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Tired of throwing money away on a TRT DR?


Board Rep
Jul 20, 2015
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Get Shredded!
Testosterone deficiency in older men is a real and growing problem, though its symptoms often overlap with those of other conditions. That means a thorough history and physical exam is mandatory before considering testosterone replacement, as is a baseline measurement of testosterone. Losing weight, cutting back on drinking, and stopping smoking are non-invasive steps you can take to raise your testosterone levels naturally. Testosterone therapy, if indicated, is generally safe, easy to apply, and free of major side effects, but men should recognize that long-term testosterone therapy can produce infertility.
Since low testosterone is statistically associated with higher risks of a host of age-related diseases such as reduced longevity, risk of fatal cardiovascular events, obesity, muscle wasting, mobility limitations, osteoporosis, frailty, cognitive impairment, depression, Sleep Apnea Syndrome, and other chronic diseases,13 you may be doing yourself a favor far greater than simply reducing your troublesome symptoms.

**** Ordering your TRT protocol****

Follow these simple steps below for everything you will need for your trt program. If you have any additional questions on trt don’t hesitate to ask any questions.

First pick international shipping and go to the 5x5 deal http://unclez.ru/injectables/247-5-vials-mixmatch-combo.html


Pick the (5) testosterone vials of your choice. That’s right you have the choice and are not limited to testosterone cypionate.

50Ml of testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate will last you 50 weeks ( 3 weeks shy of 1 year ) at a standard protocol trt dose.

After you choose your testosterone and put each selection in the order details go back to international and select Euro Pharmacies, then orals. Scroll down to arimidex.


1mg 50 Tabs you simply obtain a pill cutter ( most pharmacies sell ) and cut the tab down the middle. Take .5mg M & F and this is sufficient enough to keep estrogen at bay on doses 200/300 mg each week. This will last you 100 day’s Instead of the 4 pills you’ll receive monthly with your $150.00-$200.00 month trt regimen.

After you selected your testosterone, and arimidex hit back then go to hcg/hgh and scroll down to hcg.


I would personally pick up at least 2 so your not scrambling around after a few months looking for just hcg.
I personally use 500iu (250iu M&F) each week for trt but I see some use 750-1000 each week imho is overkill on just a trt dosage but that’s your call.

Each 5000iu vial at 500iu each week would last you approximately 10 week’s.

So for a dr prescribed testosterone replacement therapy program each year you will pay approximately around $2,200 ( or more )for lab fees, and the standard $150-200 monthly cost. I know that’s irate and out the question for most ppl. When you select the program above threw UncleZ your looking at exactly $254.00

1 years worth of testosterone
100 days worth of arimidex
20 weeks worth of hcg

With all the savings you could easily supplement with HGH,pay off debt, take that vacation you deserve. Don’t throw away your hard earned money in today’s tough economy be smart and do what’s right and purchase all your Testosterone replacement needs at www.unclez.ru
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Testosterone deficiency in older men is a real and growing problem, though its symptoms often overlap with those of other conditions. That means a thorough history and physical exam is mandatory before considering testosterone replacement, as is a baseline measurement of testosterone. Losing weight, cutting back on drinking, and stopping smoking are non-invasive steps you can take to raise your testosterone levels naturally. Testosterone therapy, if indicated, is generally safe, easy to apply, and free of major side effects, but men should recognize that long-term testosterone therapy can produce infertility.
Since low testosterone is statistically associated with higher risks of a host of age-related diseases such as reduced longevity, risk of fatal cardiovascular events, obesity, muscle wasting, mobility limitations, osteoporosis, frailty, cognitive impairment, depression, Sleep Apnea Syndrome, and other chronic diseases,13 you may be doing yourself a favor far greater than simply reducing your troublesome symptoms.

**** Ordering your TRT protocol****

Follow these simple steps below for everything you will need for your trt program. If you have any additional questions on trt don’t hesitate to ask any questions.

First pick international shipping and go to the 5x5 deal http://unclez.ru/injectables/247-5-vials-mixmatch-combo.html


Pick the (5) testosterone vials of your choice. That’s right you have the choice and are not limited to testosterone cypionate.

