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Trapasaurus RSomersJr first log

Get Shredded!
Day 105
Weight 205.0

Legs/Back/Bicep + Cardio
Leg press
1ppsx15 3ppsx10 5ppsx12 x 10 3ppsx15

Lat Pulldown
115x10 145x10 x10 x8

Leg Ext
100x10 140x10 x8

Single arm UH rows
3 sets 10-12

DB curls
3 sets to failure

Rear delt flyes
90x20 120x14 x11

45 mins LISS

Goal is 190 in sub 6 weeks. Time to redline this motherfucker again for the next 6 weeks after a week long break. Up 5 lbs, energy is good and I feel refreshed. Reta/Cagri/SLUPP added back in today and will adjust and/or add Sema as needed. All gas no brakes, just like the first 90 days.

Starting pics below.
Yeah bro, I planned on going right back to cutting after vacation, then to maintain for a bit... but I just needed to take a break, not be so strict, and maintain for a while, then go back to hitting it hard. It takes it out of you when doing it for so long. Cheat meals are nice, esp when weight doesn't go up at all after a few of them, lol.
Your not going to lose a bunch of muscle or gain a bunch of fat, that's for sure.
What where your calories before this next push?
Between 18-1900, same protein/fat but higher carbs by a few. Will lower them as needed but I should be able to get away with cutting 100 calories at a time and readjust. I don’t want to pull them too low and run out of room to make adjustments.
your tdee has to be higher than that. seems like you going to starve those lbs off. if it's working I guess it's working tho
your tdee has to be higher than that. seems like you going to starve those lbs off. if it's working I guess it's working tho
At some point it may not work, I totally understand that and will quickly make an adjustment if needed. I’ve said it before but to reiterate I’m not an expert and I’m 100% certain what I do isn’t the most efficient way to do it but like you said it’s been working. It’s easy to starve the pounds off with the GLPs+ Cagri. My main concern was muscle loss/preservation but seemingly that hasn’t become an issue yet and probably won’t until I’m much leaner.
What’s the end goal here? Lbs or bf% or certain look…
Man that’s impossible to answer. I know if I were on the outside looking in I would say you have to have a measurable goal — how do you know when you won? The reality is I just think I’ll know, it’ll be a feeling. I have zero aspiration of ever competing in anything so it’s not about getting show lean or photo shoot etc.

If I had to give you an answer I would say weight is the least important, I’m really only tracking it as it’s the only measurable piece I have right now. 10% body fat would be cool — abs pretty defined, delts and traps poppin still being full. I can’t even think of another physique that I can look up to — I just want clear abs and nasty vascularity.

Long term goal is to grow/rebound and stay under 15% BF at 215-220.

I have no idea but I would guess I’m still between 20-25% BF but hard to tell with all the skin. Anyone reading this and have input on current BF% I’m open to your thoughts.
Is the purple devil/ fire face current or starting out? I'm not the best to answer as I'm very conservative and think I'm 25-28%.
10% is super low imo, good to get there for a little, but getting to and staying at 15% is a great target.
The whole bf% thing is dumb imo, just go by the mirror and let it do the job to tell you to lose more fat, gain more muscle , maintain etc.
The loose skin will tighten up, you seem pretty young. I think you can up protein also.
Man that’s impossible to answer. I know if I were on the outside looking in I would say you have to have a measurable goal — how do you know when you won? The reality is I just think I’ll know, it’ll be a feeling. I have zero aspiration of ever competing in anything so it’s not about getting show lean or photo shoot etc.

If I had to give you an answer I would say weight is the least important, I’m really only tracking it as it’s the only measurable piece I have right now. 10% body fat would be cool — abs pretty defined, delts and traps poppin still being full. I can’t even think of another physique that I can look up to — I just want clear abs and nasty vascularity.

Long term goal is to grow/rebound and stay under 15% BF at 215-220.

I have no idea but I would guess I’m still between 20-25% BF but hard to tell with all the skin. Anyone reading this and have input on current BF% I’m open to your thoughts.
Is the purple devil/ fire face current or starting out? I'm not the best to answer as I'm very conservative and think I'm 25-28%.
10% is super low imo, good to get there for a little, but getting to and staying at 15% is a great target.
The whole bf% thing is dumb imo, just go by the mirror and let it do the job to tell you to lose more fat, gain more muscle , maintain etc.
The loose skin will tighten up, you seem pretty young. I think you can up protein also.
I'll start off by saying you've made great progress, and I highly respect your passion and drive. Tough minded son of a bitch. lol

My concern a while back was that you lowered calories to aggressively too soon and have been on good amounts of gear/peptides/GLP's, etc. You are sitting around 205lbs, under 1,800 calories and haven't left any runway to lower them. You're a ways off from 10-15% and the only tool you have left to manipulate is cardio, which it appears is already at 45 min. Correct me if I'm wrong on the cardio. Dropping weight/fat in that environment is going to be a real grind from here on out and muscle loss is a good possibility. Metabolic fatigue is real. Adjusting your macros/calories givenm the situation may be a good thing. Also, your lifting seems a bit chaotic with no real plan. Maybe take a few hours and lay out a plan that you stick to week in week out that covers all groups deemphasizing your strong points. Example you have no business doing any trap movements. :) I have NO DOUBT that you will get to where you want to go eventually, but I suggest be a little more long-term minded/patient in getting there. These are all easy fixes and know you will figure it out.

