emotional over the smallest things. For example, I saw a video of a guy coming home after a 100-hour workweek and finding a note from his daughter saying, "I love you," in his lunchbox. That was me fighting back the tears.... WTF !?

So, is this just a thing that happens with Tren, or could it be a sign that my estrogen levels are too high?

Week 4 of a cycle
800mg Test C
300mg Tren E

Cheers Blazeftp
That kind of stuff should make u emotional bcs it's all u really have & 1 of the only things that really matters at the end of the day.
Tren’s side effects can happen even if E2 and other hormones are in line.

Tren is nuero degenerative. It makes some of us feel like mush brain. This can come out as just being dumber. More emotional (that can go in any direction) AND it tends to hurt the one thing that makes all that easier to deal with. Sleep.

Tren at 300mg is too high in my opinion.

Drop it down to 100mg and reassess.

800mg of test probably has your E2 all over the place if you don’t know how you respond to it with bloods.
Get a blood test check out the markers sounds like E levels.

In theory TREN doesn’t aromatize into estrogen but you are on a good amount of Test which does.

Only a blood test will give you the information you need.

If I was going to bet money it’s the estrogen conversion from test but sometimes strange shit happens with hormone management and I don’t know if high prolactin levels could be the other problem.
A lot of people say that but besides hdl suppression what’s wrong with Adex
To fully understand this answer we must first know these drugs were developed for breast cancer patients. Arimidex was developed first and was the accompanying therapy for men on TRT to suppress E2 rebounding. There are a few reasons that come to mind, predominantly is the rebound effect. Aromasin is a suicidal AI, essentially eliminates it without any rebound like Arimidex. The next consideration would be dosing. Arimidex is formulated mostly in 1mg tablets. It is hard to dial in dosages for male use in regards to AAS usage, a 1/4mg dose isn’t uncommon and at that dose it’s crucial. Aromasin on the other hand is much easier to dose and dial in.
Aside from that, Aromasin has been shown to increase IGF-1 by as much as 25% whereas Arimidex actually lowers it. And yes, Aromasin has a positive effect on HDL cholesterol.

Over the years I’ve used both and found that when taking a large dose of Test, Arimidex is too hard to get correct. Aromasin turned out for me to be the better choice.

Nothing wrong with Arimidex, just way harder to use.

Hope that helped someone.
To fully understand this answer we must first know these drugs were developed for breast cancer patients. Arimidex was developed first and was the accompanying therapy for men on TRT to suppress E2 rebounding. There are a few reasons that come to mind, predominantly is the rebound effect. Aromasin is a suicidal AI, essentially eliminates it without any rebound like Arimidex. The next consideration would be dosing. Arimidex is formulated mostly in 1mg tablets. It is hard to dial in dosages for male use in regards to AAS usage, a 1/4mg dose isn’t uncommon and at that dose it’s crucial. Aromasin on the other hand is much easier to dose and dial in.
Aside from that, Aromasin has been shown to increase IGF-1 by as much as 25% whereas Arimidex actually lowers it. And yes, Aromasin has a positive effect on HDL cholesterol.

Over the years I’ve used both and found that when taking a large dose of Test, Arimidex is too hard to get correct. Aromasin turned out for me to be the better choice.

Hope that helped someone.
Does Letrozole lower IGF-1 ?
Once I get a proper balance of Mastron and or Primo to Test I’m hoping to make the androgen to estrogen ratio spread big enough so I don’t have to take any AI.
To fully understand this answer we must first know these drugs were developed for breast cancer patients. Arimidex was developed first and was the accompanying therapy for men on TRT to suppress E2 rebounding. There are a few reasons that come to mind, predominantly is the rebound effect. Aromasin is a suicidal AI, essentially eliminates it without any rebound like Arimidex. The next consideration would be dosing. Arimidex is formulated mostly in 1mg tablets. It is hard to dial in dosages for male use in regards to AAS usage, a 1/4mg dose isn’t uncommon and at that dose it’s crucial. Aromasin on the other hand is much easier to dose and dial in.
Aside from that, Aromasin has been shown to increase IGF-1 by as much as 25% whereas Arimidex actually lowers it. And yes, Aromasin has a positive effect on HDL cholesterol.

Over the years I’ve used both and found that when taking a large dose of Test, Arimidex is too hard to get correct. Aromasin turned out for me to be the better choice.

Nothing wrong with Arimidex, just way harder to use.

