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Tirzepatide 10mg Dosing


Feb 6, 2024
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Starting Tirzepatide

I will be receiving my first vial of Tirzepatide sometime this week or next. I’m 5’4 220lbs. Wanting to get down to 175lbs. Avid weightlifter but have a gut I’m trying to lose.

What starting dose do I start with? I have instructions but confused about dosing. If I have 2ml bac sterile water with 10mg compound. Wouldn’t 1ml equal 5mg, so 2.5mg would equal .5ML on the syringe?

Instructions I was given below. Do I follow this?

2ml Bac / Sterile Water

Every 5units on 1ml insulin
syringe will = 250mcg

Weeks 1-4
Once a week 5 units = 250mcg

Weeks 4-8
Once a week 10units =500mcg

Weeks 8-12
Once a week 20units = 1mg

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Weeks 1 - 4 would be 25 units
Then 5 - 8 50 units.

I never went higher then 5mg. although ymmv. You can check out my log in signature.
Dosages advices
week 1-4 2.5mg-5mg per week
week 4-12 5mg-10mg per week
week 12-20 10mg-15mg per week
week20+ 15mg-30mg per week
Dosages advices
week 1-4 2.5mg-5mg per week
week 4-12 5mg-10mg per week
week 12-20 10mg-15mg per week
week20+ 15mg-30mg per week
This. I do not use the stuff myself but have plenty of friends and family I have helped out. This is exactly what I recommend.

Also, run a once, drop the initial fat and fix your diet and training. Prolonged use will give you minimal extra fat loss, not worth the negative side effects. Like that saggy, depleted, sickly look, everyone knows when someone’s been on too long..

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