50Ml of testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate will last you 50 weeks ( 3 weeks shy of 1 year ) at a standard protocol trt dose.

After you choose your testosterone and put each selection in the order details go back to international and select Euro Pharmacies, then orals. Scroll down to arimidex.


1mg 50 Tabs you simply obtain a pill cutter ( most pharmacies sell ) and cut the tab down the middle. Take .5mg M & F and this is sufficient enough to keep estrogen at bay on doses 200/300 mg each week. This will last you 100 day’s Instead of the 4 pills you’ll receive monthly with your $150.00-$200.00 month trt regimen.

After you selected your testosterone, and arimidex hit back then go to hcg/hgh and scroll down to hcg.


I would personally pick up at least 2 so your not scrambling around after a few months looking for just hcg.
I personally use 500iu (250iu M&F) each week for trt but I see some use 750-1000 each week imho is overkill on just a trt dosage but that’s your call.

Each 5000iu vial at 500iu each week would last you approximately 10 week’s.

So for a dr prescribed testosterone replacement therapy program each year you will pay approximately around $2,200 ( or more )for lab fees, and the standard $150-200 monthly cost. I know that’s irate and out the question for most ppl. When you select the program above threw UncleZ your looking at exactly $254.00

1 years worth of testosterone
100 days worth of arimidex
20 weeks worth of hcg

With all the savings you could easily supplement with HGH,pay off debt, take that vacation you deserve. Don’t throw away your hard earned money in today’s tough economy be smart and do what’s right and purchase all your Testosterone replacement needs at www.unclez.ru

Very well put together fellas, nice work.
So dam easy! You could post them up here and 90% of members could read them for you :)

Can they interpret kidney panels? Kidneys are tricky...there are 5 labs that are all related and it is like putting a puzzle together. If you are using tren you must monitor kidneys. Liver panels are easy. You also need to evaluate your overall metabolism. TSH gives us a snapshot, however the endo society changed ranges and one must understand these changes. TSH is like a golf score, the lower the faster.

Since Uncle Z helped me in my contest prep I am more than happy to help any of his customers. All ask is to stick to that the science. You should be getting labs every 6 months.
Can they interpret kidney panels? Kidneys are tricky...there are 5 labs that are all related and it is like putting a puzzle together. If you are using tren you must monitor kidneys. Liver panels are easy. You also need to evaluate your overall metabolism. TSH gives us a snapshot, however the endo society changed ranges and one must understand these changes. TSH is like a golf score, the lower the faster.

Since Uncle Z helped me in my contest prep I am more than happy to help any of his customers. All ask is to stick to that the science. You should be getting labs every 6 months.
Thanks brother! We appreciate the help and bloodwork is definitely tricky. We can bro science anything but at the end of the day we’re ( most guys ) just another bro from the gym playing Endo. It’s hard to even find a good endo that understands ones needs completely. In the end it’s all just a dice roll when it comes to most “ bros” evaluating your bloods.
I love you brother but disagree: It is possible to become very proficient in reading labs. 90% of docs don't know what they are doing. The smart ones who do, like Larry L, are extremely busy...his fellows read the labs.

I manipulated my SHBG and free T (using masteron) just to see if Lipschultz noticed. He did not and his fellows missed it too. I got Lipschultz to read an article I wrote on SHGB, and now he is always interested. What Lipschutlz is doing today was pioneered by Dan Duchain and his lab rat 35 years ago. That is where I come from.

He is arrogant (you will wait 2 hours in his office to see him) but knows his shit. He also freely prescribes Ancillaries. Lipshulz is too busy polishing his Ferrari to look at your labs.

On the other hand you have people like my wife's doc....she is as dumb as a box of rocks. For example he does not understand that TSH ranges were changed 18 ears go.

TSH gives us an overall snapshot of your metabolism. It is like a golf score: The lower the score the faster the metabolism. The old standard was .5 (or so) to 5. The Endo society realized that anything above 3 needs treatment. My wife scored 3.27 and her doc did not even understand why the the ranges were change. Even though she is a moron (she is now running an "HCG" weight less clinic) my wife loves her.