I'm rooting for you homie. You deserve it! Please don't take any of this as criticism. Not meant like that in the least. 100% trying to help. You can disregard everything I said if you like. :)
I'll start off by saying you've made great progress, and I highly respect your passion and drive. Tough minded son of a bitch. lol

My concern a while back was that you lowered calories to aggressively too soon and have been on good amounts of gear/peptides/GLP's, etc. You are sitting around 205lbs, under 1,800 calories and haven't left any runway to lower them. You're a ways off from 10-15% and the only tool you have left to manipulate is cardio, which it appears is already at 45 min. Correct me if I'm wrong on the cardio. Dropping weight/fat in that environment is going to be a real grind from here on out and muscle loss is a good possibility. Metabolic fatigue is real. Adjusting your macros/calories givenm the situation may be a good thing. Also, your lifting seems a bit chaotic with no real plan. Maybe take a few hours and lay out a plan that you stick to week in week out that covers all groups deemphasizing your strong points. Example you have no business doing any trap movements. :) I have NO DOUBT that you will get to where you want to go eventually, but I suggest be a little more long-term minded/patient in getting there. These are all easy fixes and know you will figure it out.

I'm rooting for you homie. You deserve it! Please don't take any of this as criticism. Not meant like that in the least. 100% trying to help. You can disregard everything I said if you like. :)
Not all criticism has to be interpreted as bad. Your feedback has always been constructive and helpful — glad to have your insight.

Everything you said is valid and accurate. The only clarification is that cardio had previously been scheduled for 30 minutes on training days and an hour on non training. I have decided after talking with a few people that increasing the cardio by 10-15 minutes per day before lowering calories again is the plan. When progress stalls I will change method of cardio/intensity and lastly readjust calories.

Definitely going to work on adjusting macros and adding in a high carb day to help boost metabolism. I’m not certain it will help but the next two weeks will be trial and error. Shoutout @tbda for the feedback on some of this.

I 100% agree that my training is disorganized and “chaotic”. I just love going into the gym and doing what feels good and having fun while I do it. I know this isn’t conducive to the bodybuilding world but remember this is just “lifestyle” for me. I will still take your feedback as constructive and try to put together a little more of a progressive plan.
Is the purple devil/ fire face current or starting out? I'm not the best to answer as I'm very conservative and think I'm 25-28%.
10% is super low imo, good to get there for a little, but getting to and staying at 15% is a great target.
The whole bf% thing is dumb imo, just go by the mirror and let it do the job to tell you to lose more fat, gain more muscle , maintain etc.
The loose skin will tighten up, you seem pretty young. I think you can up protein also.
The most recent pics (fire/devil face) is current — restarting the cut at 205 after a week off.

I’m 38 so relatively young but I’m not sure I’m young enough to tighten things up fully. Only time will tell but I’m I’m not rushing the process.
Day 107
Weight 205.4

Chest/Shoulders/Triceps 2 + Cardio
Pec fly machine
100x12 140x12 160x12 x8

Db Incline
75x8 x6 60x8

BTN Shoulder press
95x15 x12 x12

Cable fly low2hi Ss Lateral raises
20lb each 3 sets to failure

Pushups ss tricep push downs
15/42.5x10 2 sets

40 mins LISS

Calories —planned for 1850 today. 170g protein.
so far my eyes are the only thing peeled in this log 🥱
Randy Savage Sport GIF by WWE
Rear delts are coming to life, hard to tell in grainy pics but working on rounding my shoulders to make lats pop too. Posing is just not my thing man, I’m terrible at it.
Well, you have something to look forward to. The leaner you get, the more they pop. Posing is an art in itself. Just hours and hours of practice.
Day 109
Weight: 206

Back/Bi Cardio
Single arm pulldowns
3 sets up to 85x10

Med grip BTN pulldown
145x10 145x8 130x10 130x8

Standing UH pulldowns
100x10 3 sets

Standing cable rear fly
4 sets 20 lbs

Standing low cable rows
3 sets up to 80x20

Dual cable bicep curls
4 sets up to 40x15

10 minutes

Cardio was cut short— something came up and I had to unexpectedly leave early. Will add to tomorrows cardio
Day 110
Weight: 205.8

Cardio only
75 mins LISS treadmill and spin bike

Making some adjustments for this coming week to both training and nutrition (macros and calorie totals) since progress has stalled this week. I had decided not to lower my calories and add 10 mins of cardio each day but that hasn’t made a difference so it’s time to suffer.

Dropping down to the 1700 which was originally planned. Macros will be 170g protein — 50g fat rest carbs. I don’t remember the exact math something like 150g — that’s why I use MyFitnessPal.
Day 111
Weight 205.6

Chest/Shoulders/Tricep 1 + Cardio
DB Flat
75x10 x12 x12 x15

Incline fly SS lateral raise
25x15/20x15 3 sets

Pushups to failure
3 sets

Tricep push downs SS upright rows
3 sets 12-15

30 mins LISS

*note for myself, need to add the other 10 minutes from today to tomorrow. Increased the Cagrilintide to 2.5mg this week. Definitely makes a huge difference, probably more so than any GLP even for cravings/appetite.

Calories lowered to 1700 — protein increased and macros changed as outlined yesterday. Really behind on food today from the Cagri increase but I should be good by the end of the day.
Day 112
Weight 203.2

Non training — Cardio/core
70 mins LISS
5 sets crunch variations

This is exactly what I expected to happen with the sudden loss from drop of calories and still keeping the additional 60-70 additional minutes of cardio per week. I’m expecting to see 1-2lbs difference per week until 190-195.

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