Hope that helped someone.
It actually helped me out significantly so I appreciate it.
Hi Guys new to these forums but posted a lot on Ironmags.

I have a quick question about Tren. It's my first time using it, and I know it affects everyone differently. So far, I've noticed an increase in strength, my libido's fine, and the only side effect I've had is slightly elevated blood pressure. But here's the weird part—I keep feeling like I want to cry.

This is really out of character for me. I'm not the emotional type, and I can't even remember the last time I cried—probably when my dog died back in 2012. Mentally, I feel good and content with life, but I've been getting emotional over the smallest things. For example, I saw a video of a guy coming home after a 100-hour workweek and finding a note from his daughter saying, "I love you," in his lunchbox. That was me fighting back the tears.... WTF !?

So, is this just a thing that happens with Tren, or could it be a sign that my estrogen levels are too high?

Week 4 of a cycle
800mg Test C
300mg Tren E

Cheers Blazeftp
Embrace it, see how the other side thinks.. Get into the mind of the woman. There could be potentially more intercourse on the other side of understanding.
ForReal though you're good, you know what's fucking with you. Just roll with the punches, make those gainz and shed a few tears 😢

100 Hour work week... Sounds cooked to me. His daughter ain't leaving no note in that lunch box, she don't even know who he is.
Does Letrozole lower IGF-1 ?
Once I get a proper balance of Mastron and or Primo to Test I’m hoping to make the androgen to estrogen ratio spread big enough so I don’t have to take any AI.

Letrozole is an extremely strong aromatase inhibitor. I’d advise against it for day to day use, it’s usually reserved for gyno rescue in the early stages. It can crush your E2 in a matter of days.
Fucking fuck nandrolone!
Tren and DECA are king. People need to do trial and error to see what dosages and ratios work best for them.
Way too many silly rumors about this and that. All other PED can have same effects if you dont know what in the heck you doing.
This is not a rant, its just an observation
Tren and DECA are king. People need to do trial and error to see what dosages and ratios work best for them.
Way too many silly rumors about this and that. All other PED can have same effects if you dont know what in the heck you doing.
This is not a rant, its just an observation

All other PEDs don't have the same mental effects as Tren and Nandrolone.
There's nothing wrong with that much test just have to know how to manage your e2 levels, which varies greatly from person to person

Team fuck nandralones. I used to love deca/npp in my 20s and 30s. Took a 6-7 year break, started back in my 40s and even 200/week deca brings on crippling depression and kills any motivation to do anything. I used to love it so much it took me a couple years to figure out thats what was fkn me up (Im not prone to depression, no mental issues, not on any meds)

Only tren Ive ever done is a couple short runs with actual parabolin back in the day. Didnt have any negatives really but no way Id fk with it today after how deca does me

Having said all that it seems more likely your e2 is out of whack, the tren is a definite wild card though

Also team aromasin > adex
Stop it now, it will only get worse. The Jealousy will probably be next, don't want to relive anything by typing, but i was doing fine till I didnt. It's truly incredible and Satan at the same time.

This^^^ Tren made me feel like my girl was cheating on me. Short tempered and emotional. No thanks.
This^^^ Tren made me feel like my girl was cheating on me. Short tempered and emotional. No thanks.
Exactly, Fuck Tren. Worst 3-4 days of my life, didn't accuse her of cheating but creating all her past sex scenarios from her ex in my head for whatever fucking reason.
I don't know when I ran it I'm not even going to admit the amount I ran the only problem I ever had was bad night sweats and insomnia but I'm a firm believer that everybody's different so you never know
I don't know when I ran it I'm not even going to admit the amount I ran the only problem I ever had was bad night sweats and insomnia but I'm a firm believer that everybody's different so you never know
exactly but the trend on ASF is ---NO, TREN BAD DO NOT take. Tren is for competetion only.
Bunch of Donny Do Righters on here
My advise is TRY SOME TREN, you might like it. IF you like it,take heavy amounts of it. Get them gainz
exactly but the trend on ASF is ---NO, TREN BAD DO NOT take. Tren is for competetion only.
Bunch of Donny Do Righters on here
My advise is TRY SOME TREN, you might like it. IF you like it,take heavy amounts of it. Get them gainz
That's all I ever see is people say don't take it you should never take it but then yet they're the same ones you turn around and post touchdown pictures with all their bottles of it but yeah they sure as hell like to tell everybody else not to

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