Keep in mind the average doctor has an IQ of only 127. The average doc (like my FP) often will not order IGF-1 or SHBG/ free test labs. They are clueless and don't listen.

Dr's work very hard for very long hours. Many, like my ex fiancé, are not very bright. She would do anything for her patients. They work 60 plus hours a week. It is dedication and hard work as to what sets them apart.
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When reading labs I do not engage in "bro science." I read the extant scientific literature, just like any other doc, and then apply them to the data at hand. My guys get labs on cycle and off. We then take those numbers and compare them to what the most up to date literature says. I taught stats at a University or 2 years. Reading labs is much much easier that interpreting multiple regression analysis or ANOVA (analysis of variance). Anova tell us if your study is reliable and or valid...or bullshit.

So yeah, labs are a walk in the park.
Thanks brother! We appreciate the help and bloodwork is definitely tricky. We can bro science anything but at the end of the day we’re ( most guys ) just another bro from the gym playing Endo. It’s hard to even find a good endo that understands ones needs completely. In the end it’s all just a dice roll when it comes to most “ bros” evaluating your bloods.

If you cannot find a doctor, there is a work-around. Most of you know this, but you can order labs w/out a docs sig. Guys like Monty an Vision are probably able to read for you.
Testosterone deficiency in older men is a real and growing problem, though its symptoms often overlap with those of other conditions. That means a thorough history and physical exam is mandatory before considering testosterone replacement, as is a baseline measurement of testosterone. Losing weight, cutting back on drinking, and stopping smoking are non-invasive steps you can take to raise your testosterone levels naturally. Testosterone therapy, if indicated, is generally safe, easy to apply, and free of major side effects, but men should recognize that long-term testosterone therapy can produce infertility.
Since low testosterone is statistically associated with higher risks of a host of age-related diseases such as reduced longevity, risk of fatal cardiovascular events, obesity, muscle wasting, mobility limitations, osteoporosis, frailty, cognitive impairment, depression, Sleep Apnea Syndrome, and other chronic diseases,13 you may be doing yourself a favor far greater than simply reducing your troublesome symptoms.

**** Ordering your TRT protocol****

Follow these simple steps below for everything you will need for your trt program. If you have any additional questions on trt don’t hesitate to ask any questions.

First pick international shipping and go to the 5x5 deal http://unclez.ru/injectables/247-5-vials-mixmatch-combo.html


Pick the (5) testosterone vials of your choice. That’s right you have the choice and are not limited to testosterone cypionate.

50Ml of testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate will last you 50 weeks ( 3 weeks shy of 1 year ) at a standard protocol trt dose.

After you choose your testosterone and put each selection in the order details go back to international and select Euro Pharmacies, then orals. Scroll down to arimidex.


1mg 50 Tabs you simply obtain a pill cutter ( most pharmacies sell ) and cut the tab down the middle. Take .5mg M & F and this is sufficient enough to keep estrogen at bay on doses 200/300 mg each week. This will last you 100 day’s Instead of the 4 pills you’ll receive monthly with your $150.00-$200.00 month trt regimen.

After you selected your testosterone, and arimidex hit back then go to hcg/hgh and scroll down to hcg.


I would personally pick up at least 2 so your not scrambling around after a few months looking for just hcg.
I personally use 500iu (250iu M&F) each week for trt but I see some use 750-1000 each week imho is overkill on just a trt dosage but that’s your call.

Each 5000iu vial at 500iu each week would last you approximately 10 week’s.

So for a dr prescribed testosterone replacement therapy program each year you will pay approximately around $2,200 ( or more )for lab fees, and the standard $150-200 monthly cost. I know that’s irate and out the question for most ppl. When you select the program above threw UncleZ your looking at exactly $254.00

1 years worth of testosterone
100 days worth of arimidex
20 weeks worth of hcg

With all the savings you could easily supplement with HGH,pay off debt, take that vacation you deserve. Don’t throw away your hard earned money in today’s tough economy be smart and do what’s right and purchase all your Testosterone replacement needs at www.unclez.ru
Awesome guys!

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